#went to the park in stockholm to people watch it was delightful
ansgar-martinsson · 4 years
The Best Intentions - Part 6
Ansgar clicked the button on the car-shaped keyfob, and his cherry red car chirped and the boot schussed open in response.
“Ooh, a Tesla,” Joline intoned. “Nice car.”
“I know,” Ansgar quipped. “Ever been in one?”
She shook her head. “Nuh uh. Heard a lot about them, though.”
He strode to the rear of the car, and bent over the boot. He took out his helmet, a matte-carbon and mirrored AGV, and laid that on the tarmac beside him. “Well,” he said, smiling to himself, “maybe after we take your ride for a spin, we can take mine.” He straightened up, and dangled the fob in front of her, just as she did him. “You can even drive it.”
Her eyes blew wide and she clasped her hands together close to her heart, like a child waiting for a bag of candy from her grandmama. She fist pumped, her face squinching with unabashed glee. “Yes!”
The sight of her, earnest as she was, lifted Ansgar’s spirit, just that little bit.
He laughed and turned his attention back to the boot of his car. He retrieved and shook out a black leather motorcycle jacket - a Switchback jacket, emblazoned with “Harley Davidson” in shades of grey across the back. Various patches decorated the sleeves and the breast – a Swedish flag, an American flag, a massive roaring lion’s head, a Sturgis patch with crossed pistols, an ascending eagle, and a straight razor that read simply, “Revenge”.
“Where’d you get that?” Jo stepped forward and reached her hand toward the jacket. “May I? Is this yours?”
“Of course it’s mine.” He chucked it to her, and she caught it deftly. “I bought it in Sturgis, South Dakota. In America.”
“I know where Sturgis is. What were you doing there?”
He chuckled as he continued to rummage through the trunk. “I went there for the rally, of course.”
“You… you ride?” she blinked and clutched the jacket to her breast.
“Why do you think I keep my gear in my car? I didn’t just pack this up this morning, you know.” He winked.
“I… I can’t believe you ride.”
“What’s so hard to believe?” He laughed as he toed off his loafers and stepped into a low slung pair of black Ariat boots, talking as he set his shoes in the trunk, as he took his jacket back from her and shimmied into it, as he fitted a pair of black leather gloves over his hands. “I have a Triumph of my own. A 1972 TR6. Not to mention I spent quite a bit of time on the back of a 2015 Harley Softail in the US a while ago.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Sturgis,” she whispered.
“Perhaps some day you can.” He bent and picked up his helmet, tucking it under his arm. “It’s that dream thing again, Joline. You can do whatever you set your mind to.” He smiled and held up his hand. “And don’t worry. I’m not going to go lecturing you or flapping my gums again.”
She cringed. “Er…maybe I shouldn’t have said –”
“No! I’m glad you did,” he smiled, gesturing for her to walk before him. “Few people would dare speak to me like that. I don’t believe I’ve had anyone tell me that I’m flapping my gums, with the distinct exceptions of my twin brother and my wi–” He stopped and swallowed hard. He looked away, feigning a check of the crossing traffic as he brought his facial features back under control. “Well, just know that I appreciate your candor, and I expect more of it from you from here on out.”
He shifted his helmet from one arm to the other as they approached the bike. He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing the piece of machinery before him from top to tail. He rest his gloved hand on the gas tank and glided it back over the seat. He whistled appreciatively. “She’s a beauty, Joline,” he said. “Great condition. Absolutely cherry. You must take meticulous care of her.” He crouched down and set his hand on the rear tire. “She has Marchesini wheels as well. Impressive.” Looking up at her, he asked, “Did you put those on yourself?”
The portrait of a man in leather beside her bike was nearly her undoing. When she offered Ansgar her ride, she assumed a quick spin around the city center. But the man, as he proved from the first moment they met, didn’t do anything by half. Go big, go strong or fuck right off. The smell of leather, male pheromone and wheat rolled off him in a steady current making her lightheaded and woozy with attraction.
Ansgar tried again when she didn’t respond, “Joline?”
“Hmm…” she hummed, her head in a cloud of lust.
“The Marchesini wheels? Did you put those on?”
Joline snapped to, rejoining the conversation, “Oh, I-I-I did,” she bragged over her most prized possession. Looking chuffed to bits that he noticed, she pressed on, “My… uh, my, my dad was a J&P man- all the way, but those were rough as fuck. The handling felt as smooth as rocks in a blender. Riding from Stockholm to Vaxholm was an exercise in masochism. I swiped ‘em out, replaced the spring forks,” she pointed to the part near the front wheel, “and the rear shock absorber. Now Nightingale, she flies.”
He didn’t fully commit to a grin, but admired her work. He picked up on the nickname for her ride. “Nightingale?”
Jo beamed, affectionately patting the leather seat with a flat slap. “Nightingale. Dad named her, and it stuck.”
“Matches your art,” he nodded at the inside of her arm where he spotted her tattoo.
She dropped her gaze to the sidewalk, a lump of sadness forming in her throat. She swallowed it, pushed it aside for the sake of conversation. She took a breath and shed her leather jacket off her left shoulder. “I got it on the one year anniversary of dad’s death.”
A small blue outline of a nightingale bird sat on the inside of her arm, under the bend of her elbow, wings in flight, no more than three inches long. Underneath a Florence Nightingale quote graced her flesh: Live life when you have it.
“Dad used to tell me that all the time.” She nodded at the text. “I honored him that way, I missed his reminders.” Tears filled her eyes, but she managed to blink them away. A weak smile broke the moment and she recovered smoothly with a shrug. “Still raw from it, I guess.”
Ansgar softened his gaze and gave a sympathetic apology, “A touching tribute. I’m sure he’d be proud.”
“Thank you. Now… uh…” she threw her jacket back on her shoulder, “let’s ride!” She replied with a bit more gusto than completely genuine.
He seated his helmet it place upon his head, adjusting the visor in place and nodded for her to do the same. One long leg swung over the top of her bike, and his hips settled into the seat, hand poised on the clutch.
