#voted hibari
rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Sawada!Ed dealing with Hibari
I don’t know who’d win but they have fought more than once and will continue to do so
(Ed was trained by Izumi but Hibari is Hibari)
I vote they constantly tie just because it'd piss them both of so so much.
Because Hibari is Hibari
But Ed is also Ed
And something about being reborn into a really funky new world means that he's somehow even more Ed.
Which is gonna make things even more chaotic once Hibari gets around to attempting to stake a claim on Tsuna.
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rebo-chan · 19 days
OKAY SO, its been a week so the results are completely through for the polls I sent off into the universe. Put under a cut because it's a little lengthy. The results are as follows:
Vongola: 1st place: Tsuna with 22.6% 2nd place: Hibari with 22.1% 3rd place: Yamamoto with 16.9%
Followed by Gokudera, Chrome, Mukuro, Lambo, then Ryohei in that order.
Varia: 1st place: Squalo with 32.4% 2nd place: Xanxus with 19.7% 3rd place: Belphegor with 18.3%
Followed by Fran, Mammon, Lussuria, Levi/Gola Mosca
Arcobanelo: 1st place: Reborn with 21% 2nd place:Fon with 18.3% 3rd place: Skull with 17.7% Followed by Mammon, Lal Mirch, Colonello, Verde, Uni, Luce, Aria
Throughout it, I watched Tsuna climb from hardly any votes on the first day to winning first place through the skin of his teeth and isn't that just like him lol. Also, Varia fans.. y'all really know who you love. I respect it, but also my joke option of Gola Mosca got the same amount of votes as Levi..which was 0.9% of them. THE POOR MAN. As for the Arcos, I'm honestly genuinely surprised Fon was as high as he was! Maybe I just don't frequent the arco side that often, but yall really love him!! Skull and Reborn aren't really surprises on that end. BUT FOUL ON THE ARIA LAST PLACE. Luce beat her with no real "canon" scenes to her name...amen fly high aria you died so your daughter wouldn't be last place. BUT YEAH, what are yalls thoughts? Surprised or not surprised? :)<3
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zoroara · 1 year
Okay so, I've done my drawing refs for myself for the varia(look here for an idea of what I'm doing), and I decided that other people should get a chance to choose what group I do next~ So here are the options!
Vongola: Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, Hibari, Ryohei, Chrome Wreaths: Byakuran, Kikyo, Zakuro, Deisy, Bluebell, Torikabuto Fake Wreaths: Shoichi, Gamma, Genkishi, Glo Xinia, Rasiel, Spanner, Tazaru, Nozaru Shimon: Enma, Adelheid, Julie, Shittopi, Rauji, Kouyou, Kaoru Kokuyo Gang: Mukuro, M.M. Ken, Chikusa, Lancia Arcobaleno: Yuni, Reborn, Fon, Skull, Verde, Collonello, Lal mirch, Bermuda, Jaegar First gen: Giotto, G, Asari, Knuckle, Lampow, Alaudi, Daemon, Simon Other: If they do not fall under these categories, vote and place who you want to see, I will collect them for later. I'll go in order to who gets the most to the least votes so don't worry if your's doesn't win i'm getting to them ;)
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for reference (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X41GQkYD6pU) it is a four hour long compilation of probably every single khr ost there is in the anime ^^ there are time stamps both in the comment section and in the description!
please do reblog after voting ^^
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lenenpolling · 7 months
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hopeswriting · 1 year
okay guys, i want to do one last poll of your most disliked fanon khr characters so we can have three finalists on the poll to decide THE most swornest enemy of it all, per @losyash‘s idea, because i think it’d be really fun to do.
i can’t think of any more character off the top of my head tho, so please let me know of the ones i missed! fanon byakuran was already brought to my attention, and i think fanon xanxus and fanon hibari (?) make the cut too. and whoever else you’re think of when you hear the words fanon khr sworn enemy lol, please do genuinely let me know!!
you can also send ideas of what to put on the poll besides characters!! anything about fanon lore/worldbuilding namely comes to mind because, like, i’m definitely gonna add fanon harmonization as a choice this time around. for obvious reasons, i’m sure lol. after all i don’t think we can fairly decide the most swornest enemy of fanon khr without putting it up against fanon harmonization too.
also i’m thinking fanon characters dynamics too? because i really want to put the fanon arco dynamics up for vote too tbh.
so yeah, let me know who or what should go on the next poll!
