#this is a LIFECHANGER if I'm feeling like this while still dealing with chronic fatigue n diabetes n shit
unlettered-heathen · 4 months
Holy shit these ADHD meds are the SHIT! I've been on them for nearly a month now and have:
1) cleaned out 2 email addresses' inboxes (over 15000 emails total!). Not fully organised yet but that'll be a work in progress as I decide how to organise going forward then resort the old stuff.
2) set up a fairly realistic monthly budget broken down into what is paid with each cheque, including savings for yearly expenses such as vehicle registrations, oil changes, clothing, etc. that's easy for my partner and I to follow when brain fog hits.
3) become FAR more active with household chores I usually struggle with n shit to the point that soon we should be able to set up a schedule of sorts to maintain the level of clean I need for my mental health.
4) I CAN MAKE PHONE CALLS AGAIN! WITHOUT A HUGE-ASS BUILD UP FIRST <3 <3 <3 this has been a HUGE issue for me now that I don't work in a job where I have to make calls regularly.
5) Commited to taking the kids to the library anime club every week! This is the first time I've consistently had the spoons to be able to do this :)
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