#where you can play as Mumbo Jumbo in Don't Starve
elodee · 1 month
Mumbo Jumbo x Don't Starve
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I drew Mumbo Jumbo in the style of the spooky, open-world survival game Don't Starve!
I chose this one for Mumbo because he reminds me of the default protagonist of the game, Wilson, who is a gentleman inventor that creates fantastical science and alchemy machines.
I also just thought he would look great as a Don't Starve character. And I was right, he looks fantastic! This was one of the most satisfying pieces I've done so far because he just fits the style so naturally.
To learn more about Don't Starve and see my style references, please continue below the cut!
(Also, check out the Hermit a Day May fundraiser for Gamer's OutreachI)
Don't Starve is a spooky, yet cute, rogue-like survival game that takes place in a randomly generated open world.
You play as a character that has been dropped into an unforgiving other world. Your goal is to survive and, when you enter story mode, try to find and defeat the entity that has trapped you there.
The game is very difficult as you only have one life to gather supplies, build tools, and try and live as long as possible. Nearly everything tries to kill you, and you have to also monitor your sanity, hunger, and environmental conditions, which can also kill you. When you play this game you will die many, many times, but it is always fun to restart and figure out ways to survive more successfully the next time.
The style of the game is heavily inspired by Tim Burton and the gameplay itself is fairly reminiscent of Minecraft on hardcore mode. The world of Don't Starve is strange and at times a little unsettling, but also full of funny moments. Overall, the game is a delight to explore, just expect to die a lot. And anyway, there are always mods (lots of mods) if you want to make the game a little more forgiving.
Style references:
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The style is very sketch-like with lots of points and spirals. The palette is muted with most (though not all) player characters being primarily red, white, and black (like Mumbo).
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I made Mumbo a little taller than the average Don't Starve character since I imagine him as very tall in Minecraft. There is precedent for this in-game since the guy that brings you to the other world, Maxwell, is very tall.
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The Don't Starve title font. I downloaded a font called October Crow to make the title for this piece, so it isn't exact, but I think it looks really close.
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