Jo’s eyes went a little wonky witnessing his mount, but she reeled in the hormone show before he noticed. She watched in further appreciation as he righted the bike and started it like the expert rider he claimed to be.
“Get on! Hold onto me!” he ordered through the helmet.
She jumped perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, her waist in line with his, her legs outlining his, her hands gripping the leather of his belt. He was solid and firm and so warm, she felt another rush of blood to her head.
Ansgar eased into traffic fully in control of the bike beneath him, and possibly the woman clutching at his waist. Her grip tightened at intervals depending on the speed they traveled or how close other vehicles got to them. But there was underlying trust in the hold on him, she didn’t fear for her safety, it was more a show of confidence in his skill.
He drove out onto Strombron, past the ships on the water on Skeppsbron, passing by Fotografiska, another Martinsson Construction account. He navigated his way through traffic, the odometer pushing the legal limit just enough for the thrill of riding, but under the traffic camera radar. He signaled where appropriate, but also maintained this air of wild freedom, a flirt of recklessness, but never too much.
Jo didn’t know where he was headed, but she couldn’t find it in her to care.  
“Did you… did you say twin brother?” Joline wasn’t sure she’d heard right. Her blood soared and her ears rang on the riding high. It had also been the better part of an hour ago. Ansgar pulled off and parked in one of the famed observatory parks that he’d had his hand in at the beginning. He sat in a bench along the edge watching with little interest as joggers, parents and tourists go about their way. But he lorded over the place as if he owned it. His legs sprawled to the width of his elbows hiked upon the wooden slats of the bench back. Joline restrained herself from hopping in the middle of those impressively muscled legs by forcing herself to sit on her own hands.  She hadn’t the first inkling how she’d held onto to him while they rode without embarrassing herself. She’d the opportunity to take advantage and yet, somehow, maintained her dignity. Ansgar only seemed to be testing the boundaries of her restraint. You can’t have him, Jo. Pull yourself together! Ansgar laughed at her very delayed question, turning an eye to her. “Yes. Twin. I have a twin.” There are two of you sexy motherfuckers walking around?! “Congrats!” She said outloud. “For what?” She suddenly blurted a tiny snippet of some of the cleaner ideas running about her head at the speed of light. “The genes… impressive fucking genes in your family.” And that was the clean version. “Your family’s been blessed, with not one, but two sexy men.” He delighted in the freedom of her tongue and the way she said it, without a trace of embarrassment or terror; she owned it. “Do you find me sexy, Joline?” She propped her elbow on the park bench’s back, rotated in his direction and stared at him. “You don’t need me to stroke your ego. You know that everyone finds you sexy. Even that guy,” she jutted her chin at the runner that gave Ansgar a full model survey… three times on his way past.
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telltheworld-phff · 5 years
Chapter 46, part I: My best friend’s wedding
Carol did have to thank Princess Sofia for the little push she had given her a couple weeks ago. She decided to be bold and to give Harry the chance he’s been patiently waiting for. She was more loving towards him, not that she wasn’t before, but she was loving in a way enough to show him, because she was still afraid of speaking about it, that they did go to a next level.
When they thought luck was finally getting on their side, their schedule became so packed and full that they barely had the chance to see each other. Harry had to go with his grandmother to a long visit up north, Carol’s work was going amazingly and she was hosting workshops and training programs. She started easy, with all the BBC employees in London. She had to adjust her hours because of the amount of shifts they had and it came out as a huge success. They were starting to create a magazine and everyone was contributing with ideas and photographs and contact information to some people they wanted to interview. That’s why her boss said they should expand to other countries.
And that’s when she thought she’d go mad.
And that’s when her already full schedule became even fuller.
Because she had barely spent any time at home.
Because she was receiving lots of angry texts from her sister, because she had missed all the fittings to her dress.
Because she had promised her mom, she’d be in Brazil for at least two weeks to help her with the last errands for the wedding.
She was frustrated because obviously she had too much on her plate, and that’s when she opened her e-mail and dreaded opening the message that said “Planned Trips”. With a sigh, she opened it and saw all those places she’d be able to visit, but at the same time she just wanted her home. She just wanted an opportunity to breathe.
Her schedule for the next two months was something like this:
2-6 Copenhagen, Denmark
10-12 Cologne, Germany
25-27 Paris, France
4-9 Warsaw, Poland
14-19 Stockholm, Sweden
23-27 Johannesburg, South Africa
It’s not like she didn’t like traveling (she still hadn’t left London to go anywhere), or that she didn’t like her job and to be traveling with something she had created. It was just...
It all was happening so fast, and even though she was spending a lot of time in her office, sometimes she still pinched herself to see if it wasn’t a dream that she was about to wake up from.
She loved everything that had happened in her life.
What she wasn’t comfortable with was the pace things were happening.
Just when she had settled down to the idea of living abroad, dating and prince, getting a master degree and finally totally catch up with her workplace and tasks, people started to add things to her ever growing piles of things she had to give attention to.
She closed the e-mail and took a breath. Freak out right now wouldn’t help her go anywhere.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds when a colleague knocked on her door and asked if she was ready to the conference call.
She wasn’t. But she lied and went anyway.
She had just arrived in London from Germany, letf her suitcase at home and went for something to dinner.
“Hey babe.” she said when he picked up his phone. She was at a Sainsbury’s buying her dinner. “How are you?”
He smiled when he heard the endearment.
“I’m better now. And you?”
“Tired. Bit stressed.” she said while getting a bottle of orange juice. “But tomorrow I’m working from home, so I have time to pack. I can’t believe the wedding is next Saturday.” she said after paying and walking back to her place. “My mom must be so disappointed because I couldn’t get there earlier.”
“I know! Seems like it was yesterday.” he said leaving the car in front of his cottage. He too was working all day at St. James. “And I already told you, Carol. Your mom understands that you didn’t go earlier because of your job. Your very good paying job.”
“It seems that you want to date me for my money, Harry. Do you? Do you want to date me because of my money?”
“You know I want to date you besides your money… Already told you that.”
They both laughed and she took a moment to appreciate his laugh.
