#tldr: eskel and jaskier try to become each other's soulmates our of desperation and hope when their happiness was at kaer morhen all along
jaskiersvalley · 4 years
*soft footsteps* *throws bucketfuls of finger guns at you* *blows you a kiss* *whispers* i’m terrible with words but i really really love your writing *hugs you through the screen* *toddles away*
*reels you back in for a big hug* You! You speak my language, Nonnie! Toddle yourself back here and let me shower you with the right amount of love. You’re amazing with words and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
As thanks, I’m now going to dump an idea I’ve been sitting on for a while. It’s soulmates, platonic Jaskier/Eskel, mistaken identities and soft desperation before that good old Geraskier hits with a bit of Eskel/Lambert for good measure.
Tattoos representing soulmates roved the skin of pretty much everyone on the continent. Jaskier had been born with a haggard looking wolf that prowled over his body, preferring to sulk on his shoulder blade. Growing up, he often wondered who could be such a grouch and a recluse. It was pure chance that he was playing at a tavern when a witcher stomped in, creature’s head in hand. The first thing that caught Jaskier’s eye about him was the scars down his face. A quick second was the medallion of a wolf on his chest. While the world didn’t tilt or realign as he’d imagined, Jaskier still launched into a song about death and foreboding - it seemed appropriate for a witcher.
Said witcher’s name was Eskel. He raised an eyebrow at Jaskier when he approached but didn’t turn him away when shown the wolf peering at the world from a pale wrist. It didn’t help that he had a black crow hopping up his neck to inspect the goings on of the world.
They agreed to see what happened. After all, Eskel did almost fit the wolf on Jaskier’s skin. While the crow seemed oddly fitting for Jaskier’s first song. So they travelled together, grew close. They never hesitated in sharing warmth, sitting shoulder to shoulder by a fire in the wilderness. It was an easy friendship, both of them just desperate enough to want to believe they’d found their other half. Even if Jaskier was too chirpy to truly be a crow and Eskel too broad to ever be a wolf.
Just once they tried to kiss. It would have been so much better if they could have blamed alcohol on their attempt. However, the only thing they’d had was the vast, open skies above them and a fire crackling to keep them warm. Neither of them knew who started it but one minute they were talking, Jaskier pulling threads of a tale from Eskel. Next, they were kissing and freezing. After an awkward second where they realised it wasn’t what either of them wanted, they broke apart and stared into the fire.
“So that happened,” Eskel observed.
“Yep.” Jaskier rubbed the back of his head. “Let’s never do that again.”
“Quite. Maybe we’re one of those rare pairs. You know, the kind that love each other but only outside of the bedroom.”
That sounded most sensible and Jaskier nodded. They never mentioned the kiss again but never tried again either. Platonic soulmates - there had to be some great irony to that, given how much Jaskier appreciated all pleasures in the world. Still, if he and his soulmate weren’t destined for the kind of relationship he’d hoped for, that was okay. At least Eskel wanted him in some capacity.
As time passed, Jaskier wrote more songs of his wolf, sang them and meant every word from the bottom of his heart. From tavern to court, they follow Eskel’s path and they’re content. There’s an understanding that blossomed between them that Jaskier wouldn’t trade for the world.
It had been years before Eskel finally asked Jaskier about Kaer Morhen and the potential of wintering there. He hadn’t wanted to go recently, trying to protect his soulmate from months on end of only witchers for company. On top of that, Eskel had been the first and only witcher to find and keep his soulmate as far as he was aware. He didn’t want to rub it in.
Still, they returned to the old keep together and they were the first back aside from Vesemir who just looked at the two of them, sent Eskel what could only be interpreted as a despairing look and wished them all the best. Jaskier got his own room next door to Eskel’s and they waited to see if any other witcher turned up.
They were all in the small hall, Vesemir telling the tale about a manticore when the doors clanged, announcing the arrival of someone. They crowded out and Jaskier forgot how to breathe. Another witcher, long white hair and a frown that seemed permanently etched on his face. Just the sight of him had Jaskier’s heart thumping painfully in his chest. It was like a veil had been torn from his very being, everything felt so much more vibrant. Things only got more confusing when a nonpareil fluttered excitedly over his lower arm. They stared at each other until Vesemir cleared his throat.