(and also here are the results for the first poll and the second one if you’re curious)
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byakuwan · 9 months
okay since results got 1/3 of the poll :( let's do this again. also with non-millefiore members (they didn't get any votes) so i added more. sorry guys you're gonna have to pick something this time.
plain text reference of the characters i put: sawada family, kawahira, verde, dino, hibari, naito longchamp, giotto, bianchi, reborn, skull, cervello, everyone.
also i left enma out because i already got to him in another fic. yamamoto has plenty of canon substance and i also got to him in a fic so he's not on here either.
i also took off theformer millefiore members, tsuna and mukuro since they're not really rare pairs for him imo.
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strawwritesfic · 1 year
But Uh-Oh Those Summer Nights Master List
Summary: “Summer lovin’ had me a blast / summer lovin’ happened so fast.”
Challenge: “10 Summer Events” by someone on Lunaescence Archives.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: T (Sexual humor; sexual dialogue; summer vacation; comedy; fluff; eccentric grandparents; Grease references; Takeshi & Hayato & Tsuna; Takeshi & Hayato & Tsuna & Reader; Reborn & Tsuna; Reborn & Reader; Original Character & Reader)
Pairings: Takeshi Yamamoto/Reader
Notes: This is old as dirt! I was just going to leave it as it was when posting it, but the sentence structure was so repetitive that I couldn’t just leave it as is. I think the character voices are strong, though, and if you just want some Daily Life arc-esque shenanigans featuring the KHR boys and fluff, you might find something here to enjoy.
This was, if I remember correctly, the very first fan fiction I ever got a featured story on! I was so proud. It was also a story in which people could vote for the boy they wanted the reader to end up with. Originally, the choices were Tsuna, Takeshi, and Hayato, based on the requirements of the challenge, but commenters eventually wore me down enough to add Hibari. Obviously, Takeshi won, and this is so old I have no interest in writing variants where the other characters win.
I’ll probably have to add more tags as these get posted. It’s been so long ago that I wrote this that I only remember it in broad strokes.
Posting Status: Complete
Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Picnic
Chapter 3: Lemonade Stand
Chapter 4: Boredom
Chapter 5: Summer School
Chapter 6: Really Hot Weather
Chapter 7: Going to the Beach
Chapter 8: Nighttime Summer Carnival
Chapter 9: Looking at the Stars
Chapter 10: Saying Goodbye
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kyaramaru · 2 years
Nijisanji Mario Kart Tournament 2022
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It’s December which means Nijisanji Marikart Tournament is back in full swing. There are 81 participants this year, 3 more then last year and overseas livers aren’t participating once again. Though hopefully someone from Niji En does a watch along like what they did with Koshien.
What is Marika: Marika is short for Mario Kart which is held as a tournament every year in December by Kenmochi Touya. This is the fifth year of Marika and will also most likely be the last year Kenmochi hosting the competition itself. Currently there are three winners in the entire tournament itself; Naurse Naru (won both the 1st and 3rd Tournaments), Kuzuha (won the 2nd Tournament), and Sasaki Saku (won the most recent, 4th). The tournament is split into three parts, the lottery to decide leagues, the qualifying rounds to make it into the quarterfinals, and main tournament which holds the quaterfinals, semifinals, and finals.
Along with the competition itself, there is also a vote for each league on who most likely to win first and who’s mostly to come last (it’s mostly just jokes tho), as well as each participant intermission scenes which can vary from promotions to questionable things.