“Is your dress ready?” This had become an inside joke because he knew she hadn’t been to any fittings.
“It is. But I don’t know if it’ll fit… might’ve lost a few pounds these days. Let’s not mention that to Hailey. She’s been complaining about the fact that my mom lives in another country and all the fittings went smoothly. I live in the same city and was always busy and never found time to go to a single one...” Carol laughed at that while walking towards her flat.
“Oh boy...” Harry said loosening his tie. “Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Yeah… I mean. I’m not the bride. No one will be looking at me.”
“I will...” he answered.
“Well… you’re my date. You’re obliged to.” they both laughed while she opened her flat’s door.
“I miss you.” Harry said and she could actually feel how much he meant it.
“Me too...” she answered biting her lip.
“Can’t wait for this trip. Your work is stealing you way too much from me.” he said and actually pouted at that.
She laughed because she knew he was pouting. But she didn’t comment on his statement, just like he knew she wouldn’t.
“So I heard you and Sofia have been texting each other.” Harry said after a comfortable silence between them.
“We are!” Carol sounded excited. “She’s such a sweet person, and she’s giving me some advice. We are going to have lunch together when I’m in Stockholm next month.”
“I knew you’d like her. Carl Philip scored big when he married her.” Harry went to the kitchen to heat something for him to eat. “She’s someone you can trust. You know, in my circle you have to be careful with what you say or do. It’s sad that we can’t just make a friend at a park or bar, that we have to constantly watch our behavior. So I think it’s important for you to have someone you can trust on. She’ll help you a lot.”
“He did. Didn’t he?” Carol smiled. “But it’s weird that I’m developing a friendship with a princess.”
“You’re developing a relationship with a prince… Thought you’d be used by now.” Harry said and Carol went silent once again. “She’s the first of many, though.” They both laughed at that.
“Who knows?”.
She had checked her e-mail account twice while waiting to board the plane. She was still working, even though she had promised herself she wouldn’t. The plan was: get up early, go for a stroll at the park, go back home to pack and start working by 9. Then, she’d take her full lunch hour so she could get a manicure and then go back and work until 4:30. Then, it was vacation time for she had taken a few days off, on holidays. But obviously she woke up early and decided to check her e-mail. What was going to be just checking became full working and when she realized it was already mid-afternoon and she hadn’t done anything.
She answered to the last e-mail and started leisurely browsing.That’s when she saw the news:
“The Marshal of the Realm is delighted to announce that HRH Crown Princess Victoria gave birth to a son on April 10, 2018 at 5:48pm.
Both mother and child are in good health.”
She couldn’t help but be thrilled. Her Royal watching-heart was happy for the family and Swedish christenings were the most fun ones to watch.
She sent a text to Sofia, congratulating on her newborn nephew.
She felt her phone vibrating, but they were calling all passengers to board, so she didn’t see who was texting until she had found her seat. She had got two messages.
H: Safe trip, babe. See you in Brazil.
S: Thank you, Carol. He’s so cute. Also… a little secret: his name is Arthur. Xoxo
She took her time to answer to both of them, and then texted her mom saying she was on her way home.
The flight was uneventful but long and tiring. She arrived at Sao Paulo and had a connection to the other flight.
Her mom had decided to get married in Fernando de Noronha, one of Brazil’s postcard and one of the most wonderful places on earth. But since it was an island and also a natural reserve, getting there was difficult and even bureaucratic.
When she finally arrived in Noronha, several hours later, her mom and Flavio were waiting for her.
She received the most calming and comforting hug from her mom. That lasted forever and they both teared up.
In Portuguese there’s a word that means “I miss you”, and it’s called “Saudade”. In that moment both mother and daughter, that had never been this long apart were witnessing and feeling that saudade was painful and bittersweet.
After the compliments, they boarded the rental car and went to the hotel.
Carol was so tired and jet-lagged that she only wanted a shower and a bed to nap. She didn’t even wanted to go sightseeing just now. She needed rest and probably food. Brazilian food.
After she had her check-in and went to her bedroom, she found a giant bouquet of pink roses on her bed. She knew who had sent that before she got the card. And even in her state, she appreciated his gesture.
“When you get this bouquet, it’ll mean that we are only a couple hours apart. Hang in there, my love. I am on my way. -H.”
She smiled and smelled the flowers. She asked the reception for a vase and put them on water.
She took a shower and tried to wait for him awake. But her tiredness took the best of her and she fell asleep.
When Harry arrived at the hotel, he first asked for Maria and Flavio. He wanted to congratulate them and thank them for the invitation he didn’t think he’d get.
The hotel manager that was waiting for him on the reception told they were at the beach. And for him to get there he would have to simple walk towards the end of the lobby. Harry was impressed by the beauty of this north eastern Brazilian island.
He soon found Maria that just forgot he was a prince and embraced him like he was his son. She asked him a few things she had learned. She was fussing over him like a caring a protective mother and he had forgotten how this felt like.
Flavio also greeted him like part of the family and he even spotted Hailey on a jet-ski, playing with some unknown person.
“Where is she?” he asked as soon it was polite enough to change the subject.
“She’s taking a nap.” Flavio answered.
“I think you could also enjoy a nap.” Maria said. “Room 202.” she blinked at him.
He politely excused himself and went to the room. He asked his P.O’s to just leave him be for a couple of hours. The island was secure, the hotel was only booked with wedding guests and to be honest he didn’t give a damn about being spotted.
He only wanted to be with her.
With the woman that had turned his world upside town with just a smile.
The woman that would soon be, officially, his girlfriend.
He knocked on the door and no one answered. He tried to see if it was locked. It wasn’t.
As quietly as he could, he entered the bedroom and saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed.
He couldn’t help but smile.
He took of his shoes and shirt and laid beside her on the bed. He caressed her face and she smiled. He gently pulled her body towards his and his heart felt content when he noticed that even sleeping, her body recognized his. Because she snuggled on him without even noticing.
In that moment Harry knew for sure that he had made something right along the way. That the wait was worth it. Because Carol had said, without saying a single word, that she was his. In the  most sincere way.
