#this game is being recorded and streamed with friends- it's called Performance Check: Empire of Blood
quarklynx · 2 years
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I guess tales of tragedy aren't as romantic when you have to live through them yourself. I will teach these poet’s hands to wield a blade so that I may hold yours again
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antionetterparker · 5 years
Ranking the 31 best ways to get rich in 2019
So you’re trying to get that paper. You don’t want to be a businessman, you want to be a business, man. I don’t hate it.
You’re gonna need some mad skills though, or at least a lot of patience. Don’t think anything worthwhile comes easy.
Be sure to check out how to make money fast, how to save money, and ways to make money online.
Luckily, thanks to the world wide web, you can learn just about anything from your home.
But I won’t make you wait any longer… here are the best ways to stack that paper in 2019.
32. Network marketing
I live to knock it, lol, but even I was raking in 5-figure paychecks through MLM before I gave in to my own sense of self-respect.
If you’re crazy enough to think you could somehow make it into the top .0001% as I did, network marketing could work for you. The first step is to lose your shame. The second step is to lose your friends and family.
Still want to do network marketing? You’ll want to make sure you aren’t joining an actual pyramid scheme.
Pyramid schemes are illegal basically everywhere, but that doesn’t stop people from starting one and hiding behind an MLM label.
Here are a few ways you can distinguish between the two:
Primary earning method – Is the compensation plan set up in a way where you earn more from selling products or recruiting new members? Pyramid schemes tend to do the latter.
Emphasis – Aside from the compensation plan, does the company make a huge deal out of recruiting without caring much about their products? Could be a pyramid scheme.
Do they pay attention to their market? If there’s no interest in consumer demand, that’s a sign they care only about adding new members to the pyramid.
Upfront investment size – Pyramid schemes usually require a large upfront “investment”, which just gets you your items. MLM’s sometimes charge upfront, but the fee tends to be pretty small.
None of those bullet points will 100% tell you if a company’s legit or not, but they do point you in the right direction.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to research the network marketing company further.
31. Real estate
Barbara Corcoran did it, and you can too.
While the average real estate agent banks about $54,000/year, there’s no limit to the amount you can earn in this job.
The Wall Street Journal recently published the salaries of the top 1,000 real estate agents, and the #1 head honcho grossed a whopping 1.4 billion, with a B. Even #250 made $60 million in annual sales. (1)
Normally, I’d say start investing in real estate yourself.
But not everyone has the money to buy up rental properties, nor do they always know what they’re doing.
Starting as a real estate agent is a great way to earn a nice paycheck while you’re learning the ins and outs of real estate.
Then you can jump ship and start your own little real estate empire.
30. Index funds
When Warren Buffet hits you up with investment advice, you listen: index funds.
This is the slow way to riches, but it’s almost certain. You can average a solid 8.5% return on index funds, which means that you’d be a millionaire in 20 years if you start investing $1,587/month now. (2)
29. Virtual reality
So, a couple years ago I blogged about how the VR industry was expected to blow up. Over 12 million in headset sales predicted for 2016. (3)
A funny thing happened in 2016: almost 100 million were sold. (4) 
The best part? 96% of these were low-cost, partial VR headsets, and the market for those in China is expected to hit $8.5 billion.
You don’t have to invest in crazy tech and clunky, futuristic headsets. Plastic and cardboard units that cost $30 and attach to your smartphone will do just fine.
Start up an SEO heavy e-commerce store if you’ve got the digital marketing skills, or start a highly targetted niche business, like selling VR headsets to the wedding market (except don’t, because that niche is taken by LiveKnot). (5)
28. Networking
There’s this legend of an Italian billionaire who was asked, “If you had to start all over again, from zero, what would you do?”
He said he’d take any job he could get that paid $500, buy a nice suit, and go to a party filled with successful people. If you’re not a people person, learn to be one.
Because it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
Dale Carnegie (yep, the dude from How to Win Friends and Influence People) once taught public speaking to Warren Buffett. His advice? Smile, listen, be genuinely interested in other people, remember their names, and offer lots of praise.
27. Consulting
You can start off at a big 5 consulting firm (think PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Accenture) and make over $70,000 as an entry-level consultant, easily hitting 6-figs when you go Senior. (6)
Then go freelance for more freedom and more money.
Alternatively, if you don’t have consulting experience but can get a very specialized skillset, go into freelance niche consulting (financial consulting, marketing consulting, etc). Without decades of consulting experience, you’ll have to charge based on your performance – in other words, your rate will be based on the results you deliver. If you’re good, this just means more money.
26. Investment banker
Think Wall Street. Think Goldman Sachs. Think J.P. Morgan.
Banking has produced some of the world’s richest people…. if you can avoid getting thrown in Martha Stewart prison, that is.
That being said, the median salary for investment bankers is $100,000. (7) 
However, you’ve gotta hustle if you want to get to that 7-figure salary. It’s not just 40 hours a week.
It’s more like 90-100 hours most weeks for your typical analyst/associate, according to a former investment banker and author named Andrew Gutmann. (8)
To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to a little over 16 hours a day, 5 days a week, but usually that involves coming in on the weekend as well.
Not everyone will succeed in a job with those hours.
But those that make it to a VP position can easily pull 7 figures a year.
25. Public speaker
Build a brand for yourself and a recognizable name, and you could be snagging 6-figure speaking engagements presidential-style. PublicPaidSpeaking.com is a good place to start…some of their “non celebrity professional speakers” are banking “individual profits of over $800,000 a year.” (9)
Yeah, you read that right.
24. Life coaching
If you’re that friend that everyone goes to for advice, life coaching could potentially bank you a multi-million dollar practice on the internet. The industry has been booming ever since the economic crash in 2008. (10) People in hard times will spend every last cent they have for someone who can fix their problems.
Becoming a thought leader by starting your own blog, guest blogging, writing on LinkedIn, and self-publishing on Amazon. As soon as you score your first high-profile client you can start name-dropping, and the requests will fall into your lap from there.
23. Kid-Friendly YouTube videos
How many times have you gone to dinner and seen a kid glued to their iPad watching YouTube while Mommy and Daddy get some private time?
