#this sounds very good just from the tags alone I'll make sure to absolutely devour this
seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
What we've been missing (pt. 1)
Ateez x hybrid! Male reader
Part 1 of idk how many
Note: I have to split this up into multiple parts otherwise it would be hella long and take too long to make
You can find the whole thing with the tag 'what we've been missing' (once there's more parts)
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"yunho! We're out of snacks again, can you go buy some?" the tallest looked up from his spot on the couch to the voice coming from the kitchen. He quickly got up and went to put on his coat, backpack and shoes, then grabbed his phone, wallet and house keys" I'll be back in a few!"
He quickly made his way to the grocery store, getting various snacks that all of them liked, paying for them and putting them in his bag. Trying to get back to the dorm as quickly as possible, as he knew how some of the members act without snacks
As he was walking back to the dorms, practically speed-walking to not get wet by the sudden rainfall, he heard a small sniff that stopped him in his tracks. He gazed to where the noise was coming from, a dark alleyway
He carefully walked into the alley, spotting a wooden crate, turned on its side so it could be used for shelter. In the crate, was a small boy, wrapped in a thin blanket, cat ears atop his head. 'it's a hybrid' yunho realised, he knew that even if they had some rights now, most of them still suffer from abuse and a lack of shelter
He crouched down before the crate, making the boy hide his head in the blanket "hey buddy, don't worry, I won't hurt you" his reassurances seemingly did nothing "are you hungry? I could give you some food" yunho tried again, taking his backpack and finding a suitable snack
The boy still hasn't moved, but was extremely tempted since he hasn't eaten in 2 days "here, you can have some of these cookies" yunho tried to offer the food, but the boy was still very hesitant, looking up at the man in front of him "it's alright, they're safe to eat, I promise"
eventually, the boy took the cookie taking a small bite to make sure that if it was poison, it wouldn't effect him too much. After feeling like it was safe, he practically devoured the thing "you must be really hungry" yunho handed him another cookie "so what's your name? how did you end up here?"
They boy froze up a bit, wondering if he should even tell a random human what happened. He did trust the man a lot more than past humans "y/n, my owners used beat me a lot, then one day, they went further and threw me out, this is my home now" Yunho frowned at that, he really despised how some people treat hybrids. To him, they are some of the most precious people on this earth and doesn't understand why others can't see it like that
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves that" yunho noticed the rain getting heavier by the second "looks like we're getting a rainstorm tonight" he looked back at y/n, how would he ever survive this weather?
"how about you come with me? I have a home where you can stay warm and dry up, you don't have to stay long if you don't want to though" y/n weighed the options, go home with a seemingly trustworthy stranger or freezing out here?
He decided on the first option and slowly got up, not having the best balance, stumbling a bit "are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?" yunho went to help the male by grabbing his hands to keep his balence. Y/n slightly tensed up at the touches, but allowed them "I-I'll be fine"
Yunho glanced at the hybrid struggling to stay up "you don't look in the best condition to walk" he took his backpack and put it on his chest instead "you can get on my back" the young hybrid was a bit fascinated by how determined the man was to help him, he's never experienced something like this before
Carefully, he climbed on yunho's back, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck, and his legs around the man's waist "I'm not too heavy, am I..... ?" yunho giggled, realising he didn't tell the hybrid his name "yunho, and of course not, now, let's go home"
By the time yunho arrived at the dorms, y/n had fallen asleep. He unlocked the door, trying to not make too much noise so y/n could peacefully sleep. He was however, greeted with the usual loudness at the dorms
"finally you're back, what took so- what's on your back?" San asked confused as he saw yunho walk in with an unconscious boy on his back "I found him in the alley, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food. So if you guys could be quiet and let him sleep that'd be fantastic"
To say the other boys were confused as well seeing yunho come in with a hybrid on his back was an understatement "wha-" yunho quickly shushed mingi, unwinding y/n from his back and onto the couch, where y/n immediately balled up
"why do you have a hybrid with you?" wooyoung whisper yelled "I found him on my way back, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food, I don't think he's eaten in a few days"