I know it’s a short chapter and that you deserve more. I know. But I thought it was best for me to post this, and then work on the rest of it than to post it all God knows when.
Happy Holidays and thank you so much for reading my story and for sticking with me during the laptop break. It still isn’t fixed, but let’s not focus on it. Shall we?
The next chapter will probably come on the new year, but I’ll do my best to post it sooner.
As always, let me know your thoughts on this chapter and suggestions to the other ones.
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achrafchachi · 4 years
Vacation Ideas For Couples: 39 Awesome Places To Visit With Your Partner
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1Seoul, Korea
Seoul is not only a perfect destination for the couple that’s all about city life—within city limits there are green spaces and mountains, offering hiking, outdoor sports (the couple that sweats together, stays together), and perfect picnic spots.
But back to the more urban aspects. Seoul is known for its nightlife
. And what better way to bond than over late night karaoke or getting adventurous with some delicious street food?
Best of all, Seoul can be enjoyed on the cheap, though you might want to avoid the more upscale Cheongdam-dong and Gangnam if you’re trying to save your pennies.
2Prague, Czech Republic
Prague snags a spot on the list because of its dream-like surroundings. This is a city to walk hand-in-hand with someone you love and just soak it all in: the bridges, the old churches…it’s like being in a living, breathing fairy tale (for more storybook charm, see #29).
If classical music moves you, go take in some Mozart with your girl and cap off the evening with some local beer—Prague is thought to have some of the best brews in Europe.
3Portland, Oregon (USA)
For couples looking for something a little bit more laid back and offbeat, I want to throw Portland into the mix.
The city has some great food—both high-end dining and incredible food truck options—with an emphasis on local ingredients. (And if you’re anything like me, the way to my heart is through my stomach.)
In addition to a burgeoning culinary scene, I’d recommend taking advantage of the amazing people-watching opportunities here. It’s built-in conversation all around you. Grab a cup of coffee (Portland has some of the best in the country) and browse through books and records with your new lady friend (or fellow), while keeping your eyes on the quirky folks in their natural habitat.
4Paris, France
This is a more familiar entry for those of you feeling a little skeptical about the romantic potential of Portland or Prague.
I don’t think I really need to do much by way of explaining why Paris would make a great destination for romance, but in a nutshell: small, winding streets; sidewalk cafes; good wine; candlelight.
Paris sort of sells itself here.
5Buenos Aires, Argentina
Travel down South America way to Buenos Aires, home of the tango, the forbidden dance.
In appearance, the city is rather European, but the flavor is totally South American. Buenos Aires is a passionate place—it’s sexy, bright, and always going. This is a place to give in to pleasure. There is food from all over the world (in addition to the famous, juicy Argentinian grilled steaks) and the city never sleeps.
So, eat, dance, drink—really live it up—while you’re here.
6New England, USA
Rent a car and drive around the northeastern part of the United States with your sweetie.
Save this excursion for the fall months: for whatever reason, leaves are really romantic. As can be hiking, some light antiquing, eating real maple syrup drizzled all over some freshly-made pancakes, and staying in a quaint bed & breakfast.
This is also a really good opportunity to wear flannel (see #7 on the list).
7Venice, Italy
There is something so desperately romantic about a city fated to drown…
That, and the food, the masks, the fog; the grandeur. Venice is all about fantasy and opulence. Between the prosecco and the secret passageways dotting the Gothic palaces, this mysterious city is ripe with sex appeal.
8Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto is a perfect place for a spring getaway. At this time of year, the cherry blossoms frame the classic Japanese architecture and distant mountains. There is a beautiful serenity and sense of tradition in this former capital city.
If you and your SO need to hit the reset button from the stresses of work and cramped city living, peace is only a plane ride away.
Bonus: Kyoto has become a foodie destination. Both haute cuisine and classical Japanese faire shine here.
9San Sebastian, Spain
With the mountains of the Basque region in the background, this beach town in the Bay of Biscay sort of has everything. By day, you and bae can surf, play in the sand, or meander around the charming town.
When the sun goes down, things get sultry. The city has a very lively nightlife and also seems to be a magnet for Michelin stars. (Go to town on food here—from pinxtos (tapas) to fine dining, any extra pounds you two put on will be worth it.)
10Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
Set on an island in the St. Lawrence River in Québec, Canada, Montréal has become a go-to North American destination for culture—be it art, food, architecture, music, or cinema.
While you’re there, go to a museum or simply take in the street art, and be sure to go to a concert. There are about a billion music festivals that take place in the city—there’s always some type of live music to see, whatever your taste. There is something really special about experiencing new music or art with someone you’re into.
Tip: This is another great place to get your eat on: from rich French food, traditional Canadian faire (think: poutine), to pretty much every other international cuisine you can imagine, Montréal is doing it, and doing it well (extra points if you picked up on that L.L. Cool J. reference).
11Tulum, Mexico
Tulum is an eco-paradise on Mexico’s Caribbean coast, not far from its more famous sister city, Cancún. Unlike that perennial Spring Break party spot, Tulum is quieter, less crowded, less expensive, and is known for its commitment to holistic living and the environment.
Whether you choose to keep your feet planted in the white sand of the area’s beaches, enjoy a hammock nap together, dip into the water for some snorkeling, or venture into the jungle to check out ruins (or one of the late night jungle parties, complete with DJ), that’s up to you.
Whether the two of you prefer quiet and calm or something more active and social, or maybe a little bit of each, Tulum is flexible (just like the abundant yoga practitioners who flock to the area).
12Loire Valley, France
Bike rides, picnics, fresh fruit and cheese, castles, rolling hills and plush fields…that’s what we’re working with here. This region in Central France offers abundance and splendor in, well, abundance.
This is also wine country, so you can spend every day pleasantly tipsy while you get fresh air and take in the incredible scenery around you. You can even row a boat together along the river, although I’d recommend doing this before hitting the vineyards heavy—best not to drink and row.
13The Hebrides, Scotland
The general vibe of these islands off the west coast of Scotland is misty and romantic. Everything is rocky and green and full of history.
