#tommy will prioritize his work when he has to at this stage of his budding relationship with buck and HE'S RIGHT
so-that-was-okay · 27 days
I'm gonna be this person for a minute because the things I read sometimes are just... not that. Some of you really need to talk to elder millenials instead of profiling Tommy based on your very young life experience. Please. The generation gap really shows and you misinterpret everything about him because his behavior of a late 30s/early 40s man doesn't match your less than 25 years old life. And I get it, you do with what you know, it's perfectly normal, but don't project yourself in a story where characters will invevitably be very different from you. Learn to know them instead. And even if you're jealous of Tommy (because I know how it works, you don't fool me), it's not a reason to paint a portrait of him that is nowhere near his canon self and what we see on screen. We're not dramatic teens anymore at this age and details are a lot less important when they're not about really meaningful things, as is life-scale things.
Tommy not wearing perfectly in-theme clothes at the party is nothing. It's a shame, sure, but does it spoil the fun (they end up not having)? Absolutely not. And remember: they just met. It's not like they've known each other for months or years and have high expectations because they have a history together. What is important here? That he showed up or that he wears the right outfit? He showed up while being on call. This is big. Details are details. It's like saying a 6 course meal was horrible because they didn't have the dessert you wanted and had to choose something else. No, the dinner was delicious, shame they didn't have the dessert but it's nothing. You still enjoyed the damn food served.
Creating posts about how Tommy doesn't care about Buck because of this kind of details, and using your personality as a reference to profile Tommy?? This is not how things work. It's not because you can't relate that it's wrong. It's not because it doesn't fit your fic ideas that it's not valid. It's not because it's different that it's not right. You can just say you don't like him for who he is, it's fine! No one is forced to like him. But don't twist the character's personality to fit your narrative. This is not how things work.
And please talk to people. Just, you know, sharing basic life things, in a safe space. It's possible and it's great, for everyone involved.
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