Rules for Marika: All Stages including DLC allowed, All items on, All karts/bikes allowed, 150cc, usually 4-6 races depending on current round, Everyone has to use their Mii, Excluding seeded; Ten players are in each league, The top 5 in their respective league moves onto the main round, Seeded Players automatically moves to the main round.
During the main round, the 40-ish remaining players, including seeded, will go off in one of four leagues. The top 6 in these leagues go onto the semi finals made of two groups. The top 6 in these groups then goes to the final. If there is ever a tie among the cutoff (ex. Tie for 5th in qualifiers, tie for 6th in semifinals, tie for any of the top 3 in finals), participants continue to compete until the tie is broken.
Dates: (12/4) Lottery, (12/11) Tournament, (12/18) Finals
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Lottery Results:
Seeded Players (Top 11 last year, gets to skip qualifiers): Sasaki, Nagao, Fuwa, Naurse, Rindou, Kuzuha, Hoshikawa, Akina, Ange, Yashiro, Kirame
League A: Akane, Honma, Todoroki, Karuta, Alice, Fumi, Kanae, Eli, Hibari, Ex Albio
League B: Sister Claire, Ars, Kaida, Hisui, Levi, Natsume, Akira, Muyu, Yotsuha, Ratna
League C: Aki, Higuchi, Haruka, Mao, Kanato, Kanda, Emma, Seraph, Youko, Belmond
League D: Ritsuki, Hakase, Lain, Naraka, Rion, Luis, Lauren, Mito, Utako, Kou
League E: Rinne, Debidebi, Chaika, Shellin, Dola, Yorumi, Ririmu, Lize, Ponto, Gilzaren
League F: Gwelu, Tomoe, Kenmochi, Masaru, Shiba, Aizono, Oliver, Riri, Gundo, Mugi
League G: Fumino, Elu, Furen, Gaku, Yumeoi, Harusaki, Ibrahim, Amamiya, Leos, Shiina
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Things that personally caught my eyes: League G is just stacked, nearly everyone in here had made it past qualifiers at least once so that will be extremely fun to watch. There are 11 seeded players this year as opposed to the usual 7 so congrats to Akina for finally getting into seeded after being 8th three years in a row.
Some livers I wanted to participate in like Genzuki and Shachou aren’t here this year sadly but at least all of my oshis are in the seeded so I can take the opportunity to watch new livers this time around.
GL too all the participating livers, this year I personally want Nagao to win but anyone will do. Please look forward to the entire competition as much as I do!
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arianna-nuvola · 4 years
My mind is probably tired...
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Among Us + Vongola...
Please 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Lambo: is a little hell-raiser. Flings random accusations and makes false statements. Did he really see Gokudera hop into a vent? No, but it sure is fun trying to convince everyone else he did. Is too impulsive to be an Imposter, and usually always gets caught killing someone.
Tsuna: can never figure out the maps. Constantly checking to see where the rooms are located. Failure at Simon Says task. Has to track pattern on a piece of paper. Is a poor Imposter because he's not a natural liar. His shriek can be heard throughout the mansion every time he's killed, especially if he's completely caught off guard.
Gokudera: puts on his detective hat. Keeps track of who he passes, when he passes them, and where he passes them. Stays a distance away from everyone at all times if he can help it. Has the third most successful win rate at being Imposter.
Mukuro: doesn't really bother with his tasks. Likes to freak people out by following them or chasing them. Causes chaos in the meetings, sometimes joining Lambo in crafting false statements. Is a fantastic Imposter. Master of turning off the lights and venting in and out of rooms for quick kills. Has the second most successful win rate at being Imposter. Is irritated that Hibari is first. Is still trying to usurp the record.
Hibari: does not crowd with the others. Is always off on his own, doing tasks. Doesn't contribute to the discussions unless he explicitly saw something or is asked a direct question. Is a stellar Imposter. He kills the others swiftly and methodically, and uses several combinations of lights, doors, sabotage and vents. Never uses the same strategy. Is phenomenal at talking himself out of situations.