Cozy together in wool sweaters by night and, by day, pay a visit to some of the many distilleries all around these isles. The scotch, and of course the presence of your gal/beau, will help keep you warm.
14Hamilton Island, Australia
Does the fact Taylor Swift went here last winter turn you on or off?
If the latter, don’t let the pop princess sour you on this idyllic destination in the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia. If the two of you live for aquatic experiences (or trying new things), Hamilton is located at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef.
So, there’s plenty of diving, snorkeling, sailing, and making out in the water to be done.
15St. Lucia (Caribbean)
Decadence and geologic wonders collide in St. Lucia, located in the Eastern Caribbean.
Surrounding the luxurious resorts where you and your new girl/guy can get treated like royalty—room service, spa treatments, complimentary bathrobes—are some pretty delightful natural marvels.
St. Lucia boasts waterfalls, rainforests, volcanic spires, reefs, hot springs, and of course, pristine beaches and crystal-clear water.
If you’re like me and enjoy a little decadence punctuating your adventure, St. Lucia is a go. Nothing is better than a massage after tackling a mountain. Or volcano, for that matter.
16Stockholm, Sweden
You know how sometimes being around really attractive, stylish people can make you feel better looking yourself? Something about how “you are the company you keep”? That’s what happens here.
Being surrounded by cool people and design seems to raise your own cool factor. Especially in those early stages of dating, looking cool is all-important. If you’re feeling in a rut, eating on the couch while binging on Netflix, get back your edge with a week wandering the streets of Stockholm.
This is a city for couples interested in fashion, food, and art. Who love architecture. Couples who enjoy looking to the past, absorbing and learning about history, but also have an eye to the future; to the latest thing.
17Joshua Tree, CA (USA)
Switching gears from the historic cobblestone walkways of Stockholm to some more rugged terrain, #12 on this list is Joshua Tree, about 2.5-3 hours outside of Los Angeles.
So named for the Dr. Seuss-esque Joshua trees that line its landscape, this desert town is home to some funky shops, but most importantly a National Park that feels like visiting another planet. It’s a really cool place to explore with someone you like (or love), all the unusual flora and fauna and the views for miles.
I have to admit I’m slightly biased here: Joshua Tree was a stop on my honeymoon. I’d recommend renting one of the artsy offerings on AirBnB, hiking all day, and then cooking at night, eating by the fire, with all the stars above.
*Need extra reason to make your way to Joshua Tree with your honey? Visiting a desert took the #5 spot on our 28 Places Every Man Should Visit in His Lifetime list. Check and check.
18Berlin, Germany
Like Stockholm, Berlin has an abundance of “It” factor. The city has become a mecca for art and design and is undeniably, and achingly, cool. I think Lonely Planet captures Berlin best, describing its combination of “glamor and grit.”
While Berlin is perhaps a little intimidating in its spot on the cutting edge of basically everything, it’s also exceedingly laid back and unfussy. Though highly stylized, nothing is too precious—things are a little rough around the edges.
There is no judgment here. It’s equal parts welcoming and unpredictable, which is totally sexy.
If late nights invigorate you and your love, and being a part of the art-world inspires you, this is the place to visit.
19Fez, Morocco
One word best captures this Moroccan city: vibrant.
Being in Fez will have all of your senses mesmerized: from the smells of the teas, foods, and spices in the markets, to the mosaic tiles, textiles, and brightly colored everything, and all the different textures of the metalwork and rich leather.
There is something so sensual about it all—distant prayers sung out into the sky, the setting sun, dim lights, rich aromas, warm nights, ancient fortress walls…
While the Croatian coastline is populated by its fair share of yachts, this small European jewel is a mostly affordable option for couples looking for the bright blue waters and rocky coastlines typical of the Mediterranean.
Not only is it a natural wonder—waterfalls, peaks, and canyons abound—but so rich in history. Traveling through Croatia is like a history lesson on a vast variety of past empires, an intermingling of various architecture, art, and traditions.
There is an abundance to see here, and to talk about.
21Vienna, Austria
Featured in the quintessential ‘90s romance Before Sunrise, starring Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, it is hard not to equate this city with falling in love.
So make like these movies stars, and spend all day and all night exploring the city on foot, with some occasional stops to quiet cafes and maybe a boisterous bar or two. Get to really know each other as you pass along the cobblestone streets.
These beautiful surroundings, modern architecture juxtaposed against historic opera houses, make a perfect backdrop for intimate conversation.
22Istanbul, Turkey
While touring the markets and historic structures that line this city should make their way on to your Istanbul to-do list, make sure not to overlook the water.
Cruise on the Bosphorous at night (or walk along it by day), sip some Turkish coffee on the riverbank, and take in the incredible views of Hagia Sophia from the water.
There is something really special and mystical about this place, how it straddles two cultures and two continents. It is a very unique experience and definitely one to share with someone you love.
23Santa Fe, NM (USA)
Santa Fe is somewhere I’ve been visiting since I was little. So, it hasn’t always been a romantic destination for me, but it’s been a much-loved one for as long as I can remember.
The New Mexican landscape is so strange and beautiful. There are pine trees and cacti, red clay rock, snow, desert…it’s so diverse and unusual in that respect, which makes it an incredible place to be outdoors.
In addition to exploring the terrain together, it is the particular smells and particular lighting that make this a romantic city. After dark, particularly in the winter, luminarias (paper lanterns) cast a warm glow across town and the smell of piñon in the air is just completely enchanting.
Take in as much of this country as time permits. It’s affordable, scenic, and totally charming.
Fly into Lisbon first—the city is all quaint shops, cobblestone streets, vibrant neighborhoods, and gorgeous architecture. There are even vintage trams to help get you up the city’s sometimes-steep walkways. These afford incredible views and allow you take in many historic sites and other attractions.
Outside of Lisbon, check out Sintra, Évora, and Óbidos—all three are ancient and picturesque (and a little bit more off the beaten path when it comes to tourism). Everything is lush, green, and packed with interesting culture (and stories to tell).
