#verse 001. / this is my home. you're trespassing. so i'm giving you the boot. ( x men )
toxintouches · 11 months
@frxncaise ♡ for a starter !
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Xavier had allowed Rogue some time off from the institute. Always caught on the verge of learning to control her powers and not, she figured she needed some time to do some soul-searching. She always dreamt of visiting France, and it appeared that it was going to be her first stop on her journey.
Despite how good she was at finding her way in general, it didn’t seem to be the case when visiting another country. A gloved hand waved towards a young girl who seemed kind, and right now, she seemed like her best bet. “Uhm, hi. Sorry t’ interrupt. Ah just wanna know, do ya know where this street is? I’m lookin’ for my Airbnb, n’ I think I might be totally lost or somethin’ because it ain’t here.”
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touchofdeath-a · 4 years
continued from / x
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     The first person that Rogue had met when she moved into the apartment complex had been Ella. Her neighbor had been forward and outgoing, instantly giving off a positive energy that soothed her, so she didn’t flinch when she found her wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace. Returning the hug, there was a small grin as she noticed the pile of clothes. It was like her own, so there was no reason to judge.  ❛ Yeah, Ah think you know how it is. Work can really get to ya, huh? ❜  she joked lightly. It wouldn’t surprise her if Ella barely had time to do her chores, knowing that she worked odd hours. She dealt with the same thing.  ❛ How have you been? Tell me ‘bout your life, Ah bet it’s been more interestin’ than mine recently. ❜
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toxintouches · 11 months
&. 𝐡𝐨𝐳𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
@aapothic sent: ❛ honey, there is no right way. ❜
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“Yeah, Shiori! Sing it!” Rogue giggled. So maybe they were having a little dance party in the kitchen. Sue her. It was a Saturday. They were allowed to have a little fun, even if they were just staying in.
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toxintouches · 1 year
hozier lyrics sentence starters.
@aapothic sent: ❛ there’s something tragic about you.
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That was an understatement. There was nothing particularly joyful about Rogue’s past. She had been let down, used for other people’s vile actions; eventually doubting who she was. “Trauma does that to you.”
It was okay, she was a child. It was only natural for Shiori to be curious. Rogue had quite a vast history with the X-Men. “For now, Ah’m just tryin’ t’make lemonade outta those lemons. Look at the bright side of things.” It was the only thing she could do to get by. To not allow herself to be consumed by everything she had experienced.
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toxintouches · 1 year
hozier lyrics sentence starters.
@torntruth sent: ❛ so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes. ❜ ( carol )
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“Ya ever take a breather, Danvers?” she wondered aloud, her comment perhaps a little smug as she looked at the other. They didn’t. If someone would know, it was Rogue; her mind was linked to hers, and Rogue’s knowledge was vast about this specific person. It seemed like Captain Marvel carried the world on her shoulders, and the job of a hero never quit. “C’mon, grab a beer with me. Let's relax for a couple of minutes. It’ll be my treat.” It was the least she could do for her.
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toxintouches · 1 year
random starter for remy !
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“S’just a scratch, honey. No need to coddle me.” Well, that was putting it mildly. She had taken a rather heavy blow, fallen from the sky like a comet that was threatening to descend on Earth. Although there was a potential risk of hurting himself, he had stood his ground; caught her before the southern belle could hit concrete. Though, it seemed like he was hesitating to put her down. “Remy, Ah’m practically a tank. Ain’t no darn reason to worry ‘bout lil’ ol’ me. You can put me down now.”
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toxintouches · 1 year
@birdonawiresara liked for a starter !
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“Damn girl. That’s some fine work ya just did there,” Rogue commented. Whoever she was, she had swooped in and taken the goons out in no time, barely even offering Rogue a chance to get a hit on one of them. “Did S.H.I.E.L.D. send ya?” She could kind of look like a spy.
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toxintouches · 2 years
200 random dialogue prompts.
@emmatriarchy​ sent: ❛ i had my suspicions, but until now i wasn’t sure. ❜ (Bishop?) 
     Vandalism wasn’t a new thing at the X-Mansion. However, this time, Rogue was grateful that it was a little more harmless than what it could have been. For starters, their home wasn’t under attack, which it could have been. Peering over Lucas’ shoulder to witness what he was saying on the security camera, an exasperated sigh escaped past plump lips. “These damn kids. Don’t they know it ain’t even close to New Year’s yet?
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toxintouches · 1 year
@emmatriarchy liked for a starter !
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“Honey, can ya hear me?” Rogue uttered, a gloved hand waving in front of the person’s face as she crouched down before them. They had walked into her, which had probably caused them to have quite the tumble; given the enhancements of Captain Marvel’s abilities, Rogue was quite sturdy, even if she may not look like it; capable of even knocking down the strongest of men. “Y’okay? Do ya need a doctor or somethin’?” Hopefully, she hadn’t touched them. 