There’s an entire app called YouTube Kids, and it gets 8 million weekly users. (11) The best part? The quality of your vids can be absolute garbage, because kids don’t care either way as long as you keep them mesmerized. One of the richest YouTube millionaires is a 5-year old who makes videos of him opening toys. Literally, that’s it. (12)
22. Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin skyrocketed in 2017, reaching almost $20,000, but has since fallen to hovering around $8,000-$10,000.
While not as big of a moneymaker as it used to be, cryptocurrency is still a promising way to make money.
There are two routes you can take depending on how tech savvy you are. If you’re less tech savvy, invest. It’s a gamble but one with potentially huge returns. If you’re more tech savvy, launch a crypto ICO. Basically, you start your own cryptocurrency and hack it via a crowdfunding technique called “Initial Coin Offerings”.
Ethereum started as an ICO, and it was priced at only $12. Nowadays, it hovers around $180 depending on the day.
Keep in mind that your coin has to have a unique, useful idea behind it. Pumping and dumping coins might’ve worked years ago, but people aren’t going to invest in random coins anymore unless there’s a compelling reason.
21. Blockchain
Blockchain is the technology that cryptocurrency uses to record transactions. It’s basically a decentralized, encrypted way of recording transactions digitally so they can’t be hacked or altered (or at least without a genius hacker).
Companies are currently developing blockchain solutions for nearly every field, meaning plenty of lucrative investing opportunities await.
If you’ve got a blockchain solution idea and you can sell yourself to angel investors, you could start your own company instead.
20. Gaming
Everybody would’ve laughed in your face if you said you were going to become a multi-millionaire by playing Doom back in the 1990s.
Fast forward a couple decades, and you now have people like Ninja making half a million for live-streaming his Fortnite sessions. (13)
You wanna make money playing video games? Playing in tournaments and being an e-sports athlete is one way, but the big money’s in streaming on platforms like Twitch and making YouTube videos because the income is much more passive.
Granted, it takes a long time to build an audience, but I mean you’re playing video games while you’re doing it, not running a blog or anything.
It’s a brave new world.
19. Podcasting
Everyone’s favorite podcaster Joe Rogan was allegedly earning $75,000 per episode of his Joe Rogan Experience podcast back in 2016. (14) That number’s gotta be much higher now.
To start a podcast, you’ll first need a topic, preferably something interesting. You’ll also want to decide on a name as well as the length you want each episode to be.
Aside from that, the rest of it comes down to creating your brand and planning/recording your episodes.
18. Dating apps
Almost half the population of the U.S. uses online dating now, and a third of new marriages start online. (15)
This is a huge market to capitalize on. Sure, you’ve already got your Tinders and Grindrs and eHarmonies, but there’s plenty of space left for the niche dating market.
Just look at Spark Networks, owner of Christian Mingle and Jdate (a Jewish dating site). They consistently gross over $100 million a year for matching up religious singles with other singles of the same religion.
Find a niche that’s not taken, turn it into a mobile app, and pair it with the addictive gameified interface of Tinder. You’re welcome.
17. Niche Sites
You can get rich selling products without having to manufacture them or even set up a store with affiliate marketing.
Niche sites are one of the easiest ways to go about this. You basically build a site/blog around an extremely niche topic and target ultra-specific keywords to bring in visitors that are highly likely to buy. All you need are your standard website pages (home, affiliate disclosure, privacy policy, etc), a few simple blog posts targeting your keywords, and some affiliate products.
Once your niche site pulls a decent income, you can scale by hiring writers or VAs to manage your site and pump out posts, then you can start another site and repeat the process.
You won’t get rich overnight, but as your site reaches more people thanks to your SEO efforts, more people will buy through your affiliate links, growing your income.
If you ever get sick of running your niche sites, you can always sell them for a nice profit.
16. Marijuana
Large-scale legalization of weed in the US started with Colorado and Washington in 2012, but it’s slowly spreading all over the states.
And in Canada, it’s been legalized federally.
If you have no moral qualms with your money flowing into the marijuana industry, you can capitalize on the legal acceptance of pot in two ways.
The first would be investing in marijuana stocks. As you’d expect, these are quite volatile what with all the political battles over the little green plant. Don’t worry, though, as the industry is expected to reach over $23 billion by 2022. (16)
Or, if you live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, you could start your own marijuana business in the form of either a dispensary or a grow operation.
Neither are cheap, and starting either one requires jumping through a ton of legal hoops for obvious reasons. Plus, you gotta operate your business on an all-cash basis since it’s still banned federally.
But nearly 90% of dispensaries, wholesale cultivators (grow operations), and even companies making weed-infused products were profitable in 2016. (17)
What better way to make some green than with some green?
15. Flip websites
Imagine making $58,000 in profit over the course of 2 months just by buying and selling domain names. Well, it’s been done. (18)
Domains are basically digital real estate. Domain flipping sites like Flippa make it easy to try your luck, but if you really want to make good money, do your research and base your domain purchases on knowledge and skill. (19)
14. Amazon self-publishing
Thanks to the internet, anyone can publish a book now for free. But you have to put in solid marketing effort to make sales.
You don’t have a publishing house doing all the work for you, but you’re also raking in most of the profits. Self-publish on Amazon and sell your book for $2.99 or less, and you get to keep 70% of the royalties. (20) If you can sell 477,783 copies (indie self-publishing star Amanda Hocking was doing 100,000/month in sales in her prime), you’ll make your first million. (21)
Then if you want, start your own website and sell your books on there at whatever price you want. You’ll get to keep all your profits.
Just make sure you can handle all the admin and marketing stuff, or better, hire someone else to do it.
13. Content farm
If you’re looking for the next big thing, content marketing is already it. The industry is on track to rake in $313 billion by 2019, so get on it now. (22)
If you can learn how to write epic content that drives sales (and get your name in Forbes and HuffPo), you can charge hundreds per article.
Even better, start a content farm, hire writers off of freelancing websites, and skim passive profit off the top.
Starting a content farm will require you have the cash to pay your writers. Without it, your best bet is to do the writing yourself until you’ve got some money.
12. Instagram influencer
Grab that iPhone, download some photo editing apps, slap a filter on your selfie and post. Simple.
Instagram “micro-influencers” (10k-50k following) don’t make huge bucks…more like $50-$100 per post. But if you can grow your following up to 6-figures, you could rake in thousands for posting one sponsored photo. (23) Making a paycheck has never been easier.
