#we just need george rr martin to confirm it next book
The Dragon and the Wolf / S7E7
So, 1 major death, 2 betrayals, and one Jon just cannot win no matter what.  OH… and boat incest. All previous predictions have come to fruition ;)
So, the show opens on King’s Landing the Unsullied forces lined up as a show of how powerful the army is. Jamie and Bronn preparing for defense if needed but both know they are out-numbered… but wait here comes the Dothraki horde ok now severely outnumbered. Jamie and Bronn take a moment to admire the massive army :p . but wait there’s more… here comes the fleet.
Tyrion, Jon and company arrive at King’s Landing sans Danni where they are greeted by Bronn, some soldiers and Brienne and Pod. Tyrion and Pod have a nice exchange between them as does Bronn and Tyrion. Brienne and the Hound talk and discuss Arya “the only person needing protecting is the one who gets in her way” Stark. The Company enters the Dragon pits as does Cersei and her entourage including Euron. Everyone notes Danni is not present. Suddenly Danni arrives on Drogon with Raegon behind making a more magnificent entrance than Cersei and showing the last part of her might. The Hound comes face to face with the Mountain but no Cleagan bowl last night =\
Euron proceeds to berate Theon and everyone pretty much tells him to sit down and shut up. A discussion ensues and Cersei is about to end the discussion and say there can be no peace when the Hound brings out the Wight which, like a trained dog, heads for Cersei. Anyone else realize that the whole thing with Cersei could have ended right there if they did not stop the wight? Anyway they pull him back on a chain and the Hound proceeds to chop him up until Jon sets fire to one piece and kills it with Dragon glass showing the only 2 ways to kill them. Euron turns tail and heads back to Pyke since the undead can’t swim. Cersei agrees but only if Jon returns to the North stays there and has the North not take sides in the war between Cersei and Danni, her reason being Starks are men of their words and will not break that pact. Being a man of his words Jon refuses as he already bent the knee to Danni. Cersei leaves and says there will be no peace.
Poor Jon can’t win, everyone beating him up for not being able to tell a lie and after all the “Bend the Knee” from Danni she chooses now to say why did you not agree and break your oath to me? He just can’t catch a break, she wants him to bend the knee, he bends the knee, he maintains that, and why didn’t you unbend the knee. Anyway, Tyrion goes like a lamb to slaughter to try to reason with Cersei. A lot of back and forth on how he destroyed their family and was looking like maybe she might give the order to kill him. He calls her on being pregnant and they finally come to an agreement, which including Tyrion living to see another day.
Cersei returns to the dragon pit and agrees to join forces and send armies to the north to assist. Has all her banners called to King’s Landing and they all part ways. Theon and Jon have a nice conversation remembering when they were young and Theon departs to save his sister.
Meanwhile back in Wintefell Sansa speaks with Little Finger about Arya and he continues to try to mess with her head and continue to make her doubt Arya and possibly kill her proving his real intents to Sansa.
We then come across Bran who is taking a break from spying on people and and Sam walks in They have a discussion and Bran reveals Jon is the Bastard of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Sam points out Jon is not a bastard but a legitimate Targaryen, so Bran goes off to the tree network to see for himself and sees their marriage, a bit put off that Rhaegar was the spitting image of Viserys after all the books always depicted him different and yet he looks like that whack-a-doo. While Bran watches the marriage, Jon and Aunt Danni get it on. While Tyrion stands outside the door… creepy? Bran comes back from tree life and reveals Jon is Aegon Targaryen and the legitimate heir to the throne.
We move on and find Theon on the beach with the Iron Born, then fights their leader and looked pretty much beat when the leader tried repeatedly to kick him in the one place you can’t hurt him. Theon gains the upper hand and wins… off he goes with Iron Born in tow to save Yara. I’m sure she will be happy to see him… not.
