#this is way too ambitious for me to ever write but I'm lowkey obsessed with this idea now
thesokovianaccords · 2 years
imagine, if you will, a bridgerton schitts creek au:
edmund bought the town on a whim/as a joke but when he dies suddenly, no one in the family finds out until years later, when the bridgertons are swindled by their business manager (bonus angst and guilt for anthony, who blames himself for not realising the grift in time)
the chaos of a family of NINE descending on this small town from london, formerly very wealthy and a bit spoilt, where they promptly take over the entire bed and breakfast (which they have to share among themselves)
the sharmas run the hotel, and anthony and kate butt heads over everything - the lack of towels, the amenities (such as they are), the staffing, how the town should or should not accommodate their new owners, the local football team, whether there’s any decent food in town, the amount of flowers surrounding the hotel (and the bees they attract) and everything in between (bonus points if kate has another job and isn’t actually involved in the hotel, she just thinks anthony is wrong about everything while mary and edwina watch, bemused by the whole thing)
benedict is at a loss - his art was his whole purpose, but with no muses and no artsy friends or artsy parties or any creative vibes at all, he starts to doubt everything he’s ever created. plus, being an artist is expensive! he bonds with - and eventually opens a small gallery with - a young woman named sophie, who has escaped to schitts creek to avoid her troubled past, only to discover much later that they had a brief one night stand during his wilder years and he didn’t recognise her.
colin believes schitts creek to be a cage more than a refuge - his successful travel vlog has completely dried up, since he can’t afford to fly anywhere, and the only real friend he has left is actually eloise’s best friend, penelope, who somehow hadn’t abandoned them after their fall from grace. she comes to visit and he finds that he doesn’t want to be apart from her - but discovers a secret that could destroy their relationship before it has the chance to begin.
daphne surprises the whole family when they move, bringing along a surprise boyfriend - simon basset, who just happens to be anthony’s best friend from uni (and the mayor’s godson). this starts as a ploy for daphne to not have to share a room with eloise, but could it become something more...?
eloise, meanwhile, can’t be bothered. she’s got big plans that can’t be stifled by some stupid small town, even if she’s had to transfer to an online school to finish her degree. but then she meets philippa, who runs the local garden store, and her two adorable children amanda and oliver. who’s to say plans can’t change?
francesca has always been the family wild card. no one really knows what she does or where she goes (though she swears that mi5 knew where she was the entire time that one time). but running in five-inch heels to escape the yakuza or playing billiards for her friend’s freedom doesn’t prepare her for the heartbreak of running into michael stirling four years after the death of her fiance (and his cousin) and his radio silence ever since. 
gregory doesn’t understand why his whole family is so distraught. schitts creek is great - lots of space to practice pall mall (if only so he gets invited to play with their older siblings before hyacinth does), a cool old hotel, plenty of new friends - and the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. hermione watson is everything he could ever want...until he meets her friend lucy abernathy.
hyacinth loves schitts creek too, but for different reasons than gregory. it’s a connection to the father she never had the chance to meet, and she’s keen to learn everything she possibly can about the town. that’s why she interns for mayor agatha danbury - and why she jumps at the chance to work in the city’s archives, even if it does mean she has to work alongside mayor danbury’s nephew gareth st. clair. they discover that schitts creek has some secrets of its own, and hyacinth is determined that the two of them will uncover the truth together
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