11. Software development
Unlike web development, this is learning coding and development that’s focused on building software. It has a lower ceiling but a higher average income.
Learn some of the more lucrative frameworks and systems (like Spark and Cassandra) and some of the highest paying programming languages (like Scala and F#), and you’ll hit an average salary of $125,000. (24)
With enough experience, capital, and entrepreneurial skills, you could launch your own software company and maybe even become the next Silicon Valley success story too.
10. Video post-production
Video is IT. By 2020, video is expected to make up a whopping 90% of all internet traffic. It’s already on a huge upswing, having grown 71% year-over-year in 2016. (25)
You could go through the trouble of writing scripts, hiring actors, directing, and getting expensive filming equipment, or you could just start your own company that offers post-production video services (editing, adding in music, credits, etc).
That’s the part that most people outsource anyway. Once you build your name, start your own video editing training school to really bring in the passive income.
9. Web design
Websites like Codeacademy and SkillCrush will teach you web design for fairly cheap, and some websites even teach it for free. (26) (27)
Web design is the less technical, more design-oriented side of creating websites. You get to design layouts, make sure color schemes work well, and all that fun stuff. While it doesn’t pay quite as well as web development, you don’t have to learn as much code and you can still earn $75-$100/hour. (28)
8. Social media consultant
Facebook has over 3 million companies using their ads, and over 60 million using their pages to promote their business. (29) Instagram has over 1 million advertisers, and it’s bound to keep growing. (30)
If you’re that friend who’s always scrolling social media, editing photos, hashtagging, and whipping up clever captions, you can make money doing that. Get analytics and ads on lock on your skills list, and you can make good money doing what you do best.
7. Data scraping
You can do this manually without any programming skills, it just takes a lot longer. But if you come up with a good, unique idea like
Scraping emotional reactions to certain types of content on Facebook
Gathering leads from online business directories for B2B service providers
Gathering contact info for homes that were recently purchased
Scraping for keywords in user reviews of a certain product
Businesses will pay for the data if it helps them sell their products.
Now imagine if you did know how to code and could create computer programs that scrape all this data for you in seconds. You’d be making sales faster than you could keep up with them.
6. e-Commerce
Pick a niche product. I mean really niche (think “Disney coffee mugs” or “small travel backpacks”).
You don’t have to manufacture the product – you can fill orders via Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), dropshipping (basically online retail without inventory), or even plain old affiliate marketing.
Kick your SEO into full gear. Once you’re #1 on Google you’ll start seeing some handsome profits with little to no effort aside from maintenance.
You can boost your sales by spending on ads (or hiring an expert to do the ads for you) once you’ve got cash rolling in. No need to if you don’t want to, but do it right and your profits will increase.
Then you can scale it by outsourcing all the menial stuff to virtual assistants. Hey, you’re creating jobs now!
5. Web Development
Again, you can learn this online, even for free.
Unlike web design, learning more advanced coding languages and becoming a web developer PAYS. One developer wrote in Business Insider of a typical job offer – $150,000 salary, $10,000 signing bonus, all kinds of freebies, from gym memberships to free meals on the daily, and flexible work hours. (31)
Of course, if you take all that coding knowledge and use it to start your own hit website (think Facebook), the sky is the limit.
Again, websites like Code Academy, Khan Academy, and Code.com (among a ton of others) are filled to the brim with coding lessons and other good stuff.
But as you know, the best way to get better is to practice. Once you’ve learned some stuff from your free online resources, you’ve got to start building websites with your skills.
4. Blogging
Bloggers don’t actually make money, right?
Nope, not a myth. If you hit it big with your blog you can clear six figures a year EASY.
Just look at Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. I mean, he regularly clears six figures every MONTH.
Sure, he’s got like 100 income sources at this point, but according to his income reports, affiliate marketing alone earns him around $100,000 a month give or take.
For more proof, just search the web for “blog income reports” and you’ll get endless lists of, well, blog income reports.
If you get really big, think Mashable, Tech Crunch, and Endgadget status (yes, they all started as blogs), you can even score a lucrative takeover. Ariana Huffington eventually sold the Huffington Post for $315 million to AOL. (32)
3. Mobile app creator
Mobile apps routinely hit 250 billion downloads worldwide this year. (33)
Platforms often pay 70% profits on your app sales, so if you’re selling an app for $4.99, that can add up quickly. Sell half a million downloads, and you’re looking at a $1,746,500 profit.
That might sound hard, but there are actually thousands of apps that have hit over a million downloads, so hitting half that is definitely possible.
2. SEO consulting
Having a digital presence is a must for any business nowadays, and the only way to get there is through SEO. Because of that, companies will pay huge amounts to someone who can provide results…I’m talking page one Google results.
The hourly consulting rate for a legit SEO specialist is $100-$300. (34)
1. Lead generation for local businesses
If you’re looking for automated, digital, and scalable, this is it. If you’re looking for a market with low competition that is almost impossible to saturate, this is it. If you’re looking for guaranteed five-figure paychecks, this is also it.
The bottom line is that this method works better and more consistently than almost any other for generating passive income. You’re building out niche websites that focus on specific products and specific locations, so when your competition is cut down to people advertising limo services in Dayton, Ohio, hitting it big is a lot more do-able.
Use SEO to get to the top and let the leads come in overnight. Once you can offer local businesses a stack of contact info for people who have already said they’re interested in the product or service, they’ll start handing you money faster than you can count it.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/get-rich-in-2019/
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mlmcompanies · 5 years
So you’re trying to get that paper. You don’t want to be a businessman, you want to be a business, man. I don’t hate it.
You’re gonna need some mad skills though, or at least a lot of patience. Don’t think anything worthwhile comes easy.
Be sure to check out how to make money fast, how to save money, and ways to make money online.
Luckily, thanks to the world wide web, you can learn just about anything from your home.
But I won’t make you wait any longer… here are the best ways to stack that paper in 2019.
32. Network marketing
I live to knock it, lol, but even I was raking in 5-figure paychecks through MLM before I gave in to my own sense of self-respect.
If you’re crazy enough to think you could somehow make it into the top .0001% as I did, network marketing could work for you. The first step is to lose your shame. The second step is to lose your friends and family.
Still want to do network marketing? You’ll want to make sure you aren’t joining an actual pyramid scheme.
