#when he's stable again i will be si happy and im not going to experiment wirh his food again until im able to start getting followed by an
girlhorse · 11 months
i misread the follow up instructions so fingers crossed my vet can get us in for the checkup xray tomorrow!!! enzo only has 2 days of his antibiotics left.....almost free so long as xrays are clear!
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
Title: Drunk Rice
Summary: Just a soft fic of Drunk! Risotto being touchy with his family friends.
(reposted this for all the pipz out there who spent their Valentines with friends and family. Happy Valentine’s Day yall🌹👌😂😘)
Music blared from the sound system as the club lights cast their blinding rays across the dancing bodies on the dancefloor. Formaggio and Pesci could be seen dancing, awkwardly in the case of the latter, from the table that the rest of the gang had occupied. Their group had just come from the hospital after paying their friend a visit from the ICU.
Gelato had only sustained minor injuries from the car crash, a few cuts and bruises here and there. Sorbet who had been behind the wheel had taken the brunt of the accident, sustained head trauma and a few broken bones.
Melone had insisted to go to the high end clubs (his treat) to loosen up after being assured by the doctors that their friends were in stable condition and are expected to have a full recovery.
News of the accident had rattled everyone but all of them knew who was distressed by the news the most.
“R’mber when you got fucked up by a train?”
Prosciutto sighed putting his drink down as he bore Risotto’s almost two hundred pound weight around his shoulders. Melone and Illuso snickered from across their round table as they captured the rare moment of Risotto, the serious and composed head recognized by the gang, inebriated and slurring; his speech less refined after too much of the expensive stuff Melone had ordered for them.
“I don’t think anyone would forget their near-death experience, Risotto.”
“That messed me*hic* messed me up so bad Pros,” Risotto cut in. He slammed his hand on the table jolting the empty bottles on top as well as the nearby patrons around their table.
“Why fuck were you even *hic* on the tracks? Don’t ya know tha’s dangerous?”
Prosciutto looked absolutely miserable which had Melone snorting a laugh. Illuso wasn’t doing any better, already doubled over and pounding the table with his fist. Prosciutto struggled to support Risotto’s upper body as the latter recounted the events that had almost gotten his friend killed as a child while making uncoordinated gestures with his hand.
“Always*hic* aaaaaalways tellin’ you guys*hic* t’be careful. ‘very year summun’ ends up *hic* in the fucking hospital…” Risotto shook his head removing his arm from Prosciutto’s shoulders, to the blonde’s relief, to pour himself another round. The amber liquid spilled on the side of his glass as he did, his motor skills not quite catching up with his intoxicated brain.
“Drink another round and you’ll be next.” Prosciutto chided before snapping his fingers at a passing cocktail waitress and ordering some water. He winced at the strain he had to endure on his shoulders as he stretched them to relieve the tension. His eyes signaled for Illuso to distance the alcohol from Risotto’s reach which meant collecting them all to one far-off side where Risotto’s long arms can’t reach. “That’s your last shot for tonight now drink your water and sober up a little. I’m not going to be one who’s going to haul your huge ass out of this club again if you don’t.”
Risotto laughed, the dimples on his cheek deepening the more he grinned, “You’d make *hic* a great nurse Pros.”
Prosciutto rolled his eyes “I am a nurse, Risotto. We work in the same hospital ah ah…!” Prosciutto stopped the burly arm that reached towards the collection of alcohol on Illuso’s side and slid a glass of water in front of the pouting mass of muscle.  
“Look at his face!” Illuso all but wheezed at the face Risotto was making, lip jutting out and red eyes sulking as he took a sip from the glass of water. Melone casted his eyes towards Ghiacco who had been slowly inching away from Risotto for the past few hours as he made his descent into intoxication.
“Well aren’t we silent today eh Ghiacco?”
Ghiacco’s eyes shot towards Melone dangerously, mouthing “Fuck.off.” at his grinning friend. He stiffened and muttered a curse when he felt the heavy weight of Risotto’s arm around his shoulder followed by the undeniable stench of alcohol.
Ghiacco chanced a cautious look at the direction of the drawl and was met with mirthful red eyes.
Fuck that’s unsettling. Ghiacco thinks he might never accept a grinning Risotto as something natural.
“Why’rnt ya drinking?”
“Leave him alone Risotto. You know he’s allergic to alcohol.”
The look on Risotto’s face can only be registered as surprise as he passionately expressed his disbelief and distress at the fact that his friend cannot properly enjoy any sort of alcoholic drink.
“Hey hey what’s happenin he-Hooooly shit!” Formaggio laughed when he caught sight of Risotto’s drunken state.  “Is Risotto drunk? Already?”
“What does it look like?” Prosciutto grumbled as Formaggio and Pesci took their seats around the table while Melone started to arrange drinks for them.
“Your kid is weak Pros. I had the ladies all round up for him and he still managed to bore them away.”  
“B-but I did as you told me and struck a conversation.”
“You think chicks would be into the logistics of fishing with lures vs. fishing nets?”
“I-it’s the only thing I could think about…” Pesci trailed off forlornly, disappointed at having his efforts fail even with the help of his fratello.
“We’ll have to work with your conversation skills. Get yourself a drink and maybe you’ll act less like a mamoni with some alcohol in your system.” Prosciutto scolded. What was he gonna do with this kid?
