#this episode is feeding me so much!!! it's b/c i'm gonna Starve after this huh i can feel it
blackjack-15 · 5 months
mmm no syd's never been here and she's drinking it in...not that there's much to drink in
this isn't like bachelor 'chic' this is depression: the apartment
but i love that the show is dedicated to shattering any illusions she might have had about Chef Carmen Berzatto but also building her up to knowing just Carmy -- his asshole moments, his good points, his traumas, his sense of humor, and his quirks
blue sharpie -- blue again -- but hey i hope it's a sharpie that works?
um. carmy. that hand on her lower back?? completely unnecessary, but i'm thrilled we've absolutely shattered the touch barrier...but it was completely unnecessary touching, she was already moving.
syd just absorbing the jeans being in the oven is hilarious. the bear is a comedy
"don't look them in the eyes" i love you ebra
that cut to carmy's chef whites as syd is talking? more foreshadowing i think -- does syd have a nice pair of chef whites? is carmy gonna give her one (which would be Ridiculous of him those are so expensive but ii can kinda see him doing it as a vote of confidence? he's not great with money we've seen that)?
"chaos menu but, um...thoughtful?" that's carmy in a nutshell XD
my gosh him staring at her. baby.
it's SUCH interesting body language -- syd is forward, focused, writing, and carmy's standing with one hand on the counter, posture open and angled towards her? watching her as he speaks? i think he's gonna find himself in deep by the time he realizes even a little of what he's feeling, and it's gonna be beautiful
syd smiling at the chef's whites, at his monogram. this is 100% being set up for later. they already foreshadowed it in s2e1 with tina calling her "the new carmy", i'm just putting 2 and 2 together
wait those were in a box last ep and the box was by the window. carmy was looking at them, they had camera focus. so why are they by the kitchen now? did he move them? why'd he move them? why, carmy, why would you do that i wonder?
"i bet it felt really good wearing it." "yeah, it did" gosh they're really going for this huh. they're stealing looks at each other, carmy's opening up...see if they go on like this they're both gonna get to the Point of No Return too quickly. so this is going to stop, and i have an inkling why (it's the one thing i'm spoiled for!) but...my gosh
syd tucking her hair behind her ear before asking him a question? girllllll you're In It
"i doubt i'm gonna tell you to f//k off" him admitting he'd probably tell her whatever she wanted to know? absolutely groundbreaking i love it this is adorable
"when you got that call. that three-star call" "f//k off" HE'S LAUGHING AND THE DIMPLES AND THE SMILE ARE OUT IT'S SO CUTE they're straight up flirting at this point, like, full stop. damn flirterers they're too cute
and she asks the question anyway! and he answers it anyway! his answer being panic -> dread isn't great, but he answers it! and makes a joke at the end and she laughs and makes another joke and he laughs!! it's great!! it's intimate, it's funny, it's soft and honest...this is an amazing conversation and their relationship literally cannot continue forward from here or else they're gonna get to first base way faster than the show's paced for so...come on out, miss complication, i know you're waiting in the wings...
oh no. that's mold. not the complication i was thinking of, but definitely a complication
"mold is the death knell" yuuuup i effing knew it oh gosh this is horrible
fun side note: the crapbox college apartment i lived in with 5 other girls for 3 years was closed for reno for like 2 full years after i finally moved out b/c the walls were just apparently full on mold behind the drywall. i heard about that and was like oh that explains the breathing problems (mold allergy!) from 18-21. huh.
they're just full on calling natalie mom. the foreshadowing is not subtle
carmy and syd work so well together and i'm about to get Violent about it aren't i
also carmy's writing in blue, syd's in red. stability and passion, love and loyalty, boldness and serenity, aggression and passivity.
just a note, those two colors make purple, aka the color that represents creativity, wisdom, wealth, and enlightenment. just saying, you know, if they wanted to make purple or something
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