#y'all are fuckin obviously doing your damned best in this shitty world and i have no beef with y'all.
puppygirlgirldick · 17 days
really love that the inescapable truth is that come november the president is either going to be one of two increasingly identical ancient fucks and the only real difference is one of them has sworn to eliminate transgender people-- and let's be real: he means trans women, because trans men are seemingly not real to these bigots. they'll be affected, but we're the target. we're the national subject of political ire.
everywhere people are telling me it doesn't matter which one of these hateful fucks gets into office, and for most cases this is probably extremely true. but not for us. not for the people y'all keep kicking to the curb, excluding, sitting on your hands as we keep getting run off this platform, demonized, affixed with the most heinous labels y'all can find that are the same damn ones all those people miles to the right of y'all are all too happy to put on us. predator. danger. pedophile. deviant.
a vote is literally fucking worthless. it is a check on a piece of paper. for the vast majority of y'all it costs you nothing. it is not a contract or an endorsement or any of that fuckin' shit. it does not mean you are supporting one of these genocide supporting shitheads over the other. you are not signing a blood oath when you stand there and think "which of these choices will bring less immediate harm to my brothers and sisters and siblings." a vote does not stop you from organizing, from protesting, from occupying or rioting or getting off your asses and fighting for some kind of change. unless you want it to. unless you're looking for an excuse to. unless it is actually all the same to you, because you don't give a shit about us any other day of the week, unless we can do something *for* you. with our words, or our bodies, or our graves. something you can point at and shake your head over and say "love every trans woman before it's too late", before going about your fuckin daily business.
you don't give a shit about us any other day of the week. why would the first tuesday after the first monday in november be any different.
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