#this one's specifically targeted at the actor who played prince albert in the victoria series
ukulelegodparent · 2 years
Saw a post about "untranslatable" words but I'm being so brave about it
#it was a full combo with 'german has a word for everything' even#like you have the exact same options for compounding in English you just generally don't spell them as one word#unless it's an adjective+noun compound#like jesus 'German has super specific words but English is also very special and has the ability to refer to very specific things and ideas#is not the strong point you think it is you literally just described every natural language so good job#like it's not even technically wrong information but the way it is framed is fucking stupid#and like even if the language you're talking about doesn't like compounding it'll instead just use adjectives instead#like you can totally talk about untranslatable words but those are usually discourse markers and stuff like that#and I would actually love to see ppl talk more about those bc they're extremely fucking cool and interesting#or modal particles#you know ... cool shit#not this 'hurr durr Waldeinsamkeit Weltschmerz' bullshit#and then if ppl are physically talking about it they also always put the stress in the wrong place#like bestie the rules for where stress is in English compounds is the exact same as the ones for stress in German compounds it's not hard#this one's specifically targeted at the actor who played prince albert in the victoria series#petition to have native speakers of a language play roles that are supposed to be native speakers of that language#the amount of times german-speaking characters in that show go 'let's speak English' bc clearly speaking german#is like torture to the actors omg#like I watch it and go 'oh yes please do I thought you'd never propose that'#like when you as a native speaker need subtitles bc otherwise you'd have no fucking clue what ppl are saying#bc their pronunciation is just that deplorable#and they do have two German actors in that show but they speak like 2 sentences in German each#like bestie :(
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