#whenever i get a notif that someone liked art i reblogged but didn't reblog it i feel like a disappointed parent
fearandhatred · 5 months
why do i always see such good art with only like ten notes. why do y'all hate art
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
you are a whole ass weirdo for blocking people out of nowhere for not REBLOGGING your stuff 😭😭😭 you are one of the most popular blogs in the whole mha fandom, you gotta be kidding you don't even lack the reach or the platform, i didn't peg you for being this interaction hungry
Hihihi! You’re clearly very upset that I’ve blocked you for not supporting content creators by reblogging their fics. I’m really sorry that you won’t be able to be a silent follower anymore, but maybe you can check out my ao3 instead if you just want to silently consume content without clicking any buttons.
The reason why I block people who don’t reblog fanfics (as I’ve mentioned a million times before it doesn’t have to be my fanfics, doesn’t even have to be bnha fandom) is because you bring absolutely nothing to fandom or the fandom community. There’s no point you following me, so I just block you to make myself more comfortable.
The people I’ve blocked for being blank blogs or not reblogging content that have messaged me have all been unblocked after supporting writers/artists. And honestly most of them have never reblogged any of my fics, and I’m okay with that… because they’re supporting someone.
There’s gotta be someone on this website that you hold above all else, that whenever they post they put a smile on your face? That bring you comfort when you’re having a bad day? That you actively look at their page first, like a morning newspaper or you think of randomly throughout the day like “oh, this was in ____’s fic,” … you don’t even want to support your most favourite author/artist?
It’s nothing to do with my “reach” or my “platform”. I’m a nerdy woman who reads and writes fanfic in my spare time, not David Attenborough. But regardless of whether I have 1 follower or 100,000 followers I, like every other creator that posts their stuff online (musicians, artists, writers, even fucking tiktokers) want feedback on my work! Even if it’s just an empty reblog or a quick comment “that was great” “good job” it means so much more than a like on a fic.
We’ve spoken about this before on tumblr but the like to reblog ratios on fanfics (and other content) is laughable. A fic with 5000 notes might only have 200 reblogs and 5 comments, and the lack of feedback will result in the creator wondering if it was even worth posting, if it’s even worth them posting again.
This is the reason why people stop creating, and it’s not just in the fanfic community. What do you think happens when your favourite musicians music flops, or your favourite TV show doesn’t bring in the ratings? People stop making, they stop producing. It’s the same shit with fanfics.
The fanfiction that you’re so mindlessly consuming takes time and effort. There’s a real person behind the screen gifting you their piece of art for free, and you don’t have time to click a button?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue to say it. I’m incredibly lucky I have the friends and followers that I do on this website, people that comment on my fics and reblog with the loveliest tags. Even the ones that are too shy to interact with me, I see your usernames in my notifs whenever you reblog something. But I know a lot of friends and followers do not get that same luxury, there are writers who pour their heart and soul into writing on here and get no likes, no reblogs and no comments. But people like you are reading and enjoying their fics.
How many times have you wished you got a part two to a fic? Or a new fic from an author who stopped writing? I know for people like you it’s easy to click out and just find something else to read, but I’ve lost some of my favourite authors on here because people like you won’t even click a button.
I deserve interaction, all the other creators on here deserve interaction.
TL;DR — You’re selfish, and I don’t want you following me💕
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
It's so infuriating how transgender women and aro/ace people aren't expected to have any agency whatsoever when it comes to topics that are even remotely NSFW. It goes to show how much support we're given is surface level.
Yes, self determinism and autonomy is important, but also you're so innocent and corruptible that you must be protected by the wise anons. It doesn't make sense!
(Also I stg my fursona is a lavender cat, si whenever I see anons about pink/purple cats causing problems I immediately ask what I've done this time.)
god, honestly though. I don't know if I'm ace, I'm just currently not a very sexual person, plus my online personality makes me look cute and innocent. I imagine there's maybe an element of ableism in there somewhere, too. I'm autistic, and that's expressed VERY strongly through my big mouse fixation special interest thing. And apparently that seems to be enough for people to infantilize me and panic when I reblog art from someone who does porn on the side. It's demeaning. I try to play it off and be funny about it, making jokes and "hitting the hornets nest" but I'm actually really hurt. I'm 25. Why do they think I cannot have agency? What is it about me that they've decided I need to be warned of the sinful corruptions? Like, fuck, it's one thing with the purple cat that is a massive kinkster, but Nico mostly does tame stuff, pinups and that. How is that too much for me? I didn't even post every anon I got about that stuff. I get more than you think. I don't like flooding my dash too hard, so I delete half of them. It's getting to the point that seeing the little inbox notification dot pop up makes my heart race with anxiety now. How did I fuck up this time? It sucks, I love attention and getting stuff in my inbox and they're ruining it for me.
