#yeah more people will unfollow I'm sure bye nice knowing ya
lupienne · 4 years
I'm going to write you anon b/c the last thing I need is you coming at me, but from what I've noticed about you (I could be wrong) ... you kind of come off like the type of Negan fan that loved the comic so much that I'm not quite sure ANYTHING they did on the show would make you happy. You seem to hate EVERYTHING about the television show from the things I've seen. I like both the comics and tv, but actually find tv to be a better person than the comics. Either way I like both.
‘Come at you’... you make me sound so vicious, anon.
Actually, you are wrong. See, I used to LOVE the show. The show (after season 3) got me into the comics where I discovered my tall, beefy love. I still like the old seasons. I think they did some things pretty good in the newer stuff (what little I’ve seen). Beta was pretty spot-on and Alpha wasn’t bad though I do think they went a little overboard on her creep factor. I even liked Gabriel trying to give Negan therapy. Something like that would’ve been cool in the comic.
(Also I do love the comic but I have issues with the comic as well. I don’t think it’s perfect. But that’s a laundry list for another post. XD)
Now, with Negan I had real high-fucking hopes for how they’d bring my man to the TV screen and the way they chose to change him really put a damper on my enjoyment on the show. Literally every episode with him was another punch in the gut to me. Eventually it soured the whole thing (or ‘thang’ as Rick would say)
Honestly, I don’t know why me (or others) hating TV Negan and/or hating on the show’s choices bothers people so much. If you don’t like it, don’t read those posts. I’m not trying to sound like a bitch here but sometimes it gets real old when you keep seeing this ‘shut up and keep your ‘negative’ opinions to yourself...ssshh don’t you dare ‘disturb’ the joy of the TV Negan/show fans’ attitude from some (not all) TV Negan fans. Seriously ME hating on TV Negan is like trying to drain the ocean with a bucket. I’m an insignificant part of a fandom that’s barely alive (comic Negan). What I think should mean fucking NOTHING to TV Negan fans who have all sorts of fanfic and art and discussions and gifsets and RP’s and lovefests and blah blah blah.
If you like TV better, um... yay? I’m not saying you can’t. I’m not saying you can’t like both. But I don’t like both. I ain’t gonna pretend to like both. I like the original and the original only. There’s PLENTY of people who love TV Negan... maybe once in a while I want to feel some solidarity with the very FEW people who only like the original like I do?
Wow this got long....maybe I did COME AT this post (not YOU tho. You’re entitled to like who you like.) but yeah...
I just want to love Comic Negan and be free to dislike his adaptation and maybe bitch about him once in a while. I’m a minority in loving just Comic Negan and constantly surrounded by a sea of pro-TV Negan stuff while Comic Negan stuff is practically non-existent anymore (and never had much to begin with.)
Believe me, if I could like both...I would.
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