From beside him he watched Risotto continue to harass Ghiacco, the latter looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but beside the older man beside him. He scoffed, “Yes suffer as I did” he thought.
“I r’mbered when I first met’ya*hic*. Arrogant lil’ shit wasn’t he Pros?” Ghiacco winced knowing the memory too well. Risotto laughed through his nose remembering something, “But not as*hic* not as arrogant as ‘luso the day I met ‘im tha’s for sure.”
A round of laughter resounded around the table. Risotto’s eyes become serious as he trained them on Ghiacco.
“You’re alright now though, aren’t you Ghiac?”  
“You can always talk to me. You know that right, fratello?”
“Tsk I know that.” Ghiacco’s tone was haughty but didn’t faze Risotto, “Life’s been less shitty so I don’t have anything to tell you.”
“Hmm tha’s good.”
Prosciutto’s lips twitched as he watched the resident hothead and the youngest of the group nod awkwardly at Risotto’s drunken mini-tirades. Prosciutto came to realize that this band of troublemakers had the common denominator of meeting Risotto first before coming together. Each had their own stories to tell, most of them not good like Ghiacco’s, but they had each other growing up which helped them in a way to not be consumed by the troubles of their past. They were all indebted to each other in some way and as Prosciutto sloshed his drink around his glass eyeing the people around his table, he couldn’t help but admit how grateful he was to be friends with this particular group of idiots.
He was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of glass shattering and he cursed at Risotto who apparently was not able to control the force of him “tapping” a wineglass with a spoon. He was unapologetic, muttering a half-meant “oops” as he put down the remains of the shattered glass on the table.
“I have something to say.” All attention was focused on Risotto. His voice had sobered considerably which meant he was about to drop some serious talk. After a while, his red eyes regarded the people surrounding the table.
“You know I love you guys right? I mean to me,” he gestured to all of them in an awkward wave, “you are all family. And family is important to me so please please take better care of yourselves. What happened last week should be the last time I see a brother wheeled into the ER covered in their own blood.”
Risotto listened to their sounds of agreement with Formaggio and Illuso drawing out “sooorry Risottoooo~” in the background. Risotto nodded, satisfied with their response.
“Siamo una famiglia, si?”
A collection of yeahs sounded from around the table. Melone raised his glass for a toast dedicating it to their years of friendship and the years to come. Each grabbed their own with Prosciutto slipping Risotto’s glass of water towards his wandering hand when it went too close to a shot glass. The others followed suit with loud exclamations of salud around the table. Prosciutto stopped mid-sip when he heard sniffles beside him.
“Jesus, Risotto…” He watched Risotto wipe his tears with his handkerchief, his eyes down casted but his lips smiling. The next thing he knew, Risotto was reaching towards him with his arm pulling the smaller man in a tight hug.   
“Ti voglio bene fratello.” Prosciutto clicked his tongue but returned the embrace anyway patting Risotto’s broad back as he mumbled small messages of thanks against his shoulder. His strained voice told Risotto to let up on his grip before he suffocates and the larger man released his hold around him but not before leaving a kiss on Prosciutto’s forehead. He then faced a wide-eyed Ghiacco, his intention the same but his messages considerably longer consisting of words of advice telling him to be less angry and how he will always see him as a baby brother.
“What the fuck, who’re you calling a baby brother. I’m a fucking grown ass man…” Ghiacco mumbled in his seat hiding the redness of his cheeks with his glass as he took a sip of his drink and rubbed the kissed spot on his cheek. It was clear that it was Risotto’s plan to embrace everyone when he got up from his seat and slowly walked his away around to the other side of the table. Illuso, not one for hugs, cursed and was ready to bolt from his spot but was held down by Formaggio and Melone.
“Let him.” Prosciutto sighed waving his hand exasperatedly, “Just…let him.”
 Risotto was a force to be reckoned with when he’s drunk and touchy, any attempts to deter him from hugging someone would be futile. He simply won’t stop until he has managed to wrap his arms around his target and say what needs to be said.  
“Now now, Illuso. Rice hugs are rare so you gotta enjoy this once in a lifetime treat.” Melone laughed.
“Yeah, ladies and gentlemen would kill each other for one of these. You’re lucky to get one for free.” Formaggio laughed alongside Melone as they held down their struggling friend.
Risotto managed to finish his personal mission of showering his friends with acts of affection with a little difficulty from Illuso as he was nearly the same size as him. Formaggio and Melone, he had no trouble with; the both of them meeting his embrace with open arms while muttering their own words against each other’s shoulders. Last was Pesci who he whispered a secret about Prosciutto caring for him more than he let on and that he shouldn’t let his harsh words get to him because he only wanted him to be the best that he could be. By the end of the hug, Pesci was tearing up on his own which caused Prosciutto to scold him again for being soft.
Boy’s night didn’t end until four am in the morning as all of them had no other plans or work scheduled for that day. Risotto as well as several others ended up being wasted after Formaggio funded another two rounds of the bar’s stronger selections. Prosciutto was all hissy about it of course cursing more than Ghiacco throughout the whole ordeal of chucking full grown men into the seats of his and Ghiacco’s car while threatening anyone who would dare ruin his car’s interior. Ghiacco was surprisingly silent throughout the process thinking that the blonde was cursing enough in two languages for the both of them. All had made it home safe that morning, each suffering through the effects of last night on their own by the time they woke up.
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