Pyramid schemes are illegal basically everywhere, but that doesn’t stop people from starting one and hiding behind an MLM label.
Here are a few ways you can distinguish between the two:
Primary earning method – Is the compensation plan set up in a way where you earn more from selling products or recruiting new members? Pyramid schemes tend to do the latter.
Emphasis – Aside from the compensation plan, does the company make a huge deal out of recruiting without caring much about their products? Could be a pyramid scheme.
Do they pay attention to their market? If there’s no interest in consumer demand, that’s a sign they care only about adding new members to the pyramid.
Upfront investment size – Pyramid schemes usually require a large upfront “investment”, which just gets you your items. MLM’s sometimes charge upfront, but the fee tends to be pretty small.
None of those bullet points will 100% tell you if a company’s legit or not, but they do point you in the right direction.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to research the network marketing company further.
31. Real estate
Barbara Corcoran did it, and you can too.
While the average real estate agent banks about $54,000/year, there’s no limit to the amount you can earn in this job.
The Wall Street Journal recently published the salaries of the top 1,000 real estate agents, and the #1 head honcho grossed a whopping 1.4 billion, with a B. Even #250 made $60 million in annual sales. (1)
Normally, I’d say start investing in real estate yourself.
But not everyone has the money to buy up rental properties, nor do they always know what they’re doing.
Starting as a real estate agent is a great way to earn a nice paycheck while you’re learning the ins and outs of real estate.
Then you can jump ship and start your own little real estate empire.
30. Index funds
When Warren Buffet hits you up with investment advice, you listen: index funds.
This is the slow way to riches, but it’s almost certain. You can average a solid 8.5% return on index funds, which means that you’d be a millionaire in 20 years if you start investing $1,587/month now. (2)
29. Virtual reality
So, a couple years ago I blogged about how the VR industry was expected to blow up. Over 12 million in headset sales predicted for 2016. (3)
A funny thing happened in 2016: almost 100 million were sold. (4) 
The best part? 96% of these were low-cost, partial VR headsets, and the market for those in China is expected to hit $8.5 billion.
You don’t have to invest in crazy tech and clunky, futuristic headsets. Plastic and cardboard units that cost $30 and attach to your smartphone will do just fine.
Start up an SEO heavy e-commerce store if you’ve got the digital marketing skills, or start a highly targetted niche business, like selling VR headsets to the wedding market (except don’t, because that niche is taken by LiveKnot). (5)
28. Networking
There’s this legend of an Italian billionaire who was asked, “If you had to start all over again, from zero, what would you do?”
He said he’d take any job he could get that paid $500, buy a nice suit, and go to a party filled with successful people. If you’re not a people person, learn to be one.
Because it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
Dale Carnegie (yep, the dude from How to Win Friends and Influence People) once taught public speaking to Warren Buffett. His advice? Smile, listen, be genuinely interested in other people, remember their names, and offer lots of praise.
27. Consulting
You can start off at a big 5 consulting firm (think PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Accenture) and make over $70,000 as an entry-level consultant, easily hitting 6-figs when you go Senior. (6)
Then go freelance for more freedom and more money.
Alternatively, if you don’t have consulting experience but can get a very specialized skillset, go into freelance niche consulting (financial consulting, marketing consulting, etc). Without decades of consulting experience, you’ll have to charge based on your performance – in other words, your rate will be based on the results you deliver. If you’re good, this just means more money.
26. Investment banker
Think Wall Street. Think Goldman Sachs. Think J.P. Morgan.
Banking has produced some of the world’s richest people…. if you can avoid getting thrown in Martha Stewart prison, that is.
That being said, the median salary for investment bankers is $100,000. (7) 
However, you’ve gotta hustle if you want to get to that 7-figure salary. It’s not just 40 hours a week.
It’s more like 90-100 hours most weeks for your typical analyst/associate, according to a former investment banker and author named Andrew Gutmann. (8)
To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to a little over 16 hours a day, 5 days a week, but usually that involves coming in on the weekend as well.
Not everyone will succeed in a job with those hours.
But those that make it to a VP position can easily pull 7 figures a year.
25. Public speaker
Build a brand for yourself and a recognizable name, and you could be snagging 6-figure speaking engagements presidential-style. PublicPaidSpeaking.com is a good place to start…some of their “non celebrity professional speakers” are banking “individual profits of over $800,000 a year.” (9)
Yeah, you read that right.
24. Life coaching
If you’re that friend that everyone goes to for advice, life coaching could potentially bank you a multi-million dollar practice on the internet. The industry has been booming ever since the economic crash in 2008. (10) People in hard times will spend every last cent they have for someone who can fix their problems.
Becoming a thought leader by starting your own blog, guest blogging, writing on LinkedIn, and self-publishing on Amazon. As soon as you score your first high-profile client you can start name-dropping, and the requests will fall into your lap from there.
23. Kid-Friendly YouTube videos
How many times have you gone to dinner and seen a kid glued to their iPad watching YouTube while Mommy and Daddy get some private time?
There’s an entire app called YouTube Kids, and it gets 8 million weekly users. (11) The best part? The quality of your vids can be absolute garbage, because kids don’t care either way as long as you keep them mesmerized. One of the richest YouTube millionaires is a 5-year old who makes videos of him opening toys. Literally, that’s it. (12)
22. Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin skyrocketed in 2017, reaching almost $20,000, but has since fallen to hovering around $8,000-$10,000.
While not as big of a moneymaker as it used to be, cryptocurrency is still a promising way to make money.
There are two routes you can take depending on how tech savvy you are. If you’re less tech savvy, invest. It’s a gamble but one with potentially huge returns. If you’re more tech savvy, launch a crypto ICO. Basically, you start your own cryptocurrency and hack it via a crowdfunding technique called “Initial Coin Offerings”.
Ethereum started as an ICO, and it was priced at only $12. Nowadays, it hovers around $180 depending on the day.
Keep in mind that your coin has to have a unique, useful idea behind it. Pumping and dumping coins might’ve worked years ago, but people aren’t going to invest in random coins anymore unless there’s a compelling reason.
21. Blockchain
Blockchain is the technology that cryptocurrency uses to record transactions. It’s basically a decentralized, encrypted way of recording transactions digitally so they can’t be hacked or altered (or at least without a genius hacker).
