#wheeee ok stayed up too late again
themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 2X9 Croatoan
isn’t this...vaguely a plague episode?
also my stupid keyboard is broken, the a key bad and i have an interview tomorrow wheeeee
This previously on bodes well, lots of Very Well Handled Feelings here
oh right there was a weird trailer last episode
“It’s not in me” oh lovely it is a virus plotline
this is in No Way topical I Promise 
Sam’s Visions uwuuuu
Ah and Sam’s like....well maybe ur a bit morally fucked up my bro
Dean bonding with guy about army things and dad things
oh look crotoan’s carved in the  pole
roll credits
heh Dean only remembers schoolhouse rock
ooo lost colony
And none of the phones work oho the plot thickens
is there a plot? this feels like a setup episode tbh
well good ol’ Duane’s family is acting a bit Sus
what kinda weird ass blood letting ritual...
why is the mom tied up?
well at least Dean’s a bit better at lying heh
Ah Dean’s like: well once it’s turned into a monster time to kill, and Sam’s like dude wtf no
This seems like a weird jumping off point considering the slightly grayer outlook they’re trying to go for here but whatever, you do you
and...sulfur residue
totally a demon guys, sorry
and of course a blockade, no one is allowed to leave
hE CallLed 
Wow I love Escapism
“I don’t swing that way” DEAN???
that was a cool stunt I wonder how they did that
great and she goes nuts wheeee
and they just start fucking screaming at each other I get tensions are high but ha
“you got a neighbor named mr. rogers.” HA
At least this reads more like a zombie virus then uh.....yknow
The “driving around with guns pointed around at each other” should not be funny but it totally is
oh lovely biblical plague time
ooo i love the trust plot lines, those r fun
‘specially in small towns
making explosives out of medical supplies scratches the brain itch quite well not gonna lie
ah the scratches and the no trust
Dean really does jump on the no trust quite well poor guy
ok Dean made a hulk reference, and it’s before the movie, so at least they’re comic fans that’s fun
Dean is losing a conscience. Quite interesting plot line tbh
the zoom-ins are killing me
wow the gun’s engraved, I wonder how that happens
I feel like the doctor’s in on it...right? they’re doing that?
ah it was PAM! yeah that makes sense
oh and they got Sam...oop
Pfft, Pam N Sam
something something argument, there’s yelling so I’ve already dissociated I’m sorry, I can’t do it during late nights
ah and Dean stays behind, something something martyr
Boy Dean seriously internalized “Take care of Sammy didn’t he”
I am well aware that is the point, but still, this is Extreme
my fucking God Dean wants out too
Let it be shown he’s been tired since season 2(probably earlier)
and the close-up on Croatoan, ah it’s a set-up
as far as set-up episodes? not bad
and the virus is gone from the blood too? along with all the people?
ah so Duane WAS A demon
aw man I liked Sarge
Ah and Sam is immune for some reason
I appreciate “sam sits on fence like a smol while Dean angsts and looks at water”
Dean really does pull emotions in the Worst situations and then NEVER MENTIONS THEM AGAIN
“go to the grand canyon” OH NO SIGHTSEEING
Dean: I will not be sharing any of my Concerns ever, u r the smol, this cannot be done
fucking eldest child syndrome
and we gotta wait to see what John told Dean wheee
Also VERY off-topic, but Dean’s eyes plus this filter are very nice.
okie uh wrap-up:
1. I liked the “Small town trust” plot line, and the fact that it keeps disappearing. Like it’s a really cool bit of lore that’s specifically tied to America, and you know I love that shit. Lore(and that bit at the end where they all drive away from an empty town? good shit)
2. Whatever the fuck Dean is going through, dear GOD please let him get some therapy. I don’t know exactly what he’s repressing but it’s a lot
3. Look I rly do hate that it’s Always Demons and never just some good old crytpids but they do have at least iconic enough imagery that it’s easy to understand
Damn am I excited for the callback, even if it is a virus storyline in these unprecedented times heh.
Until next crime~
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