#they're supposed to be scary scary mofos
fluff-writing · 5 months
Thinkin' about Sicarai.
The idea of their being an entire class of angel designated 'world destroyer' is pretty terrifying in its implication. Just One is apparently enough to take out a planet, and there are enough for Tyrael to have personally trained a bunch, and also meet one that he's never seen before.
To me this implies there's like. Twenty-odd angels who can wipe planets off the starmap. What kinda magics do they wield for that? Why wouldn't Malthael just borrow one or two or the whole class if he's worried and have them boom our favorite mudball? (prolly cuz he's an edgelord who needed to edge les be honest)
The particular Sicarai we encounter is...not that scary. Is he less scary cuz Tyrael and Friends are there to stop him? Maybe. He definitely gives them a run for their money, but he's not unstoppable.
Perhaps they have more of a cleanup role.
Perhaps their job is to destroy whatever world the angels create with the Worldstone itself after they've stagnated. They would need to be dangerous enough to hold their own in case there's anything lurking or growing on the planet, thus their specialized training. But primarily just deal with wiping away stone and earth, cleaning the slate for the next creation.
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