Extra credit: Visit Madeira and/or the Azores (both islands) off the coast. Madeira is known for its great weather and sense of fun and the Azores, for its wildlife (whale watching!) and verdant grounds (pineapple plantations!). Both areas are remote and make for really enchanting, once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
25Florence, Italy
Maybe it was reading A Room With a View many years ago, but Florence is somewhere I always associate with love, adventure, and beauty.
Known as the birthplace of the Renaissance and renowned for its art and architecture, one of the most breathtaking and romantic aspects of the city is how sunlight dances across its rooftops. There is something so special and so gorgeous about the light here. (You’re going to look great in all your pictures together.)
26Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Situated near Tahiti in the South Pacific, Bora Bora is basically paradise (some have joked “it’s so nice, they named it twice”).
The water is perfect and clear, the beaches a pristine white. You can stay in deceptively luxurious thatched roof bungalows perched over that aforementioned crystal water. You can swim with turtles and exotic, brightly colored fish.
This tropical island is secluded and idyllic—it’s no coincidence it’s one of the most popular honeymoon destinations in the world. But don’t feel like you need to pop the question before booking accommodations—unwed pairs are equally welcome.
27Southern Spain
The vibe in this southern part of Spain is so relaxed and friendly and the weather is totally perfect—rent a car and cruise around for days.
I’d make sure to stop in Granada to see the spectacular Alhambra palace, in all its Moorish splendor. There is something really romantic about climbing up there to that fortress on high and walking around underneath the vaulted ceilings, patterned in stars, weaving in and out of the delicate columns, listening to the soothing sounds of the trickling of water from the fountains.
When in Andalucía, Seville should also be a top priority. Seville is warm and bright, both in terms of the sun’s rays shining down on you, and the vibrancy of its culture and people.
Drink lots of sangria, dine on tapas, and take in some flamenco. This spirited city will put you both in a great mood. And nothing is sexier than happiness.
28The Greek Isles
Ever since a good friend of mine selected the Cyclades for her honeymoon, visions of dining out on a whitewashed terrace on the Greek Isles with my own spouse have cycled through my head.
The setting of this island is postcard-perfect. The bright white, sun-soaked buildings contrast in such a wildly perfect way with the surrounding deep blue waters and rocky mountains.
Santorini is probably the most famous and sophisticated option. It’s also the most romantic. Don’t read too much into that descriptor of sophistication, however—Santorini is made for lazy days of soaking in the sun, slow strolls, and long meals. The vibe is 100 percent pleasure and relaxation.
29Bruges, Belgium
Switching gears completely from sun-drenched island life, we have Bruges, nestled in northwest Belgium.
With an old medieval city like this, you get all the canals, old churches, and small, winding streets out of your childhood storybooks. It’s like a fairy tale, Hans Christian Anderson-style, come to life (but fast-forwarded through the sad bits, straight to the happy ending).
It’s all so dreamy. This is a city that calls for a lot of hand-holding, kissing on old stone bridges, and long, conversation-filled dinners.
Tip: This is a really popular tourist spot in the summer. We’d recommend planning your visit for the spring (daffodil season) or the winter (when it is all chilly and cozy holiday charm) instead.
30Santa Barbara, CA (USA)
I’m going to be up front again about my bias with this one. Just like Joshua Tree (#17), Santa Barbara was a stop on my honeymoon trail (which was a road trip along America’s West Coast, with me, my husband, and our dog packed into a black Mustang).
But I’m not the only one who thinks Santa Barbara is one of the most romantic places on earth. JFK and Jackie handpicked this as their own honeymoon destination, a pair famous for their great taste (if not the best marriage).
Why Santa Barbara? In addition to the ocean, palm trees, mountains, and Spanish-style architecture, there is something really serene and special about this place. Hummingbirds flitter around and bright flowers bloom almost on cue.
It’s all really luxurious, but somehow in a really welcoming, low-key way. And can be done on whatever budget you need to adhere to—from celebrity-level spending to more modest accommodations, either will afford you a really lovely stay.
31Seychelles, East Africa
The Seychelles are just off East Africa, right in the Indian Ocean. For me, I would go just to see the rare giant tortoises, but maybe you might need more convincing? Or a sexier reason for your stay than some old reptiles?
So, let me start by describing how incredible the soft, powdery sand feels in between your toes and how the water is so clear and bright it almost looks like a swimming pool. The rocks and lushness of the flora and fauna are so incredible, they seem like something painted by a Surrealist.
Pretty much everything you eat has been grown on the island or caught in the water that surrounds it. It’s all fresh and delicious. Eating with your hands, with cool, fruit juices covering your fingers, all under the warm sun…it doesn’t get much more sensual than that.
32Cinque Terre, Italy
Ah, the Italian Riveria. Without me even writing anything else, your mind has probably already wandered to thoughts of glamorous people, delicious food, plentiful wine, bright colors, sunshine, and salty sea air.
This is romance, Italian-style, perched cliffside along the Mediterranean. Fill up on freshly caught seafood, local olives, cheese, and pesto, and toast your limoncello to love.
33Hunter Valley, NSW (Australia)
About two hours away from Sydney, is a gorgeous stretch of Australian wine country. Everything is lush and green, all rolling hills dappled in sunlight.
In addition to developing some of arguably the best red wines in the country, Hunter Valley has garnered a reputation for some high-quality eats. And you can be sure that all of those culinary delights will pair quite perfectly with all that delicious wine.
One of the best things about this area, though, besides its good food and vino, is how secluded it is. Everything feels really private and intimate, like you’re an escaping real life, which is an important thing for me if I’m looking for a romantic vacation.
Oh and did I mention you can take a champagne hot-air balloon ride? I mean, come on (insert mic drop here).
34Puerto Rico (Caribbean)
I love the bright colors and sunny disposition of this Caribbean island. And that it is equal parts tropical rain forest and sandy beaches as it is full of architecture and interesting history.
Walk around Old San Juan together, learning about the city (and island’s) past, visiting the old churches and stopping to enjoy a couple of beers with the locals, all to the beat of music from the streets and storefronts.
