#turns out my brain will just keep stacking narrative blocks until I've reached the center of the universe
zombolouge · 1 month
Finished AA4 last night, still embroiled in feelings about it all. I am just so obsessed with the way AA can take a dark tone and paint over it with bright colors, but actually blend the two fairly well. Comedic and serious about the traumatic topics, all at once.
Like, there's definitely lots of points where I crave more context and a deeper dive into things, but I've gotten to where I don't mind when media sources don't cover every minute detail, because that's where the fandom spore colonies can take root and thrive. Where would the AA fandom even BE without the glory of the almost completely undefined 7-year gap?! That's free real estate! We can do anything!
I could definitely level some criticisms at the games in the latter trilogy, but there's SO MUCH there to work with in terms of context and adding your own readings of the canon moments. AA is particularly good at delivering ambiguity on a lot of fronts without much concrete getting confirmed, so that you can apply a variety of different reads to every case and not break canon. What a delicious playground for a fic author, let me tell you.
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