Yamamoto: has now become a tradition that he is the one to die first. He takes it in stride. Is a decent Imposter, in that he acts so clueless that his family can't tell if he's faking or he truly did not see the body on his way down the hall.
Ryohei: provides commentary that can basically heard throughout the mansion. Manages not to shout the name of the person that kills him. Is the most outspoken during the meetings, whether he's the Imposter or not, which sometimes makes it difficult to tell. The Card Swipe is the bane of his existence.
Chrome: is the second quietest, next to Hibari. Usually lets the others throw themselves under the bus or talk themselves into a hole. Loves doing the Specimen task. Hates going into the Electrical Room, as that's the place where she dies the most. Has gotten Imposter the least, so on the rare chance it is her, she's not suspected until it's too late.
Squalo: refuses to vote until he's sure who the Imposter is. Usually holds up the meeting time by interrogating everyone. Doesn't use vents when he's Imposter. Typically gets killed when doing the Download task.
Levi: is usually ignored during the meetings. Is constantly being voted out. Also useless at Simon Says, much to Xanxus' irritation. Would make a great Imposter if his family didn't automatically vote him out every round. Still plays the game only because Xanxus makes him.
Belphegor: also a hell-raiser. Is usually the one who instigates an argument into voting out Levi. Makes baseless accusations for the sake of getting them angry. Enjoys locking his victims into a room and popping out of a vent to kill them.
Fran: is by far the quietest player of the Varia. He goes about his tasks and is keenly observant. Is usually able to piece together who the Imposter is. Is a bit more successful at being Imposter due to his quiet nature. Only talks when needed.
Mammon: will hide in strange places and wait for someone to pass so he can kill them. Master of stack kills and has yet to be caught while doing one. Hates the Trash task, for he doesn't understand why someone would put a diamond in the trash chute.
Lussuria: insists someone watch him scan in Med Bay so he's proven innocent. Is always the first one to finish his task. Is very good at setting up alibis when he's the Imposter. Likes to lure people into secluded corners and kill them, so their bodies are found much later.
Xanxus: is never killed. Knows his men inside and out, and can tell when they're lying. But for the sake of the game and his own amusement, he keeps quiet. Is by far the greatest Imposter. Always kills everyone in one round before a meeting can get called. No one understands how he does it.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
honestly i love hibari but tsuna should bond with skull bc they both understand what's it like to -20 respect
Oh I'm down for this. Or hell bond with both. Tsuna has MC privilege (barely in most ways but power-wise) so I vote a Sky can have more than one Cloud
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rebo-chan · 1 year
And the results of the poll are out for the fandoms favorite guardians ranked!! By how many votes they got:
Coming in first place with an unsurprising 33% of the votes is Hibari (Namimoris anthem plays in the distance)
Second place is our beloved sushi samurai rain guardian Yamamoto with 17% of the votes.
Third place goes to our favorite right hand man gokudera with 12% of the votes!!!
As for the rest, Tsuna and Lambo tied with for fourth place with 10% of the votes. Chrome and Mukuro tied for fifth place with 8% of the votes....
And last and definitely least (at least in this poll) is Ryohei our sun guardian with 2% of the votes.🥹
How about it guys? Any thoughts? Anything surprise you? Or not surprise you at all? :3
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the-parentheticals · 3 years
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bthb: with the brainwashing either shizuka hibari or ria shibousuru get washed to kill the other by [spoilers] (you said [they’re] a mastermind so *shrugs*) bonus points if after they come to their senses and look down at the bloody body, the trial they just admit (but say they dont know why so everyones brainwash sus)
Word count: 403 Warnings: Major character death Note: Not entirely accurate to the prompt, but whatever. For @badthingshappenbingo​, brainwashing.