Back in King’s Landing Cersei betrays the pact and reveals she has no intent to send armies she will fight the winners of the battle instead, she also reveals Euron did not run but instead went to hire the gold company. Jamie is honor bound to go North and tries to get her to be reasonable looks like the Mountain might kill Jamie, order not given. Jamie leaves Cersei FINALLY. And Winter finally comes to King’s Landing.
Back in Winterfell Sansa with Bran besides her calls a trial in the main hall and summons Arya (important thing to notice here Arya has the dagger again). She proceeds to levy charges or murder, deception and betrayals but not on Arya on Little Finger. Little Finger over played his hand and is being called on it. He tries to use his deceptions to get out of it then claims you cannot prove any of that. Cue the 3 Eyed Raven I see all I know all and you once told my father not to trust you as you betrayed him. Baelish ends up crying and pleading for his life turns to the commander of the Vale who wants no part of him. Sentence is death and Arya with nothing more than a flick of her wrist cuts his throat.
We then get a nice sisterly love moment where they show mutual admiration for each other’s accomplishments and quote Ned, “when winter comes the lone wolf dies but the pack survives” the Starks are a wolf pack not lone wolves.
Back to Bran at the super white Weirwood tree needing to spy on the Night’s King… which takes us to Eastwatch
Here comes the Night’s King and his army sporting a shiny new… ok a bit ragged White walker Dragon… or ice Dragon which breathes either blue flame (extreme heat think propane) or ice so cold it burns. Undead Viserion proceeds to blast the wall and take the wall down while people flee for their lives. The wall comes down and now Winter is coming south. We do not know who died or lived at Eastwatch we saw Beric and Tormund there. Last we saw them they were running for their lives we never saw either dead or dying.
Predictions for Season 8 (not spoilers since nothing was leaked)
Jon… sorry, Aegon ...will get Danni pregnant yes she was cursed but few things here. They made far too many mentions of her not being able to have children this season and last mention of it was Jon saying who told you that? Are you sure she wasn’t just saying it? Too much foreshadowing about this.
The Night’s King will be defeated – I mean come on the story is the Song of Ice and Fire (Jon) not the story of the undead King. Last season Jon has to win.
Jon will become King as the rightful heir. Danni will marry Jon and be queen, before anybody hits on the “but she is his aunt”... Targaryens historically interbred to keep the Dragon bloodline pure so very likely to happen. And not like there is no precedent for it in the show with Cersei and Jamie.
Dragons will be killed at least 2 of the 3 will die. Viserion will die a second time for sure no way to win as long as he is alive, but I think he will take one of the others with him.
Sansa will be Queen of the North and Warden of the North. Jon can no longer fulfill this job as he is not a Stark. Since her marriage was never annulled she will have her husband Tyrion at her side :p
Bran will continue to mess up the world and eventually become the Night’s King.
Sam and Gilly will marry and Sam will be restored as Lord of Hornwood and head of the Tarly family
Arya and Gendry will be re-united and likely marry Gendry will be legitimized and become the heir to Storms End.
Jamie will be killed in battle and Arya will snag his face before he rises as a wight.
Arya in Jamie face will head south and kill Cersei.
The Hound will be killed and raised as a Wight and we will have Cleagan Bowl undead vs. undead winner takes umm death?
OK I painted a fairly happily ever after story there… this was written by George RR Martin notorious for killing off your favorite characters so likely most will die, including Danni, and Jon will have a bitter sweet reign as King without her at his side. Then again, the original manuscript for the first book outlined this as a story of Jon, Tyrion, Danerys, Bran and Arya so the only ones who would have the best chances to survive to the end.
Next season only 6 episodes, however some are rumored to be up to 2 hours long. Filming starts in October. Release date has NOT yet been confirmed although the start of filming has been. Based on this season from start of filming to release was 11 months that would put us at next November for release, not 2019. However, there can be delays and filming 6 feature films might be tough to get done in that time frame. So it could be 2019 but we can be hopeful of Nov/oct 2018.
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