Take things up a notch by exploring caves and spotting rainforest wildlife. Try out surfing or investigating the coral reefs. Or just be beach bums together and catch up on reading (or sleep) on the sand. Choose your own adventure here, be it stirring or sleepy.
35The Cotswolds, England
I’m a lifelong Anglophile. My dream real estate purchase is a house on the English countryside and I am pretty much a sucker for everything the BBC exports our way. I could go on. But instead, let’s focus on you and your romance.
Take your love to the Cotswolds. This area sits northwest of London, and is an expanse of charming thatched roof cottages, rolling green hills, old stone manses and churches, small shops (shoppes?), and grazing animals.
It’s quiet, peaceful, and a perfect spot for time outside—hiking, horseback riding, rambling, and cycling—and evenings indoors in front of glowing fireplaces. Sip some tea and just take it easy.
36South African Winelands
Let’s talk a little bit more about wine. On this list, we’ve visited Australian wine country, and just about every other destination I’ve recommended drinking lots of it. I sure hope you like wine.
While there is nothing sexy about red wine mouth, this region in South Africa most definitely is. The cuisine and the area’s beverages are fantastic and the scenery is totally spectacular. Everywhere you look there are fields of green dotted by grand mountains. It’s just so vast and endless and amazing.
Rent a car and drive around from winery to winery, or you can choose to cycle. There are even some lovely old trams that take you through the vineyards. If you get wined out, so to speak, there is also mountain-biking, horseback riding, golf, fly-fishing, and chocolate-eating (South Africa is doing some great things with cocoa).
Get tipsy, get active. Though maybe not in that order.
37Cartagena, Colombia
Some of you might be throwing a surprised glance my way upon seeing this city of ill repute here. But isn’t a hint of danger titillating?
In all seriousness, the walled city is actually totally safe for travelers today. Long gone are the days of Escobar (though, please feel free to relive them on Netflix with Narcos).
This city is another on the list that straddles two cultures—the European influence is apparent (more of those cobbled streets I love), but the colors and sensuality of the Caribbean and South America are also there in full force. Even the humidity is sensual there.
This city is equal parts alive/boisterous/active and quiet. So enjoy some sleepy strolls and get your taste of Cartagena’s lively social life, too.
38Andaman Islands, India
Located in the Bay of Bengal, these islands—popular honeymoon picks in India—are covered in beaches and rainforests, and surrounded by reefs packed with marine life.
The Andamans are extremely remote: if privacy is what you two want, you got it. These islands are so secluded and so precious, only about a dozen of the total 300 are open to tourists. So, this is a really special destination.
While you’re there, traverse through the jungles, give diving a try, eat exotic things, look for rare wildlife, weave in and out of the mangroves…really make the most out of your time together in paradise.
39Chiang Mai, Thailand
Last, but not least (again, there’s neither order nor hierarchy on this list) is Chiang Mai, Thailand.
First off, let me mention we’re ending on a really affordable note. Bangkok can get crowded and pricey—Chiang Mai is a refreshing alternative.
The city is calm and unpolluted (speaking equally about the traffic and the air) and easily walkable. There is some incredible classic cuisine available from street vendors that sit alongside newer restaurants and art galleries. Old meets new here in a fantastically uncomplicated, easy way.
While you’re here, take some classes together, check out new and different foods in the markets, and then be sure to explore the countryside. Just a few beats away from city life, you’ll find pulsing green jungles, waterfalls cascading down mountains, hot springs, ancient villages, temples, shrines, monks, and elephant sanctuaries.
There is so much to see, do, and try, minus the overwhelming sounds and crowds of similarly active and exciting locales.
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sentrava · 5 years
What’s On in Stockholm: May 2019
The sun is staying out longer, and so are the people of Stockholm! Emerging from the winter hibernation is exciting, whether you are a morning person or a night owl. There are plenty of outdoor events in Stockholm throughout the month, including bird watching, a fun run, food festivals, and concerts.
Here’s what’s happening in Stockholm this May:
Wednesday 1st – Sunday 12th
Memo Color at Galleri Glas
Gunnel Sahlin’s glass exhibit opened in April, and ends early this month. You don’t want to miss the chance to see her exquisite work!
    Wednesday 1st May
International Worker’s Day
As with most of Europe, 1st May is a public holiday in Sweden. Enjoy a day off in solidarity with those who have fought for labor rights – and still do.
    Thursday 2nd – Saturday 4th May
Swedish House Mafia at Tele2 Arena
Back in 2012, this house music group went on a farewell tour, which only increased their fame. Now, years later, Axwell, Sebastian Ingrosso, and Steve Angello have reunited Swedish House Mafia. They will have three performances in their hometown of Stockholm, with tickets starting at 450 SEK.
    Thursday 2nd May
Wiz Khalifa at Gröna Lund
The Gröna Lund summer concerts are starting off big with the Pittsburgh star rapper, Wiz Khalifa. If you are interested in attending more of the Gröna Lund concerts this summer, be sure to look into buying the Green Card for 290 SEK. Otherwise, the ticket price is the park entrance price: 120 SEK if you enter early, and 290 SEK if you enter during the evening.
    Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th May
Stockholm Writers Festival at Finlandshuset Konferens
If you’re a writer or in the publishing business, this is the place to be. Agents, editors, and English-language authors will all gather to network, to learn, and to be inspired. The main festival pass costs 2600 SEK, and there is the option to add on other classes as well.
    Friday 3rd May
Trädgården Premiär
With warm weather in Stockholm comes a new season at Trädgården! Trädgården is an outdoor live music venue, with food, and an opportunity to embrace the midnight sun all summer long.
    Saturday 4th May
Bug Run Picnic at Gärdet
This event is for all VW enthusiasts. All Volkswagen models, their drivers and passengers are welcome. Come rev your engines with your fellow bug-lovers.
    Vernisage for “Dialog II” at Konsthantverkarna
Ceramicist Alexandra Nilasdotter and silversmith studio Murky Jewelry are showing their beautiful, minimalist pieces together at Konsthantverkarna on Södermalmstorg. They’re just one of the pairings in “Dialog II,” a group show that highlights artists and designers two at a time. Other mediums include textile, metal, and glass. Enjoy the opening event from 11 am – 4 pm.
