#this knowledge makes me sound insane but I promise I'm not lmao
660percent · 19 days
Fun fact! You can shove Pye out of the Interlopers core* and she will always be in 0g! I like to see if I can get her out of the interloper and hang out with her, but only she escaped this time.
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Loud warning for the video!
* (with your body or your scout, the scout is 10x easier tho)
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victoriousscarf · 4 months
Also these from the "2023 in review" fic writer asks would be awesome!! 🙏 (I know these are too many questions again so like no need to answer them all... I can't help it lol you talking about your writing is just interesting)
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
16. What were you go-to writing songs?
17. What were your go-to writing snacks?
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
19. Share your favorite opening line
20. Share your favorite ending line
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
1. I'm really sitting here like man did I try anything new this year?? But uh, even moths get caught in avalanches maybe? Trying to write in that sort of mindset and circular narrative was different. In fact possibly trying to really figure out the differences between POV after writing Mahanon for so goshdarn long. For example Thorin is insane in that one, but also in Covet and Forget Together, Fili's POV tends to use a lot more repetition than Mahanon who is very prosaic and sparse even in his own head. He's straightforward in his thoughts, and Fili is a bit more poetic.
4. The Hobbit probably but runner up on Charmed
9. Probably Smoke in Your Eyes and Stars in Your Heart because I'd had the idea turning around in my head since 2016 and finally sat down and committed to writing it. It was hard though, because I had the shocking idea of writing it ~non-linear~ and nothing that makes you want to pull your hair out more than trying to keep track of which years went where. But also to be like a mediation on loyalty and love and what you do when duty and love are diametrically opposed but you're still trying to have it both ways. Plus I got to use a lot of weird history knowledge lmao. My favorite footnote was probably the one about the carrier pigeons in their little bra jackets because I think everyone should know about that. [for reference]
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10. It feels really wrong somehow to say Covet, but it was Covet. That fic got me through some stuff this year and it got me chatting with some new people which I really appreciate.
16. I always have a lot of different songs for different verses, but one I listened to a lot for a couple different verses was Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier.
17. Cinnamon bears and mentos. These are not the good writing snacks lol but I always crave sugar for some reason.
18. I didn't actually write very many brand new fics this year but the Covet verse titles took me a hot second because I wanted them to have a really specific vibe and rhythm.
19. "Thorin did not mean to do it (and wasn't that the story of his life, of late)."
20. "Above them he heard the ravens sing, the sound bouncing off the walls of Erebor all around them, the cold sun on their shoulders."
21. For totally different reasons:
“It is good,” she said. “To realize some things change for the better.”
“Have you thought I not changed for the better,” he said, teasing.
“I think you changed for the sadder,” she said and Mahanon froze. and
“Because if I kiss you, it's not going to end there,” Wyatt said. “You know that too, don't you? If you offer yourself on a platter like this, I'm not going to stop there. I'm going to want to take everything.”
Chris felt the breath punch out of him. His eyes flickered down to Wyatt's mouth again and then up to meet his eyes before he asked, “Promise?”
(The mostly wildly different vibes lol)
22. “I don't blame you,” Bofur said, and Fíli still hand his palm pressed against the back of Bofur's hand, shifting it so wrap around his wrist, where he could feel his pulse too, the warmth of the fragile skin there. Dwarrow skin was not so thin as human's, even there, but it was still a point of vulnerability, of weakness, and Bofur didn't even twitch when he put his hand there.
Fíli would have twitched, he thought distantly, remembering Thorin breaking the bones there, back before he realized how bad things would become.
“Don't you?” Fíli rasped.
“You aren't the one who locked the door,” Bofur said.
23. Okay so I'm not actually sharing a line from it lol but the beginning of chapter 20 of Covet was the worst scene to write. I'd write a few words and then be like... I don't want to write this. How can I write this without actually having to write it?? It took me for-freaking-ever.
24. ... Yeah Wyatt and Chris managed to destroy my entire timeline lmao. Like just, tear that up and toss it away and come up with something else lol. But then again, I tend to try and be pretty flexible to where stories are taking me, and only really drag them in one direction if I really, really have to. My hope is to not end up in a situation where I've already written the ending and then get too attached to it and fuck up my own plot trying to get there (like some people we can all probably name). My endings feel more like the center of a dart board and I'm just seeing how close I can get and have it make sense. Though Nori coming out with SO MANY strong feelings in Covet also threw me. Surprise, that bitch is gonna cause trouble for everyone now.
26. Chapter 19 of be careful what you wish for because you might get your way because as someone pointed out in the comments we'd all been waiting something like 4 years for that one lol. Also I spent so fucking long writing that one y'all, so long. That got way more attention than usual because after 4 years I wanted it to like. Work.
30. My goal is to finish Starlight from the Gutter which admittedly I did a bunch of work for this year, but still haven't gotten back to. So that ending is what I want to write most this year lol.
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