“Shizuka? Shizuka, I don’t comprehend—stop it! Stop!”
The scream jolts her awake from darkness. It's a voice she'd know anywhere.
“…Ria?” she manages to stammer out. Her head feels like it’s rebooting. What happened? How long was she out?
More importantly, what did she miss?
“Ria,” she says again, and she can feel her brain functions returning to her. “Ria, answer me.”
She brushes a strand of hair away from her face and freezes when she sees the blood on her fingers. No. Absolutely not.
"Ria, please. What happened?"
But, of course, corpses can't answer questions.
“So, like, are we just gonna believe everything Zuka says? Just like that? Especially when she’s got no idea why?” Misa bounces a little on her podium.
“The alternative is your death. I don't think I'd object to it, exactly, but I'm sure you would."
Misa presses her hands together. Shizuka’s not the type to lie, especially not about this, but that doesn’t mean she can let it slide.
“Okay, smarty-pants, can you explain to us, like, exactly how you did it? You said you had all the evidence, right?”
“Do you need me to?”
“Yeah. I don’t get anything you did. Like, at all.” Okay, that one’s a lie. She can connect enough of the dots.
Her explanation is completely correct. It explains every piece of evidence they find at the scene.
The vote is unanimously correct.
Misa forces another smile and swishes her ponytail. “Okay, we know how you did it, but, like, did you—“
“She said she doesn’t know!” screams Akemi. “It doesn’t even matter! She's the killer, Monokuma said she's the killer, end of story, can we hurry up and execute her?”
“Excuse me?” Jamie raises her hand.
“Stay out of this,” snaps Akemi.
“I believe you’ve forgotten the motive Monokuma gave us, and the card Miss Hibari drew.”
“You mean, the golden one? Like, did it brainwash her or something?”
“I believe that, yes.”
“That makes sense!” Misa nods.
Shizuka stares blankly at Monokuma. “Is that what happened?”
There's screaming from the rest of the room, so much screaming, but Shizuka's only focused on the bear's words.
"It wasn’t meant to be your girlfriend. It wasn’t meant to be anyone in particular, really, but I guess Lady Luck wasn’t on her side.”
“Okay, so she’s the blackened, right?”
"Yes, I am. I'm sorry, Ria. Please forgive me."
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texts-from-reborn · 5 years
Anyways vongola has a monthly game night just for the lols and they alwaysss play Mafia
Shit escalates and everyone takes the game way to fucking seriously.
Like Xanxus is sitting with his legs propped up on the table, guns pointing at whoever he thinks the murderer is and switches his aim every 5 seconds. Tsuna tries to get him to calm down but Squalo holding a sword to Yamamoto's throat and Bel trolling doesn't help.
Hibari isn't even playing, but he lunges a tonfa at Mukuro bc the back of his head is free real estate
Gokudera lights a few dynamites. "Vote to hang Xanxus or I'll we all lose."
Fran is the doctor but continues to save only himself.
It's just chaos, but they always end up playing it bc most of em wanna go ape shit lmao
Reborn makes sure to live stream it, so no one overseas missing out on the action feels left out
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Hi, can I ask for a KHR matchup? I'm a female whose either 4'11-5'0 tall. I tested as an ENTJ and my favorite hobbies are cooking, baking, reading and playing video games. I am usually quiet and reserved, but can communicate well when necessary. I also stand up for what I believe in even if my opinions are unpopular. I don't take bullying well and I'm generally a responsible person who do well in school. I am currently studying to become either an elementary school teacher or librarian.
I match you with: Kusakabe
(tumblr did not provide me with a gif of him)
He was really worried when you and Hibari met because Hibari could be described as a bully by someone with a death wish.  But it went surprisingly well and Hibari even gave a slight compliment/vote of approval.  He isn’t a talkative person so he is completely fine with you talking to him or just enjoying a comfortable silence with you.  His first time baking was actually with you and although the cookies came out burnt, it’s still one of his favorite memories.  
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