Companies are currently developing blockchain solutions for nearly every field, meaning plenty of lucrative investing opportunities await.
If you’ve got a blockchain solution idea and you can sell yourself to angel investors, you could start your own company instead.
20. Gaming
Everybody would’ve laughed in your face if you said you were going to become a multi-millionaire by playing Doom back in the 1990s.
Fast forward a couple decades, and you now have people like Ninja making half a million for live-streaming his Fortnite sessions. (13)
You wanna make money playing video games? Playing in tournaments and being an e-sports athlete is one way, but the big money’s in streaming on platforms like Twitch and making YouTube videos because the income is much more passive.
Granted, it takes a long time to build an audience, but I mean you’re playing video games while you’re doing it, not running a blog or anything.
It’s a brave new world.
19. Podcasting
Everyone’s favorite podcaster Joe Rogan was allegedly earning $75,000 per episode of his Joe Rogan Experience podcast back in 2016. (14) That number’s gotta be much higher now.
To start a podcast, you’ll first need a topic, preferably something interesting. You’ll also want to decide on a name as well as the length you want each episode to be.
Aside from that, the rest of it comes down to creating your brand and planning/recording your episodes.
18. Dating apps
Almost half the population of the U.S. uses online dating now, and a third of new marriages start online. (15)
This is a huge market to capitalize on. Sure, you’ve already got your Tinders and Grindrs and eHarmonies, but there’s plenty of space left for the niche dating market.
Just look at Spark Networks, owner of Christian Mingle and Jdate (a Jewish dating site). They consistently gross over $100 million a year for matching up religious singles with other singles of the same religion.
Find a niche that’s not taken, turn it into a mobile app, and pair it with the addictive gameified interface of Tinder. You’re welcome.
17. Niche Sites
You can get rich selling products without having to manufacture them or even set up a store with affiliate marketing.
Niche sites are one of the easiest ways to go about this. You basically build a site/blog around an extremely niche topic and target ultra-specific keywords to bring in visitors that are highly likely to buy. All you need are your standard website pages (home, affiliate disclosure, privacy policy, etc), a few simple blog posts targeting your keywords, and some affiliate products.
Once your niche site pulls a decent income, you can scale by hiring writers or VAs to manage your site and pump out posts, then you can start another site and repeat the process.
You won’t get rich overnight, but as your site reaches more people thanks to your SEO efforts, more people will buy through your affiliate links, growing your income.
If you ever get sick of running your niche sites, you can always sell them for a nice profit.
16. Marijuana
Large-scale legalization of weed in the US started with Colorado and Washington in 2012, but it’s slowly spreading all over the states.
And in Canada, it’s been legalized federally.
If you have no moral qualms with your money flowing into the marijuana industry, you can capitalize on the legal acceptance of pot in two ways.
The first would be investing in marijuana stocks. As you’d expect, these are quite volatile what with all the political battles over the little green plant. Don’t worry, though, as the industry is expected to reach over $23 billion by 2022. (16)
Or, if you live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, you could start your own marijuana business in the form of either a dispensary or a grow operation.
Neither are cheap, and starting either one requires jumping through a ton of legal hoops for obvious reasons. Plus, you gotta operate your business on an all-cash basis since it’s still banned federally.
But nearly 90% of dispensaries, wholesale cultivators (grow operations), and even companies making weed-infused products were profitable in 2016. (17)
What better way to make some green than with some green?
15. Flip websites
Imagine making $58,000 in profit over the course of 2 months just by buying and selling domain names. Well, it’s been done. (18)
Domains are basically digital real estate. Domain flipping sites like Flippa make it easy to try your luck, but if you really want to make good money, do your research and base your domain purchases on knowledge and skill. (19)
14. Amazon self-publishing
Thanks to the internet, anyone can publish a book now for free. But you have to put in solid marketing effort to make sales.
You don’t have a publishing house doing all the work for you, but you’re also raking in most of the profits. Self-publish on Amazon and sell your book for $2.99 or less, and you get to keep 70% of the royalties. (20) If you can sell 477,783 copies (indie self-publishing star Amanda Hocking was doing 100,000/month in sales in her prime), you’ll make your first million. (21)
Then if you want, start your own website and sell your books on there at whatever price you want. You’ll get to keep all your profits.
Just make sure you can handle all the admin and marketing stuff, or better, hire someone else to do it.
13. Content farm
If you’re looking for the next big thing, content marketing is already it. The industry is on track to rake in $313 billion by 2019, so get on it now. (22)
If you can learn how to write epic content that drives sales (and get your name in Forbes and HuffPo), you can charge hundreds per article.
Even better, start a content farm, hire writers off of freelancing websites, and skim passive profit off the top.
Starting a content farm will require you have the cash to pay your writers. Without it, your best bet is to do the writing yourself until you’ve got some money.
12. Instagram influencer
Grab that iPhone, download some photo editing apps, slap a filter on your selfie and post. Simple.
Instagram “micro-influencers” (10k-50k following) don’t make huge bucks…more like $50-$100 per post. But if you can grow your following up to 6-figures, you could rake in thousands for posting one sponsored photo. (23) Making a paycheck has never been easier.
11. Software development
Unlike web development, this is learning coding and development that’s focused on building software. It has a lower ceiling but a higher average income.
Learn some of the more lucrative frameworks and systems (like Spark and Cassandra) and some of the highest paying programming languages (like Scala and F#), and you’ll hit an average salary of $125,000. (24)
With enough experience, capital, and entrepreneurial skills, you could launch your own software company and maybe even become the next Silicon Valley success story too.
10. Video post-production
Video is IT. By 2020, video is expected to make up a whopping 90% of all internet traffic. It’s already on a huge upswing, having grown 71% year-over-year in 2016. (25)
You could go through the trouble of writing scripts, hiring actors, directing, and getting expensive filming equipment, or you could just start your own company that offers post-production video services (editing, adding in music, credits, etc).
That’s the part that most people outsource anyway. Once you build your name, start your own video editing training school to really bring in the passive income.