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infisonicosm · 2 years
I wish I knew more Gresties in real life. I wish I'd met people at the three concerts I've been to. I wish I could find someone to talk to about everything I feel and know about their music.
I also really don't listen to their music every day, even though it means so much to me, and I love it so much. So much of the music stirs emotions within me, that I can't listen to it every day, because I'm not mentally prepared to deal with them. I don't want to cry every night to Age Of Man, or Broken Bells. But I want to listen to all the albums, all the way through. I want to relate to more people when they say that they found so many friends, online and irl, but I can't. My sister introduced me to GVF, and I went from there. We went to the Green Bay concert, and didn't know the words to most of the songs, but I loved it.
I went by myself to the Dakota shows, and met no one. But I had the time of my life, however lonely it was. On the way from Fargo to Sioux Falls, I cried so hard in my car, listening to the music. I had slept so little the night before, even after trying to wind down by drawing. And when I asked a girl to take a picture of me in front of the poster hanging at Sioux Falls, I feel like I got a weird look, even though I was next in a line to take pictures.
I wish I could tell more people about everything I feel when I listen to their music, but I feel like the shutdown button is pressed whenever I say something. I don't make tiktok videos, I only reblog and comment on GVF posts, and I love finding accounts that turn their view of the music into art, or finding any account that does art of the band and music.
I'm afraid to branch out to talk to people, because I feel like I've always been the background girl in life. I'm from a big family, so that's probably why.
Anyway, thanks for the time you take out of your day to run your blog. I'm glad I found you.
I'm literally tearing up reading this omg. I love seeing you in my notifications. I notice you all the time. I'm personally always open ears for anyone who wants to discuss Greta's music and be friends! I'd love to hear your thoughts on their songs and what they mean to you! Music is such a beautiful and soul bonding thing to talk about. I grew up around it so it's all I know. I could easily talk for hours about how Stardust Chords gives me goosebumps.
I'm so sorry you were made to feel that way at your concert. I get so giddy when people ask me to take their picture! Sadly there are a lot of snotty people in this fandom and it really can be discouraging to experience it first hand like that. There's so many of us though who would love to be your friend and talk with you about anything and everything. I've met some of the most beautiful souls because I decided to bite the bullet and make friends. I'm typically pretty introverted and don't put myself out there to start a conversation but it's the best decision I ever made!
There's so many people here who will accept you with open arms. You are loved, you are seen, and so so cared about! I'm happy you're here<3
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hey followers (or anyone who cares to read)
I'd love to do a reintroduction but I'll do that once I've hit one year.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been with me this year. Honestly this has been one of the worst years in my life and I'm not sure when things will get better but thank you to everyone that's stuck around. Who knew a community of whumpy people could be so sweet.
I'd love to give everyone of my followers a shoutout but I can't. I would like to say thank you though to everyone, especially if you're reading this (if you could like the post just so I can see if you read this I would appreciate it. I don't care about how popular it is I just would like to see if there is any interaction with it.)
Just some random special shououts...
Thank you to my first 3 followers who had no reason to follow me but did lol. @cheezbot @deluxewhump @sleepyexecutive
@madrono-but-i-am-not-a-fruit , @kerryrenaissance , @smellofsnoww you guys are (were) always liking my posts, especially my story ones. So thank you so much I love getting the little notification you saw my post. <3
@professional-idiocy thanks for helping me when I first started tumblr it was just nice knowing someone was for and not against me lol
@whumpkinpie I know we fell out of chatting but I really love your writing style and you helped me out just by being someone's who's inbox I felt comfortable with. Having you as a friend, even for such a short time, meant a lot to me
@saintwhumpolas thank you for setting up such a great event for Christmas. This wasn't asked but was done out of kindness and I think that's so cool you spent the time to do that.
@whumptywhumpdump I just wanted to say that whenever I see your interactions with people around tumblr I start smiling. I admire your art and the kindness and enthusiasm you give people
@ashintheairlikesnow I know this was a long time ago and you don't remember this but I was really struggling to get anyone to even glance at my blog and I just wrote a small post about how it was frustrating. You liked the post and reblogged my main story post and I swear my follower count doubled and people were actually interacting with my stuff. It was such a small act of kindness but it literally meant so much to me back then so thank you. You're the main reason I'm still here and didn't quit.
@myst-in-the-mirror last but certainly not least. I don't even know where to begin... literally the best way is quoting Zootopia lol. "Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us." You are making the world a kinder and nicer place. You are such an inspiration to so many small creators including myself and the time you give to make people feel special is something I admire and hope to strive for too.
SO ya. Again thank you. Thank you to all my followers who I didn't mention. I truly wish I could talk about how all of you make my day but I don't have the time for that unfortunately.
This is kind of an end of the year post (even though it's January 17th) but I just wanted to say thank you and apologize to everyone for being absent. Thank you for helping my horrible year be a little brighter. Thank you for the hope and kindness all of you show me. I love you all <3
~ Clara
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