#who get drafted and since they don't do well in regular society they just kinda stick around in the military
metanarrates · 10 months
Post structuralist anon here TYSM that was a very interesting perspective, I also don't know much abt post structuralism tbh, its a new thing I discovered while rereading Orv and looking at meta posts lol. Anyways you mentioned LHS in the post too 👀 can you elaborate cuz ngl it's kinda hard to think of any meta abt him. You don't have to answer this rn!
i was talking about how orv adults frequently have very gendered arcs, and lhs is a standout example imo. yjh and ysa have the more overtly Gendered Fictional Role stuff (male action hero and female heroine respectively) but lhs has a comparatively more grounded arc that deals with real life highly gendered stuff. his entire thing is that he's a soldier. and not just that he's a soldier, but that he was drafted and could not figure out a better place to exist outside the military. despite the military being a source of trauma for him, despite it crushing any individuality he could have, he still felt like he could not act as an agent of his own destiny without someone giving him orders. when you consider that in south korea the military draft is mandatory for men, that's a really highly gendered background!
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rolorules · 3 years
Last time I watched Code Geass was more than a year and a half ago so correct me if I'm wrong but to me Rolo and Lelouch in Last Moratorium sounded if not natural, at least credible, given the nature of the episode which is intended to give us a rare fragment of a regular student life, we can't possibly expect the both of them to act the way they are shown to act in the anime episodes 24/7, can we? And if this happens right after Milly's graduation my guess is that by that time Rolo and Lelouch are in much better terms: Lelouch coming to the realisation that Rolo, an orphan and trained assassin since childhood, an outcast we may call him unless under disguise, is the victim of the same darwinist society aimed to crush the weaker ones such as Nunnally; while Rolo on the other hand finally starts to see himself as a proper person with intentions, desires and emotional needs to fulfill and instinctively starts finding his place among his peers. Lelouch's hatred for Rolo can only be explained by how much he loved Shirley; I refuse to believe that a brilliant and clever person (and a SECRET SWEETHEART) such as Lelouch never felt a bit of sympathy for Rolo while also ruthlessly using him for HIS own purposes. I also believe that Rolo only killed Shirley when he realised the part she could play in ruining his plans by helping Lelouch reuniting with Nunnally (the real menace), in that instant he acted the way he's always had and killed her on the spot but had she said she only wanted to help Lelouch to fight the Britannian empire for a better world he probably would have spared her, if Lelouch didn't push her away or somehow made it clear to Rolo that she was really important to him, we could've avoided this. And that's the whole point because as far as character development is concerned it's so important that we get to see Rolo act on his desire to be Lelouch's little brother. That's it pretty much, he just needed some more time to learn how relationships work actually Shirley and Nunnally are the sweet caring supportive figures he needs to have by his side it's so tragic how well everything could've worked out so easily :/// I also love the fact that Lelouch thinks people need a place to go back to, it encapsulates his vision and it further reinforces my abovementioned conviction where he recognises the damaged child in Rolo who needs a home but never had one (not to return to but to grow in). And finally, to me it's pretty obvious that the home Lelouch refers to is Nunnally and Suzaku but I can only say intuitively because it's been so long since I last watched Code Geass but I'm quite sure of it? Maybe he was being dismissive due to CC's flirty tone? Idk but I agree with everything else you said and this is definitively canon and it makes me think of an alternative epilogue by the original creators which sadly remained a draft I guess, I vaguely remember to have read it somewhere, I can't tell, but Lelouch is dead and CC is able to revisit his dream idk and she sees him greeting Suzaku, Kallen, then Gino, Anya and Rivalz, Nunnally and Rolo, Milly and finally Shirley (kinda rude that CC is not included). It ends with CC saying "so that's what you dreamed of Lelouch" or something along those lines I don't remember at all I just want my three little meow meows (Suzaku, Lelouch and Rolo) to have their Ouran high school host club life it's what they deserve!! Thank you so much for sharing it I've felt something for the first time in months and I think I'm gonna rewatch the show life is beautiful take care xx
First of all, thank you for your comment; it is very touching, and I hope it is fine with you that I answer it publicly. The power that well-written characters in interesting stories have is astounding, and the joy they bring to our often mundane lives is something we can only be grateful for.
Regarding your explanation of their behaviour, I very much agree. I only think a bit less highly of Lelouch and his capacity for compassion as you do. He has probably not forgiven Rolo for taking Nunnaly's place, but has at least grown accustomed to his presence. He once told Rolo to be less formal when talking to him, and this is exactly what Rolo is doing here. In fact, they (inter)act very much like brothers in this picture drama, with Rolo taking little jabs at Lelouch and Lelouch seeing right through him. Maybe still a bit too good to be true, but very heart-warming.
And, yes, you are right, Suzaku and Nunnally have always been Lelouch's 'home', but I think we have reason to believe that at least the events of Turn 19 (whose anniversary is tomorrow) made Lelouch realise that Rolo had become his 'home' ,too.
And finally: an Ouran Highschool Host Club Life for the boys? Sounds like a great idea for fanfiction or fanart. I shall have to consider this a little bit further...
Once again, thank you so much, take care and don't be a stranger!
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