    Sunday 5th May
Beasts of the Southern Wild at Sthlm Under Stjärnorna
During the summer time, Sthlm Under Stjärnorna hosts weekly film evenings for free. This week features the 2012 film Beasts of the Southern Wild, an extraordinary film following six-year old Hushpuppy as her father’s health declines and her bayou community is flooded by melting ice caps.
    Tuesday 7th May
Bird Watching at Nationalstadsparken
Start you morning spotting and observing birds, whether rare or familiar. Bring food, warm clothes, and binoculars. If you miss this Tuesday, don’t worry; you can enjoy the birds on the 14th, 19th, 21st, and 28th of this month.
    Wednesday 8th May
SHY Martin at Obaren
SHY Martin is a notable songwriter, having written Mike Perry’s “The Ocean,” as well as other hits. In 2017, she began to focus on creating her own album. She released her debut EP “Overthinking” in December. Entrance to this concert is free.
    Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th May
Tabletop Game Expo
Want to switch up your game nights from Scrabble and Monopoly? At the Tabletop Game Expo, you’ll experience a tradeshow, a flea market, and other activities. You’ll have the opportunity to play games, hear about the latest and best games, and even sell your own games if you’d like. A 1-day ticket is 150 SEK, and 2-day tickets are 250 SEK.
    Saturday 11th May
Superior Challenge 19 at Cirkus Arena
Both local heroes and international stars will fight in this MMA event. The fightcard’s main event is Diego Nunes vs. Simon Sköld. Tickets start at 744 SEK.
    Sunday 12th May
Lukas Graham at Cirkus Arena
Lukas Graham, the popular pop-music band from Denmark, is on tour with their third album, “The Purple Album.” Their newest album contains the hit “Love Someone.” Tickets start at 460 SEK.
    Wednesday 15th – Thursday 16th May
Notting Hill at Bio & Bistro Capitol
Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant will grace the screen at Bio & Bistro Capitol as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the delightful romantic comedy Notting Hill (20 years! How old are we?!). The movie is in English and does not have subtitles. Tickets range from 160 to 210 SEK.
    Thursday 16th May
Art After Work at Mister French
Mister French has joined up with Campo Viejo, Absolut Art, and the artist duo Thomas OKOK Gunnarsson and Jacqueline. You’ll have the chance to enjoy a new selection of art from Absolut Art, and watch as Thomas OKOK Gunnarsson and Jacqueline simultaneously paint on the same canvas, creating a new painting right in front of your eyes.
    Saturday 18th May
Food Market at Täby Park
This event focuses on local, homemade, organic food, and a good time for all! There will be plenty to eat, lawns to hang out on, and fun activities for everyone.
    Tuesday 21st May
Anthropocene: The Human Epoch at ArkDes
In this documentary, directors Jennifer Baichwai and Nicholas de Pencier explore how humans have had an impact on the earth’s climate and ecosystems. An important and timely film. Entrance is free.
    Mumford & Sons at Ericsson Globe
This British band fuses bluegrass, folk, country, and rock for a sound that has captured the hearts of many since the band formed in 2007. Gang of Youths will support Mumford & Sons in this concert. Tickets start at 625 SEK.
    Friday 24th – Sunday 26th May
Stockholm Burger Fest at Smålandstorget
The burger festival is back for a fourth year! Stay tuned to the Facebook page for more information about the restaurants that will be participating this year.
    Friday 24th May
Gods of Rap at Skansen
Wu-Tang Clan, Public Enemy, and De La Soul, three extremely influential American hip hop groups, will perform at Skansen with DJ Premier. This is HUGE, so get tickets while you can! Tickets are 795 SEK.
    Saturday 25th May
Namaste Stockholm at Kungsträdgården
Start your day doing yoga, then watch dance performances and enjoy food from different corners of India. If you are curious about planning a trip to India, you will have a chance to learn about travel and culture in intimate seminars. Entrance is free.
    Sunday 26th May
The Recycling Party at Hornstull
The Conscious Consumption Association has organized the 15th recycling party in Hornstull! Residents of the area are welcome to set up a table and sell clothes, pastries, and more at this event. Come sell, browse, and buy.
    Wednesday 29th – Thursday 30th May
Swan Lake at Cirkus Arena
Ballerina Irina Kolesnikova, accompanied by the St. Petersburg Ballet Theater, will perform the love story of Prince Siegfried and the Swan Princess Odette. Tickets start at 480 SEK.
    Friday 31st May
ASICS Stockholm High Five
Join for this fun 5K run in Östermalm! The course will be mostly asphalt roads, with some gravel sections. This is a great starting race for those looking to get into long distance running. The price varies depending on when you sign up.
    Ongoing in May
Absolut Art Collection at Spirit Museum
For the summer, Spirit Museum will showcase about 50 photographs by art and fashion photographers. Go get inspired by these painterly shots. Entrance to the museum is 130 SEK.
    Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss at Moderna Museet
This collection includes drawings, collages, models, and ceramic objects made by the Palmstierna-Weiss, who has been politically active in many liberation struggles around the world. The admission to this exhibit is free.
    Ghosts, Generals and Goddesses at Dansmuseet
The works in this exhibit are from Japan, China, and Tibet. The pieces bring to life mythology, stories of historical heroes, and martial arts. Regular admission is 120 SEK, and is 80 SEK for students and seniors.
    Sound Check at Scenkonst Museet
This interactive installation comes alive with sound by the visitors – a truly unique and sensory experience. Wednesdays are free admission; otherwise, admission is free for youth, 70 SEK for 21 – 25, and 140 SEK for those 26 and older.
    Shadow Play at Carl Eldhs Ateljémuseum
Beginning Thursday 16th May, the Carl Eldh studio is celebrating its 100th year with an exhibit from the impressive Swedish architect, Rahel Belatchew. She strives for sustainability and adding to the public sphere. This firm’s architecture is recognized worldwide. Admission to the museum is 100 SEK for adults, 80 SEK for students and senior citizens.
  If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Stockholm: May 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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