#tho for tonights brainstorm im debating whether to write about Amanta (where Seora lives) or Lusca (where she was 'raised')
isaacathom ยท 6 years
ok so ive got.... 6 whole prompts left to go??? damn. DAMN. wild.
ive got a lot of hw related stuff to do tomorrow but i SHOULD be able to get some shit done anyway! like i gotta sit in my bedroom and draw AGAIN (spent like, 2 fucking hours doing that earlier, made two false starts and gave up) but now that i know what im actually aiming for, it should be interesting! thennn i gott like, finish painting the boxes? hooray for ceiling white. i hope this is actually what she wanted lmao. then, hmm, i THINK im good then, tho i gotta submit some photos later? im not actually sure the method for submitting them. i know where the submit IS, just not how to do it. do i chuck all the photos in a zip? or individually? what do. i might actually email him and find out. or smth. im gonna figure it out tomorow because its a full day off and im gonna take advantage of that
anyway goodnight <3
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