#to no one's surprise Ted had some of my biggest new hits hahaha
teamhawkeye · 1 year
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I posted 11,407 times in 2022
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#ted raimi - 204 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and hey at least i got one going well so far lol - i /need/ to get rid of stuff and i've actually gotten rid of a lot now and i'm very proud
My Top Posts in 2022:
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122 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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125 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
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i hadn’t seen this around here at all the last week-ish, so figured I’d share it!
this particular bit really did it for me:
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“does anyone ever tell you that you look like Ted Raimi?”
“Yes, all the time...”
163 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
GIFs really don’t do justice to just how funny the scenes with Chet and Ash are, so here’s one of my favorites in full
186 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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292 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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1-25 :-)
what did you learn about yourself this year? I learned that I invest way too much effort into being the kind of person my friend would respect, not realizing that they’re my friends because they respect me already. Once I learned that, it was much easier to embrace my failures and move on from them. I am also seriously considering whether I exhibit symptoms of some form of attention deficit disorder, and considering how to combat it if I do, but because I hate the way my mum went about investigating that possibility in me as a teenager, I’m fighting that battle unmedicated.
best moment of the year? Probably the bit just after the learning experience above, where I powered through a semester’s worth of unsubmitted assignments in 1 week, passed the subject, and gave myself a chance to actually graduate this year.
worst moment of the year? You know what? There were plenty of really solid contenders this year but the winner can’t be anything else than spending 2 hours of lab class doing an assignment which I had to submit before the end of the lab or receive a 0 mark for, scraping together everything I needed with 2 seconds to spare, collapsing in relief... and then getting hit like a cannonball with the very sudden and unexpected news that my grandma had less than 24 hours to live. She died 10 hours later. My mother had to seek special dispensation from the Australian government to travel overseas for the funeral. I was still in the middle of my degree so I had to attend it virtually.
what was the biggest change you experienced this year? I think the odd thing is, I became more extroverted. Turns out that, while I love me some social isolation, I don’t like it when it’s enforced, and without having the OPTION to see people I get very lonely, very quickly.
best song of the year? Music - Nightwish
best album of the year? Human:||:Nature - Nightwish
what’s one thing that happened this year that you want to change? I would want to go back in time and beat the exam timetablers for semester 2 over the head with a cricket bat until they make sure all 3 of my exams are not within 2 days of each other.
best book/book series of the year? The Two Lost Mountains by Matthew Reilly. When it comes to things that have been released this year, I haven’t really read any books or listened to any music other than what I’ve listed. Everything else has been much older.
best television series? Doctor Who, Series 1-10.
how was your love life this year? Well I broke up with my girlfriend and spent the first half of the year (at least) moping about it. I haven’t kissed anyone or been on any dates since then. Does that answer your question?
what made you cry the most this year? See the previous question.
biggest regret of the year? I suppose I regret not learning the lessons I learned this year sooner. I could have saved myself and others a world of trouble.
best movie of the year? Bill and Ted Face the Music.
favourite place you travelled this year? Complicated question. I suppose the correct answer is “home, to Australia.” 
did you make any new friends? Hahaha, nooooope.
did you learn anything about your sexuality this year? Yes. It’s not particularly easy for me to, ah, switch it off, as it were.
what are some hobbies that you developed? I’ve been trying various different kinds of exercise to see what works for me. Nothing works for me so far, but if that continues, then my 30s will be defined by my rapid degradation into idle slobbishness, and that is a threat I am not willing to ignore.
what surprised you the most this year? There wasn’t a lot that surprised me after the pandemic hit.
do you look different from the beginning of the year? My eyes look a lot less sad and emotionally worn, but the rest of my body has gone sharply downhill. I feel a lot more tired, but I’ve been told I’ve been behaving a lot more upbeat. Emotionally better, physically drained. I need a shower.
how did this year treat you in general? Bad, but in many ways it could have been a lot, lot worse, and I’m not just saying that because other people have lost their lives and their family members’ lives to COVID. I’m saying that there are many points at which my life this year could have turned for the worse, and that thankfully did not happen. It was still really bad though, for reasons which are mostly listed above.
what message would you give yourself at the beginning of the year? “Do not define yourself by other people’s success. In fact, refuse point blank to even consider their success while you’re supposed to be thinking about your own. They don’t measure you by their own success, they measure you by you, and you should too. This applies on multiple fronts, so don’t just take it as a lesson for one particular scenario. Also, you should work out and exercise more. I’m serious. There’s about to be a world-changing event and you’re not going to get out much. Treasure your body while you still have it.”
has your fashion style changed this year? Yeah, it’s gone from Bad to Worse.
one of the best meals you’ve had this year? Probably my post-exam reward meal. Or anything that involved Greek Salad-type dishes. I don’t say this enough, but I would like to credit Greek Salad (that is to say, regular salad with added feta cheese and olives) for powering me through this year.
who has made the biggest impact in your life this year? Tough call. Probably my roommate, whose desire to move out perfectly coincided with me needing a place of my own, at which point we managed to bunker down just before the pandemic hit.
what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year? I hope I keep repairing myself.
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