#what the fuck are those people's lives like. the academics on the frontier of research.
natjennie · 2 months
ive been listening to sawbones and apparently people were able to figure out if neolithic people were right or left handed via dental records, because you could figure out how they ate and model what hand you would be holding food with???? hello???? maybe I'm just high but that is insane to me. what do you mean we know what hand cave people ate with. WHAT!!!!
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parragone · 8 months
Fuck it, I can't decide what to write for nanowrino so I'm taking the decision out if my hands. This is a poll to help me decide which of these concepts to commit to; if you like, you can vote based on vibes, but there's gonna be a synopsis/explanation of each under the cut.
Scarlet Signs - Sci fi rough draft of chaos nonsense
I don't have names for the space species, yet, so just be forgiving okay
In essence, humanity joins the Galactic Assembly, and the pacifist psychic space vampires are one of their only outright allies. The unicorns have never liked the vampires because the vampires practice isolationism, pacifism, and don't like to share their research or their military support. Not to mention, the vampires are, you know, vampires that consume thought and concepts in order to sustain themselves. Unicorns feed on blood, but that's fine since obviously they only feed on non sentient beings, and the vampires have to feed on conscious thought. Humans come under the protections of the vampires, unicorns, start shit, and unicorns find out that the vampires are pacifist for everyone else's sake rather than their own.
Expressways - zombie post apoc, but like, a long time since the fall and zombies are just a thing the same way stray/outdoor cats are a thing
Every child from coast to coast knows the story; in the aftermath of plague, infighting, and the emergence of the Pests, the old Pony Express was reinstated to handle package and letter delivery so as to spare the use of fuel and keep the continent as intact as possible. It's not an easy job, but every courier is provided for and deeply respected by those they deliver for. Fewer people sign up to learn the routes each year, but even one courier is better than none.
Jethro, Maverick, and Harper have been couriers for nearly thirty years each. When they stop in for their latest deliveries, a pair of fresh faces are handed off to them to learn their first routes. Colt and Montana learn how to deal with each other, why no courier travels alone, and how to best avoid a Pest nest.
Halls of Hexes - magic academy where magic is taught and students don't usually die.
Mostly fixated on the teachers of the school as they try to handle an encroaching eldritch horror that really shouldn't be there. Magic beyond minor levitation or very simple enchantments is cast using a focus that's personalized to each individual. Magical creatures such as fairies, elves, angels, demons, centaurs, etc. are treated as citizens of the magical world, and several classes have magical creature teachers. Magic is just a normal part of life and while some choose to pursue it, most people just go about normal lives by choice.
Skyreach Academy has maintained a position of academic prestige on the global stage for generations, with particular pride regarding their extensive programs on Vile and Etheric magics. This position is upheld by excellent staff, along with the small town of Elkmarrow, which provides support for the students and faculty within the academy.
Magic, however, can draw in strange and unwelcome visitors. Practiced and versed magicians know that all magic runs the risk, so when no one in the school can find their reflections in mirrors or puddles, the best among them set to work. The safety of the students, of course, remains of the utmost importance - even if the students seem to delight in the fact the professors are now the ones missing class.
Frontiers and Faultlines - steampunk post apocalypse fun times
Most of the world was decimated save for a handful of cities who managed to build walls, domes, and foundations strong enough to withstand the massive natural disaster which raged beyond their borders. Communication was mainly maintained through rail lines.
Story focuses on Vasev, Absalom, Malory "Mal", and Cantrelle. Absalom and Vasev are scientists, Mal is a bounty hunter, and Cantrelle is an assassin for hire. Vasev and Absalom are trying to get the trains working again after a horrific accident ( read: targeted attack ) mangled the machines. Mal and later Centrelle are handling the rough and tumble "get rid of the ones responsible" side of things.
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