#which is practically sex when you're starving for crumbs
queermasculine · 9 months
Please do you know any movies or tv shows that have butch4butch couples? It's hard finding good stories about butch people, let alone 2 of them in a relationship and I'm so desperate for that
P.S. I come to your blog from time to time to scroll for comfort it means so much to me
what a kind thing to say, thank you!
as for your question about movies and tv shows with butch4butch couples, i'm sorry to say i don't think there are any. everyone thinks they could name one if they really thought about it, but every example i've been offered so far has turned out to be only "sort of, if you squint" butch, and only "maybe, debatably" a couple – if there's anything of actual substance out there, i've yet to find it.
but once you get over the initial heartbreak, it becomes kind of cool. means all the exciting firsts are still ahead of us!
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