"I'll go get seonghwa, we can make a meal for him" wooyoung got up and went to the older's room. "he looks so peaceful right now" Yunho mumbled to himself whilst smiling "so cute" San said, leaning against yunho's shoulder to get a better view of the hybrid
When wooyoung returned with seonghwa to cook something for y/n, Hongjoong came down as well, wanting to know what was going on. What he didn't really expect was yunho and San looking over the hybrid, while the other three observed them from the other end of the couch
"yunho" said male turned his head to his leader "the clothes he has look pretty torn up, should I give him some of mine?" he nodded, happy to know the other members are willing to help him as well
Y/n woke up to the smell of food, getting slightly shocked at all the new people. He clung to the only person he could trust, Yunho "hey, it's alright, they're my friends, they wouldn't hurt you" he hesitantly raised his head from yunho's chest to look up at the strangers. One by one they introduced themselves
"oh right, y/n, Hongjoong laid out some clothes for you in the bathroom, you should take a bath or shower first though" y/n nodded and let yunho lead him to the bathroom "can you wash yourself or do you need to help?" "I-I can do it myself, thank you" yunho nodded and left the bathroom
Once y/n washed up and put on the clothes Hongjoong had given him, which was a hoodie and some sweats. He quietly made his way back to the living room
The members currently seated on the couch turned at the sight of the smaller male returning, some of them San cooed at how cute he looked. Y/n got a bit nervous and went back to yunho's side "what's wrong?"
"don't like people staring" yunho hugged the male and he immediately snuggled into him "you know you still have to eat, right?" y/n nodded
"yunho, the foods ready" seonghwa said as he came into the living room, his eyes lighting up and smile growing when he spotted the hybrid and how cute he looked cuddled up to yunho "hi y/n, I'm seonghwa, I'm the oldest here. We made some food for you, do you wanna come and eat it?" seonghwa asked gently as he sat down near y/n "c-can yunho come too?" seonghwa nodded "off course, now let's go, you must be hungry"
Y/n followed seonghwa with yunho in tow to the kitchen, where wooyoung was already setting the food on the table. When he noticed the three enter the kitchen, he smiled at them, more specifically, y/n. "hey y/n, I'm wooyoung. Me and seonghwa made some food for you, hope you enjoy"
After the food, they all went back to the couch, y/n snuggling back up to yunho "he's really attached to you" mingi pointed out "I think it might be because he's had a rough past.... I think I'm the first person he actually trusts" a single tear slid down yunho's cheek
"y/n we have to go to bed, where do you wanna sleep?" yunho asked the hybrid "um, I think the couch is just fine for me"
"are you sure? I can always let you sleep on my bed if that's more comfortable" y/n shook his head "no thanks, I uhhh wouldn't want to bother you more then I have to"
"y/n you're not bothering us, but if you wanna sleep on the couch that's fine, we'll get you a blanket then" as if on cue, Yeosang walked in with a soft fluffy blanket "oh, thanks Yeosang" yunho smiled as Yeosang handed the blanket to y/n
Y/n tried to sleep, he did his absolute best to, but nothing could stop the nightmares from the past. It even got so bad he unconsciously shifted to his cat form. He needed something, someone there to comfort him, he had no choice but to wake one of the people in the house for comfort
Still in his cat form, he hopped of the couch and into the hallway. Now, y/n's initial plan was to just go to yunho's room, but he has no idea which room it was, they were all closed, so he couldn't see inside to check if yunho was in there
Deciding any of the members would be better than going back to have more nightmares, he started scratching on a random door, hoping someone would open it.
The door eventually opened after a few moments, a black haired man peeking through who y/n didn't seem to recognise at first, nonetheless he still slipped into the room
Upon further inspection, he noticed it was San that opened the door for him "y/n? Is that you?" y/n nodded "what's wrong, I thought you were sleeping on the couch?" y/n didn't make anymore sounds, jumping on San's bed, waiting for the latter to join
His gaze softens as he realised y/n probably didn't have the best sleep "didn't want to sleep alone?" he crawled back in bed as y/n laid down on his chest. San carefully reached out his hand towards y/n, quietly asking for permission to pet him
Y/n responded by putting his head in San's palm, giving him permission to continue. San did so very gently "it's okay y/n, I don't know exactly what you went through, but I want you to know we're nothing like the people who mistreated you" the hybrid started purring, eventually falling asleep "good night y/n"
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