#work to Take Care of rayla in a way she can receive and understand even if she doesn't get Why he's doing it yet
raayllum · 2 years
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Callum helping Rayla get to a safer place in the boat and her not even being surprised by it is truly still one of the sweetest things and moments in s1, and in the first three seasons in general. 
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I love that Ethari is first as Runaan’s likes lol he’s so in love!💕 Can I get you’re thoughts about the beautiful couple???? Like how they compliment each other so well? Like Runaan’s got a hardened heart and Ethari is just this big ol cuddly bear💕💕 I love your TDP blog by the way!
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Runaan and Ethari, Ethari and Runaan. A puzzle with two pieces, a balance of imbalances. Neither of them are perfect, but they’re perfect for each other. Deep down, they each understand what Moonshadows would never say out loud--on their own, they’re flawed and they don’t always make good choices, even when they want so desperately to succeed. But with each other’s perspective, advice, and support, they can do so much more than they could by themselves.
That’s why they each pick the other as their favorite thing. They know they’re more together. Moonshadow love is more than just affection and attraction. It’s a giving, practical love as well. 
Runaan helps Ethari be more strategic in defense of their people by offering tactical suggestions for what to make, and for whom. Possibly coordinates meetings, demonstrations, and the like. 
Ethari helps Runaan connect more with the village council and the Silvergrovers. Possibly runs roleplay with Runaan for difficult conversations so he doesn’t come off too hard and reminds him that others have actual feelings so please don’t step on them while zeroing in on the long-term goal.
Runaan reminds Ethari that Rayla needs to have a place in Moonshadow society, she can’t play all the time. Ethari reminds Runaan that she is, in fact, just five and needs more sleep than he does.
And every time, every time, they listen to each other. They trust each other’s perspective. They find resolution for every single issue they face, because they face it together. Until the stakes get so high that they end up digging in their heels, because what they can see from their own perspective is just too important to them. It’s 500 times Runaan listened to Ethari + 1 time he didn’t.
But other than the, y’know, single instance of failure that led to the whole plot happening, these two are Silvergrove’s power couple. Runaan’s the leader of the assassins that live there. Ethari might be the leader of the crafters as well. These two, on the village council, a voting bloc to be reckoned with. How much of the Silvergrove has been changed because they voted it so? Runaan might have implemented more patrols or heavier wards. Ethari might have trained a whole generation of crafters in jewelry making, especially if that were his only outlet for it anymore. I can see him offering to teach a class on it just so he can keep up with his favorite techniques. Runaan’s not gonna say no to that. He knows Ethari will deck him out in pretties when the semester’s over.
Runaan’s got that lovely duality of being stoic or passionate/intense without much in between. He’s several dualities all on his own, separate from the ones he completes with Ethari by his side. But he does have feelings. We’ve seen quite a range of them. He just plays them low key, is all, but they’re there.
oh is it time for more screencaps of Runaan yes it is
Tender and caring
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Nothing left to lose
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Dad Mode
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Totally cool with PDA
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Legit afraid
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Instructor Mode
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Soft for a pretty dragon egg
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So mad he’s actually yelling
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Gently focused on showing appropriate care with Ethari’s heart
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Okay, whew. This elf’s a roller coaster. Yes, he spends most of his time stoic, like this okay just one more
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But he has a whole range of those passionate/intense feels. He’s not heartless, he’s not cold. He’s just... quiet, when he can be. That’s the way he likes to be. Feel the feels, but keep them under control. That’s his comfort zone. (Which means that his mission was like seventeen levels of uncomfortable for him after it went pear-shaped)
I’m going somewhere with this I swear
So when you pair an elf that has these deep feels with one who’s good at reading them, one who enjoys expressing his own, you’re going to get such a deep connection it’ll blow your mind.
Listen, Ethari is three emotional outbursts in a trenchcoat, okay.
Genuine marshmallow of light and softness
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Soft for his stabby husband
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Quietly alarmed
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Deeply focused (also probably his angery face, which, omg I both do and do not want to see)
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About to cry
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Proud and poised, looks like he’s at his own wedding holding that flower
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Knows his manners and his dad jokes all rolled into one, how Moonshadow
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Soft Dad Mode
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Having the worst day of his life
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Intent but soft
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Kissing his favorite elf
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Ethari has the range, and he only tries to hide it that one time when Runaan’s flower sinks. He wears his feels on his face and in his body language and basically with every breath he takes. He’s super expressive. Which is a hilarious and awesome thing when you pair him with a stoic badass and say they’re deeply in love. This relationship is glorious, I’m telling you. There’s very very little these two can’t manage to express or experience, between the two of them.
