#this is about my xmas fic for gojo called 'you said to go all out'
missmugiwara 1 month
miss mugi my beloved <3 gimme the directors commentary on the gojo christmas fic (i reread it regularly when im feral for him)
Cille, my dear! 馃挏 I am so glad that you love the Gojo Christmas fic, and I thank you for that! I think you're my biggest fan for that one 馃槀 I'm really happy it makes you so happy 馃グ馃グ馃グ
Read it here.
The main thing was that I wanted to try comedy in writing!
I also love making Gojo SOOOO insufferable! I adore making him drive the reader wild in more ways than one 馃槈 I also like to drive the readers wild 馃槣 It's such a blast to write for him. There's just something so human about him that I love to write for - so I want to try and place him in as many crazy situations as I can. I thought he'd be perfect for shenanigans. Throw in a little romance, and then I'm happy because I also need to indulge myself!
The first Gojo fic I wrote was my baby, and I was so proud of it that I wanted to write another one. This idea literally popped into my head out of nowhere after I was complaining I couldn't think of something to write. And then I thought: what if I made the reader's family adore him so much that the reader is miserable? I thought it would be funny!
That's literally it! I thought I had a good idea, and I needed to write it down!
Thank you so much for asking! ILY
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