9. Web design
Websites like Codeacademy and SkillCrush will teach you web design for fairly cheap, and some websites even teach it for free. (26) (27)
Web design is the less technical, more design-oriented side of creating websites. You get to design layouts, make sure color schemes work well, and all that fun stuff. While it doesn’t pay quite as well as web development, you don’t have to learn as much code and you can still earn $75-$100/hour. (28)
8. Social media consultant
Facebook has over 3 million companies using their ads, and over 60 million using their pages to promote their business. (29) Instagram has over 1 million advertisers, and it’s bound to keep growing. (30)
If you’re that friend who’s always scrolling social media, editing photos, hashtagging, and whipping up clever captions, you can make money doing that. Get analytics and ads on lock on your skills list, and you can make good money doing what you do best.
7. Data scraping
You can do this manually without any programming skills, it just takes a lot longer. But if you come up with a good, unique idea like
Scraping emotional reactions to certain types of content on Facebook
Gathering leads from online business directories for B2B service providers
Gathering contact info for homes that were recently purchased
Scraping for keywords in user reviews of a certain product
Businesses will pay for the data if it helps them sell their products.
Now imagine if you did know how to code and could create computer programs that scrape all this data for you in seconds. You’d be making sales faster than you could keep up with them.
6. e-Commerce
Pick a niche product. I mean really niche (think “Disney coffee mugs” or “small travel backpacks”).
You don’t have to manufacture the product – you can fill orders via Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), dropshipping (basically online retail without inventory), or even plain old affiliate marketing.
Kick your SEO into full gear. Once you’re #1 on Google you’ll start seeing some handsome profits with little to no effort aside from maintenance.
You can boost your sales by spending on ads (or hiring an expert to do the ads for you) once you’ve got cash rolling in. No need to if you don’t want to, but do it right and your profits will increase.
Then you can scale it by outsourcing all the menial stuff to virtual assistants. Hey, you’re creating jobs now!
5. Web Development
Again, you can learn this online, even for free.
Unlike web design, learning more advanced coding languages and becoming a web developer PAYS. One developer wrote in Business Insider of a typical job offer – $150,000 salary, $10,000 signing bonus, all kinds of freebies, from gym memberships to free meals on the daily, and flexible work hours. (31)
Of course, if you take all that coding knowledge and use it to start your own hit website (think Facebook), the sky is the limit.
Again, websites like Code Academy, Khan Academy, and Code.com (among a ton of others) are filled to the brim with coding lessons and other good stuff.
But as you know, the best way to get better is to practice. Once you’ve learned some stuff from your free online resources, you’ve got to start building websites with your skills.
4. Blogging
Bloggers don’t actually make money, right?
Nope, not a myth. If you hit it big with your blog you can clear six figures a year EASY.
Just look at Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. I mean, he regularly clears six figures every MONTH.
Sure, he’s got like 100 income sources at this point, but according to his income reports, affiliate marketing alone earns him around $100,000 a month give or take.
For more proof, just search the web for “blog income reports” and you’ll get endless lists of, well, blog income reports.
If you get really big, think Mashable, Tech Crunch, and Endgadget status (yes, they all started as blogs), you can even score a lucrative takeover. Ariana Huffington eventually sold the Huffington Post for $315 million to AOL. (32)
3. Mobile app creator
Mobile apps routinely hit 250 billion downloads worldwide this year. (33)
Platforms often pay 70% profits on your app sales, so if you’re selling an app for $4.99, that can add up quickly. Sell half a million downloads, and you’re looking at a $1,746,500 profit.
That might sound hard, but there are actually thousands of apps that have hit over a million downloads, so hitting half that is definitely possible.
2. SEO consulting
Having a digital presence is a must for any business nowadays, and the only way to get there is through SEO. Because of that, companies will pay huge amounts to someone who can provide results…I’m talking page one Google results.
The hourly consulting rate for a legit SEO specialist is $100-$300. (34)
1. Lead generation for local businesses
If you’re looking for automated, digital, and scalable, this is it. If you’re looking for a market with low competition that is almost impossible to saturate, this is it. If you’re looking for guaranteed five-figure paychecks, this is also it.
The bottom line is that this method works better and more consistently than almost any other for generating passive income. You’re building out niche websites that focus on specific products and specific locations, so when your competition is cut down to people advertising limo services in Dayton, Ohio, hitting it big is a lot more do-able.
Use SEO to get to the top and let the leads come in overnight. Once you can offer local businesses a stack of contact info for people who have already said they’re interested in the product or service, they’ll start handing you money faster than you can count it.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
A Timeline Of Cardi B's Meteoric Rise To Fame - See Every Moment From The Start!
https://bharatiyamedia.com/?p=351 Cardi B has got some serious star power! It’s been amazing to see just how much the 26-year-old entertainer has grown and evolved since she first started making headlines less than two years ago. Yep, that’s right. Can you believe that Bardi’s hit single, Bodak Yellow, dropped in 2017?! Related: Met Gala 2019: Cardi B SHUTS DOWN The Red Carpet! We know there’s so much more in store for Offset’s wife; her reign as the rap game’s most commercially successful female artist (sorry, Nicki Minaj) has truly just begun. We’ve compiled a list of the most important moments along Cardi B’s meteoric rise to fame! Ch-ch-check it out (below): 1992: A Star Is Born! October 11, 1992 – A ‘Regular, Degular, Schemgular’ Girl From The Bronx It’s only right that we start at the very beginning! Belcalis Almanzar was born in the Bronx, NY, to a Dominican father and Trinidadian mother. She picked up the nickname “Bacardi” at a young age, mirroring her sister Hennessy Carolina‘s alcohol-themed moniker. It later became simply Cardi B, and stuck like glue! Belcalis showed an interest in music pretty early on, by performing in high school talent shows and entertaining her peers whenever possible. Part of Cardi’s early years included working at a supermarket in Lower Manhattan. Upon being fired from her job, she took her old boss’ suggestion and started working at a strip club across the street. Those countless nights spent dancing for cash actually helped create the badass, outspoken woman we know today. She’s since