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toxintouches · 1 year
@atimebomb liked for a starter !
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“It’s the beginnin’ of a new year.” An for once, Rogue felt hopeful. There was something about New Year’s Eve, like a slate that was wiped clean and the potential for a new beginning. Rogue knew that it wasn’t the truth, but it didn’t minimize her hopefulness. “Got any New Year’s resolutions?” They never worked, but it was nice to dream that something could change; that a new chapter could finally start.
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toxintouches · 1 year
@thprofessor liked for a starter !
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      "Did ya always have faith in me?” Somehow, it was hard to believe that professor Xavier would have deemed that Rogue had the best intentions, back when she had come to his doorstep, pleading for help. Not when you considered her past relationship with the Brotherhood of Mutants. She had done irredeemable things, and he had still accepted her with open arms; having seen more in her than the rest of the team had. “Ah just don’t understand how you could take me in like that. Unafraid of what Ah can do”
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toxintouches · 11 months
gentleness action prompts.
@katzchxn sent: courting - muse a rests one hand on muse b’s back and holds out the other for muse b to hold to help them climb up/down something
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They didn’t know when nor how, but Rogue had a bad feeling about this. It wasn’t the first time a young Jean Grey had gone missing. Last time, the X-Men had to go with Peter Quill to outer space to find her, and the Sh’iar had wanted young Jean to go to trial for the Phoenix’ actions. Considering how recent that was, Rogue couldn’t help worrying about the young redhead’s whereabouts.
One gloved hand was resting on Kitty’s back, whilst the other was held out to assist her on her descend from the tree. Hoping it would gather some perspective of whether she was in the nearby area. “Saw anythin’ interestin’?” Probably not, because maybe checking their surroundings wasn’t the ideal thing; but they had to do it first. It was in the protocol.
“You don’t think this a repetition of what happened last time, right?” If it was, there was probably a reason why Kitty was trying to avoid anything that had something to do with space. Rogue had heard plenty of times how much she hated it anyways. “Ah can hit up Danvers, if ya don’t wanna get in touch with your ex-fiancée. Ask what’s goin’ on.” Not that she was that fond of the idea either, but they were on somewhat decent terms now.
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toxintouches · 1 year
old meme clearout.
@earthtrembled​ sent: “I feel safe surrounded by nature.”
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     “It holds a certain power.” When she had fled her home after the incident, nature had been the place she had turned to. Although she hadn’t found herself feeling particularly safe, there was something about the greenery that had ensured her that safety could be sought there; and it had been safe, until the wolves came. “But it can be darn scary too if you mess with it.” Despite her ambivalent relationship with Mystique, it was good momma found her when she did; or she probably would have become a wolf’s chew toy.
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toxintouches · 1 year
@torntruth liked for a starter !
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“Ain’t no fairytale what Ah see from your eyes.” From the expression that Carol had in her eyes, what she was about to ask of her was serious business. These days, Rogue had been trying to take a few days off, try to kick back, and get herself involved in fewer things.
But this was Carol. Rogue didn’t trust herself once she heard her call, knowing that she would go above and beyond to aid her whenever she needed it, wherever she needed it. Pursing her lips for a moment, there was a relenting sigh as gloved fingers tapped on the table, curious about what she had in store for her. “All right, what’s goin’ on, Danvers? What’cha need?”
Siamés - The Wolf
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toxintouches · 1 year
200 random dialogue prompts.
@divinamour sent: ❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜
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“Do Ah even wanna know what’cha have there?” This was a risky move, Rogue was sure of it. Yes her hands were covered, but she was always on edge when she could not determine where people were, nor what they intended to do.
Yet, she relented. Listening to them. Rogue’s eyes shut as she extended her gloved hands in their direction. Lips pursing slightly as she found herself growing a little impatient as the other was taking their sweet darn time. “Honey, yer better not be trickin’ me. Ah ain’t playin’ no games.”
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toxintouches · 1 year
200 random dialogue prompts.
@untamedtempest sent: ❛ What are you smiling at? ❜
Had she been smiling? Rogue hadn’t even noticed. Her eyes had been in awe of something so rooted in nature, flawed and free. Ororo had been in the midst of watering the plants in the greenhouse. The goddess had conjured up a small rain cloud, and Rogue watched as it moved amongst the plants, ensuring that no water would be splashed on them. It had brought a soft smile onto Rogue’s lips, fascinated by the sight.
Despite knowing how destructive she knew Ororo’s powers could be, there was beauty in it, and she couldn't help marveling at it. It reminded her of the first time she truly connected with someone on the team. To prove that Rogue was no threat to the X-Men, to feel like a part of the team, Ororo had offered her hand; expressing that she held no fear for the other mutant, even if Rogue had been frightened of herself. It was the first moment she truly felt that she had connected with someone. That she felt understood. Perhaps that was what the sight before her reminded her of; finally feeling accepted. “Ah just love to watch your powers in action, ‘Ro.”
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