And then, you make them Moonshadow elves. Life and death and weapons and justice and killing and honor and duty and social obligations. Family and friends and show-don’t-tell and acts of kindness and self-sacrifice and cooking on birthdays to say I-love-you. Painting each other’s markings, quiet love languages, knowing how much each one does behind the scenes for everyone else, falling so deeply in love with each other because their hearts are truly dedicated to good and they support that in one another. Waking up soft, falling asleep together, every day a new gift given and received and spent well.
They don’t do everything perfectly. But they try. They try so hard, every day, to do what’s right. For each other, out of love. For their family. For their village. They are each other’s strongest support system, first thought in the morning, and last thought at night. And from this power base, they can go out and change the world, one little thing at a time, and they know that at the end of the day, they can come home and be understood, supported, listened to, and commiserated with. They’ve each worked very hard to be the best version of themselves that they know how to be, and it’s that determination to be good that connects them deep down and holds them together.
As they move forward in the plot, I think their choices will be heavily tested, because they are not perfect. They can be different, maybe a little better, if they work at that too. But it’s their sheer stubbornness that makes me think they can do it. They’ve gotten this far in life. They’ve done good things, together and separately, and that’s not gonna stop. So if they see a need, an opportunity, to help in ways they know they can contribute to, even if it means changing a little bit about who they are, even if it means shaking up that perfect system a bit, I have faith that the strength of their love will hold them together through that, too.
This is my OTP. They can and will take on the world and make it better. Because they love each other, they trust each other, they want a better world for each other, and they will challenge death itself to make it happen if they have to.
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sage-nebula · 6 years
keith, callum, peridot? owo
Keith ---3 Things We Have in Common:
We both have C-PTSD due to childhood trauma, and all the issues (e.g. trust, abandonment, emotional regulation, forming and keeping interpersonal relationships, et cetera) that come with it. Our situations aren’t exactly the same, given that Keith’s father died and he was put into foster care until he was pseudo-adopted by an unconditionally loving guardian figure (Shiro), whereas my situation was . . . not that (and yet, somehow, despite not having an unconditionally loving guardian figure, I didn’t turn out evil! I’M AN IMPOSSIBLE PERSON ACCORDING TO JDS), but the way our issues manifest is still extremely similar. We’re both wary of people and have a very hard time trusting them. We both take it as an inevitability that people will leave us, which informs how we keep our distance. We both come off as aloof most of the time, but we’re actually pretty emotional and sometimes have a hard time keeping a lid on that, which we’ve been chastised / looked down upon / punished for expressing before. We’ve both been treated as angry, aggressive, or violent even when we’re not trying to be, and so on. We both keep our anxieties and fears bottled up inside so as to avoid burdening others, and we don’t like showing our vulnerabilities, either, because we have to be strong, we have to be strong enough to handle everything, it’s how it’s always been. We’re independent and we have an extraordinarily difficult time asking for help, because again, we’ve always had to rely on ourselves, so asking for help is not something that was ever really beneficial to or something we were rewarded for in the past. This is probably all cheating because all these similarities probably count as more than one thing, but anyway, point is, I could see the C-PTSD symptoms in Keith pretty much immediately (since before S3 even aired) because I live them myself. I connect to Keith Kogane on a spiritual level.
We’re both immensely loyal, to a fault. While it’s difficult for both of us to form (and keep) interpersonal relationships, once we do find people to let in, we’re both extremely loyal to them, standing by them no matter what. We’re loyal to the “stand with you on the edge of the River Styx” level. Unfortunately, this can be a fault as well, because that loyalty can lead to us setting aside our own wellbeing for that of the other person . . . and if the other person is someone who will take advantage of that, they will, and we’ll let them. We saw this with Keith in S3 when Shireplica treated him terribly (I’m not going to go into a dissertation about this again, I’ve talked about it enough before, but tl;dr Shireplica put the blame on Keith for his (Shireplica’s) own bad actions, among other things) and Keith just stood there and accepted it, and I’ve been through it in my own life to the point where I let someone I loved treat me terribly for far longer than I should have. Loyalty is a beautiful thing and I think that it’s overall a good quality in both Keith and myself, but perhaps because of the C-PTSD mentioned above, we can both also take it too far, not seeing when it’s actually detrimental to us, when it’s hurting us because we’ve given our loyalty and love to someone who is taking advantage and thus doesn’t deserve it.
