#ya girl's back with my signature rambling theory posts
lesbian-in-leather · 8 months
It is time to analyse that finale cliff-hanger and make my predictions for season three, so buckle up folks—and if you haven't watched season two of CBS Ghosts, then I suggest you read no further, because this post will contain spoilers up to and including the end of episode 20: The Heir
So obviously we know at least one ghost has been sucked off—but why? And who? I've split the potentials into four categories for ease of reading, so let's dive right in, shall we?
Section One: It's Not Happening
He is 100% safe. Nothing happened to him in the finale that would make him a candidate for the afterlife, and if he were to move on, then surely they would have shuffled the episodes around so it could happen after attending his daughter's wedding? The fact that that was an episode this series but it wasn't the finale means that he's safe, because it would have made such a good reason for him to move on! ...if it'd happened in episode 20, that is
Very similar to above, he did nothing of note in the finale. No plot revolved around him, and he's had very little development this series—sure, he got a girlfriend for a few episodes, but really, that does not feel anywhere near earth-shattering enough for him to move on. And again, if that was the plot-to-end-all-Sasappis-plots, then it would have happened nearer then end. Ya boy is safe
Yes, she got what she wanted—a bf—but if that was enough for her to move on then... why didn't she? That was at least a few days ago girlie, that would be quite the lag. And it would feel like SUCH a cop to say that something was going on with her that we ~just didn't see~ when they could have simply... reordered the episodes so that hers was last. So yeah, she's good
He is so far from at risk it's almost laughable. He comes back for the first notable moment since the pilot (a background cameo doesn't count) and in that very same episode... loses his head again. Nothing has been fixed or solved, so he is definitely not in a place to move on. Or, two places, as the case may be
Cholera Victim Nancy
She is honestly just not relevant enough to be the one they choose to off. She also had absolutely no plot or relevance in that final episode, so if it was the actor leaving instead of a narrative choice then I feel they would have given her something to make it feel warranted—as it stands, she's still utterly irrelevant and so, not really at risk of moving on any time soon
Cholera Victim Ralph
Now he, at least, got some semblance of a plot but... still. See everything I've stated for Nancy—combined with the fact that having him move on would also completely undo Stephanie's reason for not trying to destroy every couple at Woodstone; which was a great plot! But if it were to be repeated ad nauseam, that would make Stephanie's character go from 'fun and interesting episode hook' to 'good god she's awake again' real fast. And without Ralph... well, there's no reason for it not to. So he's safe
Section Two: I doubt it
The Unnamed Cholera Ghosts
There is a very low possibility of it being any of them. The only reason I can think of that makes them more likely than any of the above is if the writers didn't actually plan out anything post-finale; and then when it came time to write season three they realised that they didn't want to be rid of any of the main cast and so decided on sacrificing one of these freaky lil basement dwellers as a cop out. I am sincerely hoping that that is not the case, but there's always a chance
Section Three: I Wouldn't Put Money On It
She has indeed shown growth this season, especially after gaining closure with her brother and "getting over her commitment issues" (something I could write a very different post about) enough to be with Thor. However, if she were the one to go, I feel she would have had more relevance to the finale—yes, she was a part of the council, but she didn't play any special part. And surely they would have put one of her more crucial plots in the finale—her brother replying to Sam's email, or at least her first kiss with Thor—if it were truly to be her last episode? All in all, it is possible, but I don't think it'll be her
Very similar to Flower, Thor has had multiple points of growth this season that were not relevant in the finale at all. He began calming his anger (to a point), he started up a relationship with Flower, and he reconnected with his son... but not in the finale. Again, I think if he were the one to leave, he would have played a bigger role in the events of episode 20, so I'm fairly confident we'll have another series of everyone's favourite car-denying Viking
Now my boy has solidly shown growth this season, and has proven himself once again to be a way better guy than he first appears. He respects Hetty and her opinions, and I could honestly write a whole post about them and their relationship but that is not for right now. The point is, the growth he's shown puts him at risk—however, there was absolutely no focus on that growth in the finale. His relationship with Hetty didn't even come up apart from one joke regarding Hetty's banishment, and I feel like if he was leaving, then he would have been more of a focus in the finale instead of solidly background
And finally, Section Four: The Prime Suspects
Similarly to Trevor, I do think their relationship would have been more of a focus in the finale if it was to be either of their last episodes. However, Hetty made multiple tearful speeches this season, including in that very last episode, which puts her far more at risk then her boy toy (affectionate). She's shown growth, grace, forgiveness, and humility—all things the Hetty Woodstone of a century past would never have dreamed of in such circumstances. However, to have her leave now would leave her relationship with Trevor unfinished, not to mention the fact that we still have no idea about the circumstances surrounding her death. For that reason, she's the least likely to go out of the ghosts in this section, but my concern for her future at Woodstone is still all too real
Nigel & Isaac
Now these two could come as a package deal or separately, so I'm going to discuss them both individually and as a pair. Right off the bat, I'm going to say that if Isaac goes, I am fairly confident that Nigel will go with him—there is always the possibility of Nigel being upgraded to a fully fledged member of the group after Isaac has moved on, and it would allow him to step into the kind of comedy the show relies on Isaac for (another thing I could write a very different post about) but I think that would only happen if Isaac's actor had chosen to leave instead of this being a narrative choice. So, why would it be Isaac? Well, to be fair, he has sort of ticked all of his narrative boxes. He's secured his legacy (with his book on the way), and finally gotten over the last of his hang-ups regarding his sexuality by proposing to Nigel—he could very well feel at peace with himself, and at a place where he could leave Woodstone behind for good. Similarly, Nigel has completed his narrative arc—he's spent the entirety of season two asking for a real commitment, and now he's finally got it. However, I do think the network would have to consider how it would look to finally give our only queer couple a solid relationship... only to immediately kill one of them off. Yes, yes, I know they're all already dead, but for this narrative, moving on is, for all intents and purposes, a second death. The best solution to this conundrum? Have them move on together—both of their arcs completed, both happy and content enough to leave this world behind and explore the next together. It's not perfect, but it's highly possible, and the best of the alternatives for the two of them
And here she is, my most anticipated loss. We've spent the entire series unpacking and solving her murder, piece by piece. We've delved into her life, her loves, her legacy. We've seen it almost fall apart only to be built up stronger, we've seen it continued in the voice of her great grand niece. And, finally, she not only ended the season knowing who killed her, but why, how, and—the final piece of the puzzle—forgiving Hetty for concealing that information for the past century, absolving her of her punishment in the climax of the finale. Alberta would be a tragic loss to the series, but they have given her a lot of focus this series, and it certainly wouldn't feel out of place or unsatisfying for her story if she were the one to go
Now, if we were to look at timing of any of these potential losses then there is of course another problem—there would obviously be a rather significant delay between the last time we see the ghosts, and Sam and Jay pulling up in the driveway after their conversation with the Imposter Heir. Any number of things could have happened in that time, but I doubt entire arcs would have taken place off screen that would drastically shift the order of any of these characters—and if they did, I would have an entirely different bone to pick
But I suppose we'll just have to wait and see
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