#we're actually gonna continue this story a lil further than i did on my old blog though. probably
The Winged Servant - 1
Content warnings: shock collar, starvation, dehumanization, lmk if i forgot anything!
taglist: @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts
Some things in life were impossible to get used to, things that could repeat themselves every day and still surprise you every time.
Shock collars were one of those things.
Look at you, all collared up. What a pretty way to remind you that you aren’t human, Her Majesty had said the first time. And I- well, of course I was grateful that someone like her was willing to help me improve and become better at serving humans like her.
I just never really got used to it.
That’s why it was so effective, I thought. The royal family all seemed to feel that it was very effective, anyway, and it worked.
It felt too early, this morning, to be woken up from a shock to my collar, but it felt too early every morning. I started awake, pulling myself off the floor and out of my room. Whether it was early or not wasn’t my decision to make regardless, I reminded myself as I made my way to the kitchen.
“Morning,” Jayden told me, pushing a tray of food into my hands before I’d even noticed him in my line of sight.
“Good morning, sir,” I said around a yawn, and he smiled.
‘I know it’s early, I’m sorry. She’s got some big thing today that she’s making everyone else’s problem. Get that breakfast to her and do your best to stay out of her way after, alright?”
“Yes, sir.” Those were very similar to the things I did even when she was in a good mood. I didn’t tell Jayden that part.
Getting the breakfast to Her Majesty was the easy part. The harder part was ignoring the food on the tray. Two pieces of toast with melted butter and strawberry jam, a small bowl of grapes, a fried egg, and a glass of orange juice. She had the same breakfast every morning. She’d notice if I took anything, but that didn’t matter, because I wouldn’t have taken anything anyway, because good servants only eat when they’re told to, no matter how hungry they are.
That’s why I hadn’t eaten last night. To teach me a lesson after I’d misinterpreted a command from one of the princes. But I was learning. Becoming a better servant every day, according to Her Majesty.
I took a deep breath outside of her door. Jayden had said she had a busy day ahead of her, which usually put her in a bad mood. Hopefully, I was a good enough servant not to make it any worse.
PS: if you're interested in seeing my growth as an author, the first time I wrote this piece it was this on my old blog
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