credited her time as a dancer in multiple interviews as a means to an end, and a necessary moment for survival. She said the same of her decision to become a member of the Bloods gang, too. 2013-2017: Career Beginnings & Early Breakout Moments 2013 – Cardi B Starts Going Viral The woman sure knows how to entertain! All eyes were on Cardi after her hilarious and unfiltered videos started popping up all over Instagram and Vine. She used the social media platforms to speak her mind on taboo topics related to men, money, and her experiences as a stripper. She also made it very clear from the jump, that she is 100 percent a feminist! Oh, and the candid NSFW confessionals are still happening today, too. November 2015 – Cardi B’s Musical Debut On The Remix to Popcaan & Shaggy’s Boom Boom In 2015, Belcalis hit the studio to lay down a verse on Shaggy‘s dancehall track, Boom Boom. Although her flow wasn’t fully developed yet, she did drop a couple of icy, memorable lines like this one (below):  “You better empty your pockets, I’m talking heavy deposits/ Cardi Bartier got it, so you gon’ have to pay homage.” December 2015 – Cardi B Joins The Cast of Love & Hip Hop New York It didn’t take long for Cardi to become the break-out star and fan favorite of season 6 of VH1’s hit reality TV show Love & Hip Hop New York. The reason why is simple: the Bronx stripper kept the same sass and unfiltered commentary from her social media with her when she finally made it to the small screen. Way to always keep it real, okurrr! After two seasons on LHHNY, Cardi went on to announce that she’d be leaving the show to focus on furthering her musical career. Here we go, y’all! December 15, 2015 – Cardi’s Official Music Video Debut In The Visuals For Cheap Ass Weave Cardi made her official music video debut when she dropped the visuals to her single, Cheap Ass Weave. Long before the well-produced flare of her more recent videos, we see our girl rapping in what looks a like a make-shift nail salon in a broom closet for many scenes. Yikes! Talk about humble beginnings, ha! March 7, 2016 – Cardi Drops Her First Mixtape Gangsta Bitch Music, Vol. 1 Just before officially exiting LHHNY, Cardi dropped her first mixtape, Gangsta Bitch Music, Vol. 1. The 13-track project showcased the young rapper’s growing lyrical abilities and just how serious she was about taking the leap of doing music full time. The mixtape’s most recognizable hit, Foreva (above), featured a catchy hook and beat that signaled mainstream appeal early on. Hardly a Bodak Yellow, but still pretty impressive for the time! The rapper would go on to release Gangsta Bitch Music, Vol. 2 at the top of 2017 and ink a deal with Atlantic Records months later. January 31, 2017 – Cardi B Guest Stars On BET’s Being Mary Jane Belcalis proved she can do more than spit one liners and hilarious quips on reality TV when she became a a guest star on BET‘s Being Mary Jane. The Bardi Gang was no doubt filled with joy when Cardi killed it as the loud and outspoken fictional character “Mercedes” for an episode in season four. Nice! June 2017 – Cardi B and Offset Start Dating As Her Career Takes Off! 2017 was truly the year things came together for Bardi. Months before she released the song that would go on to change her life, rumors began to swirl that Cardi and Migos rapper, Offset, were an item. Prior to that point, the duo had teamed up for a track called Lick. The pair coyly denied their relationship at first, but by May of that year, Kulture Kiari Cephus‘ parents made their MET Gala debut together, all but confirming their relationship. Offset went on to publicly propose to his love on October 27 that same year, at the Power 99 Powerhouse concert in Philadelphia. It was revealed later that they tied the knot in a secret ceremony. Their union proved to be as important to Cardi’s personal life as it was to her musical career. The duo would go on to collaborate several times more on chart-topping tracks like Motorsport, Drip, Who Want The Smoke? and Clout. Speaking on her professional and personal relationship with Offset, Cardi previously told The Fader: “It’s been a blessing, me meeting him and meeting his friends. I see how hard they work. And that motivated me to work even harder. And I see how good things are going for them and how popping it is to be number one. And I’m like, I want that. A lot of people just see they jewelry and they money, but I don’t think a lot of people see how hard they work for that shit every single day.” Their personal relationship would go on to encounter some bumps down the road — including nearly divorcing each other at one point in 2018 — but ultimately survive and thrive. On July 10, 2018, the couple welcomed their first child together, a baby girl named Kulture. We have a feeling these two aren’t done making music (and babies!) anytime soon. June 16, 2017 – The Release Of Bodak Yellow The single that did it all! Atlantic Records drops Cardi’s first commercial single, Bodak Yellow (Money Moves) and it quickly made its way to the top of the Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart just one month later. The hard-hitting, bad bitch anthem was hard not to love, and could be heard blaring from just about every speaker possible the summer it came out. When the song reached number one, it made Belcalis the first solo female rapper to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in nearly 20 years. The last woman to do it was Lauren Hill in 1998 with Doo-Wop (That Thing). But despite the single’s monumental success, many were concerned that our girl would be a one-hit wonder once the hype died down. What came next — including scoring two Grammy nominations for Best Rap Song Best Rap Performance for the single — proved that Cardi is in fact here to stay! 2018-Present: ‘Invasion Of Privacy’, A Baby, Coachella & More! January 2018 – Bruno Mars & Cardi B Team Up For Finesse (Remix) The crossover pop hit certainly helped make Cardi B a household name and showcase her mainstream appeal. Her verse on the track is fun and in your face, while Bruno Mars delivers the funk and soul. The old school ’90s beat and accompanying visuals mixed with the entertainers’ natural chemistry together made for certified Billboard success! April 6, 2018 – Invasion Of Privacy Is Released The success of Cardi’s debut studio album proved she was a commercial force to be reckoned with! Although it was more of a hip-hop album than anything else, it expertly put the rapper’s many talents (including singing!) on display while telling her come up story, straight from the heart. Invasion Of Privacy debuted at the No. 1 spot on the Billboard 200 chart, and sold 255,000 equivalent album units overall in its first week. Check out more impressive records broken by the debut album: 100 million streams on Apple Music within its first week setting the record for most first-week plays for a female artist (previously held by Taylor Swift). Apple Music’s fifth most streamed album of all time. I Like It helped make Cardi the first woman to have three number one singles (including Girls Like You and Motorsport) on the Billboard chart. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Cardi currently has the most simultaneous Billboard U.S. Hot 100 entries by a woman — a record previously held by Beyoncé! April 16, 2018 – Bardi Brings Her Baby Bump To Coachella! Unlike festival headliner Beyoncé, the Bartier Cardi rapper didn’t let her pregnancy stop her from tearing up her first set ever at Coachella in 2018. The high-energy performance was full of twerking and multiple surprise guest appearances, including G-Eazy, Chance The Rapper, 21 Savage and Kehlani, from start to finish! April 19, 2018 – TIME Names Cardi B As One Of The 100 Most Influential People Just days after Cardi lit up the stage at Coachella, it was announced that she scored a spot on the 2018 TIME‘s Most Influential List. For the special issue, the publication uses another high-profile star to speak on behalf of the honoree. In this case, Empire star Taraji P. Henson shared what she thought made Cardi a breakout star, and then quickly a household name. The Golden Globe winning actress wrote: “When her mixtape came out, I thought, That’s it. She found it! She’s clear on her talent, and she’s not trying to get in anybody else’s lane. She recorded “Bodak Yellow” because it’s what she loved. Now she’s the biggest thing in music. And even with all those eyeballs watching, she’s still unapologetically herself. Cardi B’s here to stay, baby, and I’m happy to be a witness.” It’s clear that Cardi B’s transparency and authentic realness is celebrated! September 2018 – Cardi B Announces A Collaboration With Fashion Nova We know our girl loves her some Money, and her collaboration with the internet’s largest fast fashion brand brought her plenty of it! Considering how her peers like Rihanna and Beyoncé have also used their star power to venture into the fashion industry, we gotta say, this was a major move by Cardi. It paid off too, as a second collaboration between the two debuted on FN.com on May 8, 2019. January 23, 2019 – Cardi B Lands Her First Las Vegas Residency 2019 kicked off with some pretty amazing news for the Drip rapper. It was announced that she would begin a new residency at day and nightclub KAOS at the Palms Casino Resort in Vegas in April. Other exciting artists like G-Eazy, Skrillex and Kaskade also have residencies at the Sin City hot spot. February 3, 2019 – The Pepsi Super Bowl Commercial Starring Steve Carell And Cardi B! It’s hard to name a bigger televised moment than the NFL Super Bowl (and its highly-anticipated commercials). So, when Kulture‘s mother scored a primetime spot with the event’s largest, longtime sponsor Pepsi — alongside Steve Carell — it became crystal clear that Cardi’s star cache had reached new levels. Even still, the choice to participate in any part of the national football league’s biggest night was met with criticism and backlash from fans who felt Cardi should’ve known better. Especially considering her staunch, vocal support of Colin Kapernick‘s controversial open protest against racial injustice and police brutality that was challenged by the NFL. But Cardi did turn down the offer to perform alongside Maroon 5 at the halftime show for their single, Girls Like You, so shouldn’t that count for something? You tell us, Perezcious readers! February 10, 2019 – Invasion Of Privacy Earns Multiple Grammy Nods …And Wins Big! The entertainer’s debut album Invasion Of Privacy won Best Rap Album at the 61st Grammy Awards, beating out Mac Miller (Swimming), Nipsey Hussle (Victory Lap), Pusha T (Daytona) and Travis Scott (Astroworld) for the precious award! The achievement made her the first female solo artist to win a Grammy for Best Rap Album. She celebrated with a rousing performance of her singles that same night. The Recording Academy recognized Cardi with five nominations on the night, including Album Of The Year, Best Rap Performance (Be Careful), Song Of The Year (I Like It) and Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for her Maroon 5 collab on Girls Like You. A major, major career milestone indeed! And we have to say, we absolutely loved the bold, vintage Mugler red carpet number (above)! What’s Next For Cardi B? March 2019 – Cardi Files A Trademark For ‘Okurrr’ It was reported that Bardi filed paperwork with the United States Patent and Trademark Office this year to trademark her signature phrase — with two different spellings — so it could be used for “clothing, namely, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, pants, shorts, jackets, footwear, headgear, namely, hats and caps, blouses, bodysuits, dresses, jumpsuits, leggings, skirts, sweaters, undergarments.” But a source exclusively shared with us that Broadway actress Laura Bell Bundy beat her to it, and filed the same paper work months prior with the intention of giving all proceeds to charity. A judge has yet to rule in favor of either woman’s petition, but we are feeling the idea of more Cardi merch in general though! We can’t wait to see what kind of apparel our girl comes up with on her own! March 2019 – Cardi Inks A Deal To Star In Her First Feature Film Called Hustlers BIG, big news! Cardi is set to appear in a film called Hustlers, co-produced by her costar Jennifer Lopez. The project is about a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients. How? By drugging and robbing them while knocked out. Yep! A powerhouse cast of strong women including Constance Wu, Riverdale‘s Lili Reinhart, Julia Stiles, and Keke Palmer will join is expected to begin production in April in New York City. We can’t wait to see her on the big screen! May 8, 2019 – A Second Collaboration With Fashion Nova And Cardi B The second FNxCardi collection did remarkably better than the first, bringing in $1 million in the first 24 hours of being on sale! Despite ordering nearly five times the amount of inventory for “Season 2” of the 107-piece spring/summer collection, the fast-fashion company struggled to meet early demand as the majority of pieces  already sold out instantly after launch. It’s clear the people want more of your unique fashionable taste, Cardi! May 2019 – Cardi Keeps Winning More Billboard Music Awards Cardi B lead all nominees at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards with a whopping 21 nominees in 18 categories, just a few nods shy of tying the record set by Drake and The Chainsmokers, who each scored 22 noms in 2017. The rapper took home six trophies, winning in the categories for Top Rap Female Artist and Top Rap Song (I Like It), while her feature on Maroon 5‘s Girls Like You snagged the Top Hot 100 Song, Top Selling Song, Top Radio Song and Top Collaboration awards. Congratulations, girl! In a recent interview with ET, Cardi B coyly hinted at plans of venturing into beauty industry (Kylie Jenner, watch out!) and other unnamed projects in the works. When asked about the future of her brand, she confidently told the outlet: “I see everything. I feel like I can accomplish anything and everything. So it’s just like… whatever I set my mind to do, I can do it. Whatever it is.” We’ll continue to keep our eyes peeled for more career updates from the desk of Cardi B! In the meantime, let’s enjoy… Some Of Cardi B’s Best Instagrams   Thoughts, Perezcious readers? What’s your favorite career moment from our list? [Image via Cardi B/Instagram/BET/YouTube/Brian To/Adriana M. Barazza/Patricia Schlein/FayesVision/Arturo Holmes/Andres Otero/Apega/Tony Forte/WENN] Source link
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