We’re both very direct and honest. Keith does not lie to people, nor does he beat around the bush. He says exactly what he’s thinking, when he’s thinking it, and I’m the exact same way. I cannot tell you the number of times that I, like Keith, have received negative reactions from people for just stating my opinion, all because I didn’t fluff it up and make myself sound uncertain or super bubbly and peaceful. It’s hard for me to couch my words, and it’s frustrating to me when I’m just trying to state what I think very plainly, and yet this is interpreted the wrong way because of some minor thing. (Like I was once accused of being passive-aggressive because I ended a sentence with a period. I just---I can’t win.) It’s gotten to the point in recent years where most of the time I just don’t bother talking to other people because I don’t want to deal with inane Discourse™ sprouting up for no reason. I think Keith would feel me on this.
3 Ways We’re Different:
Keith is very athletic and a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and I’m not. As much as I would love to ride a motorcycle, I never will because I’m afraid that I would crash and die. Needless to say, I especially would not ride one through the desert without a helmet. Keith is also constantly working out and sparring, and I . . . spend most of my life on the computer, haha. So we’re pretty different in that respect.
Keith likes nature. I’m not really a big fan. Like Keith, I love animals. But Keith is also fine with living out in the desert with very limited technology, and I . . . am not that way. I start getting antsy if I have to go for even one hour without an internet connection. This isn’t even to mention the fact that I’m not a big fan of dirt, and I hate bugs and arachnids. Wilderness living is not for me, but it’s for Keith, and so that’s another way in which we’re different.
Canon!Keith likes Team Voltron, and hates Lotor. I feel the exact opposite way. This speaks for itself, to the point where I don’t think I need to elaborate.
Callum ---
3 Things We Have in Common:
We’re both stepchildren, and we’ve both been ostracized to a degree because of it. Quite a few of my step-relatives even now call my biological mother my “mom,” and they treated my brother (technically my step-brother) better than they treated me while we were growing up. Likewise, Soren continuously rubs in the fact that Callum is the “step-prince,” and Viren seems to consider him an ungrateful whelp through no fault of his own. So I definitely know how Callum is feeling, there.
We both have a skill, and often feel that skill is all we have going for us. Whether it’s Callum with his art, or me with my writing, we both feel we have one (1) strong area, and that we need to throw our efforts into that because it’s what we have going for us.
We both prioritize doing the right thing. We may not always know for sure what the right thing is, but whatever it is, we want to do it, even if others don’t understand or agree. Callum was willing to fight back against his crush to protect the dragon egg and Rayla, and I’ve ended relationships in the name of doing what’s right as well. Doing what’s right is very important.
3 Ways We’re Different:
Callum is a good artist. I can barely draw stick figures. Self-explanatory. My artistic skill is zero (0).
Callum seems to genuinely like Bait. I do not. Again, self-explanatory. I don’t like frogs or toads.
Callum likes water rides. I do not. I would have reacted the same way as Rayla during the boat scene, ngl.
Peridot ---
3 Things We Have in Common:
We’re both giant geeks. I don’t have the scientific knowledge that Peridot does, but we’re both massive geeks about our fandoms and hold very strong and passionate opinions about them. The scene where she’s fangirling to Steven and her entire rant has to be fastforwarded through was very relatable.
We’re both very confident in our knowledge, and don’t like to be wrong. I’m not as much of an ass about it as Peridot can be, but I’m very sure of the things I know, and though I can admit it, it always burns me a little when I’m long. (Hence, I try to do my research so I’m not.) We’re also both always very eager to share what we know.
We both have a reliance on technology. Just like Peridot always needs her tablet on her, I always need to have something (phone, laptop, etc) that will let me access the internet. My brain starts to feel very itchy if I don’t.
3 Ways We’re Different:
Peridot is bigoted at the beginning of the series and relies on stereotypes to understand others, whereas I don’t have that issue. To be fair she’s grown a lot since then, but her comments to Pearl, her comments about Amethyst and Garnet, et cetera---these were all borne out of prejudices she carried with her from Homeworld. Conversely, I’ve always been the type to judge people based on their actions, rather than what they look like or anything like that.
Peridot feels she knows best, even when it comes to other people’s trauma. Part of the reason why her relationship with Lapis (temporarily) fell apart is because Peridot felt she knew better than Lapis did about how to deal with Lapis’ trauma, and thus kept secrets from her because of it. I don’t assume that I know better for others than they know for themselves; I explicitly tell them to tell me what they need.
Peridot has a very hard time admitting when she’s wrong or bested, whereas I don’t. Although we’re both proud of our knowledge and dislike being wrong, we also handle it differently. I own up to it and admit when I’m wrong about something, and try to do better in the future to avoid looking like an idiot again. Peridot, on the other hand, calls people clods and stamps her feet and gets frustrated. Again, she’s gotten better about this, but Peridot has a certain level of arrogance that makes it hard for her to admit defeat in any way, whereas that’s not a hurdle I’ve dealt with.
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