One look at Eskel and Jaskier’s heart cracked. Everyone in the room knew. The illusion they had built up over the years about being soulmates was a lie and now it was exposed.
That evening, Eskel knocked on Jaskier’s door and gave him a sad smile.
“Go to him. Go to your white wolf,” he said, lips turned up into a bittersweet smile and eyes brimming with tears. Jaskier pulled him into a hug.
“You’re still my first wolf and my best friend. Soulmate or not, I picked you first.” However, Jaskier couldn’t deny his interest in Geralt. It was his true soulmate there and he wanted.
There was a weighted sadness to Kaer Morhen over the next couple of days. Geralt and Jaskier spent time together, got to know each other. One night, Jaskier didn’t return to his own room and nobody mentioned it. Nor the bite marks on his neck the next morning.
The sound of the main doors closing echoed through the keep once again and they all crowded towards the newest arrival. Jaskier was curious about the witcher. Just a scarred as the rest, he greeted Geralt with a gruff bumping of shoulders. Vesemir got a nod but Eskel got a hug. Something almost tender and soft.
A glance at Vesemir and Jaskier got a shake of a head. He would press for information later but there was no denying that both Lambert and Eskel looked so much more mellow in each other’s company.
It was after dinner, everyone sprawled around the fire. Jaskier had taken up residence between Geralt’s legs, back to his chest. Meanwhile Lambert and Eskel were sprawled next to each other. They were shoulder to shoulder, Lambert in a sleeveless top showing off his bear tattoo which seemed to be content to curl up where Eskel’s shoulder touched. Personally, Jaskier wouldn’t have been surprised if Eskel’s crow wasn’t preening on the other side of his shirt, the two tattoos touching.
“Two witchers involved, it was so very frowned upon,” Vesemir sighed as he watched them doze. “I’m not sure if they even realise they’re destined. Their teachers instilled a lot of stupid shit in them. How witchers were never bonded to each other and if they were, the bond would fizzle out and die because....I can’t even remember why.”
All Jaskier was hearing was that he needed to get involved. It didn’t take much wheedling to get Geralt to train with Lambert while Vesemir oversaw them. Which meant that Eskel was free for Jaskier to ambush.
“So, Lambert?” He asked with a curious gaze.
“What about him? You’ve already found your wolf.” Eskel looked a little defensive and Jaskier knew he’d hit a sore spot.
“While you may not be a wolf, I think that you might be more of a bear.”
A scoff and a shake of head was his reply.
“I don’t know what you’re implying but I think you’re mistaken.”
Which just wouldn’t do. Jaskier sighed as he realised that maybe Eskel already knew. “Don’t deny yourself happiness just because some old fart told you something was impossible.” With that, Jaskier stood up and squeezed Lambert’s shoulder. “Your crow is right in front of you. Don’t let him fly away.”
Nothing seemed to change after that little chat. At least, not at first. But, as time passed, there was a softening. Lambert and Eskel moved around each other with more ease, there were lingering touches and smiles that were never directed at anyone else.
“Finally,” Vesemir sighed one morning and Geralt nodded with a grunt but not moving his head from Jaskier’s lap.
“They’ve finally confessed.”
Jaskier was both delighted and confused as to how the other two seemed to know.
“Witcher hearing.” Watching them, Jaskier saw both Geralt and Vesemir frown. Obviously they could hear more than love confessions all of a sudden and Jaskier laughed. He urged Geralt to sit up and grabbed his lute. The least he could do was give Eskel some privacy and spare the precious witcher ears in his company by drowning out whatever they could hear.
When the two finally made it downstairs, they tried to act like nothing was different. But there was no denying the almost giggling grins they shot each other, nor the fact that they were so happy. It wasn’t like anyone could begrudge them. Not when everyone seemed to have their soulmate by their side after so many years of detours and false hopes.
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