#they're canoodling your honour!
Your latest one with the actor au gave me an idea!
On set there is suddenly a loud and very heated discussion between Gil and the director. Gil refuses to do a very heavy and dangerous stunt because he has done it only once and the result back then was a broken back (you can choose a different heavy injury if you want). He doesn’t want to do this or have it done by any other person because of the risks and danger. He tries to explain it politely but The director is stubborn, he wants this stunt in his movie and loosing his patience just yells at him very loudly that he is fired. Everyone on set is stunned and there is this heavy silence when Gil accepts it and walks away.
Everybody on set except the director knows what’s coming next when they see Thena
Let’s see what you will do because the drama will be real here 😁love your work!!❤️
"I said no!"
Thena's - and plenty of others' - head shot up as the small disagreement escalated into a full shouting match. She knew that they were discussing the upcoming stunts--one in particular that was more risky than the others.
"I don't remember giving you that choice!"
Thena set down her script and stood from her chair, walking slowly and steadily towards the commotion. She looked like a lioness, prowling closer and closer to her unsuspecting prey.
"The stunt is too risky," Gil continued to argue, waving his hand in the direction of the rig needed to even attempt it. "I've seen people completely paralysed by this. I've broken my back from it before myself! It's not worth it!"
"How long ago was that?!--a fuckin' decade?" The director freely scoffed at Gil, script in hand, all but laughing off his concerns. "Nothing will go wrong! And that's what doubles and insurance are for, aren't they?!"
"No," Gil continued, though, not to be swayed from it. "I'm not doing the stunt, and I won't let anyone from union do it for me either. The risk is too big. There are other stunts--other ways we can film it!"
"How 'bout you stop being a fuckin' pussy and do you fuckin' job!"
Gil, usually so soft spoken and sweet natured, didn't back down. He slapped away the director's hand pointing in his face and stood up straighter. His chest was fuller, shoulders wider, arms thicker; he couldn't be physically intimidated. "The answer is no."
"Then you're fired!"
Silence burst up into the ceiling and descended over the studio. Heads turned to look around, seeing what the general consensus was. Not that anyone could argue with the director without fear for their own job security.
Gil looked the director up and down, but seeing that he was facing down enough volatility already, he nodded, stepping back and holding up his hands. "Y'know what?--fine."
Gil blinked as Thena walked onto the soundstage and past him, her hair flowing behind her from her stride. He tried to reach out to catch her shoulder, "Thena, it's-"
"How dare you," she glared, setting her eyes on the director, who at least had the survival instinct to take a step back at her approach. He was quick to pull on his pride, again, but Thena held her ground. "How fucking dare you."
"Thena, this is between me and the big guy, so why don't you-"
"Don't bark orders at me!" she snapped. "Gilgamesh just told you that the stunt is too dangerous for anyone to be attempting, and your response is to say fuck it?"
"Look, Thena-"
"I am speaking!" she snarled at him, letting her voice reach a level she only really used when filming. But she was way too angry to stop now. "You do not ever speak to him like that! You owe half this film entirely to Gil's guidance and expertise and you know it! And your thanks is to try and deliberately endanger him?!"
The director barely got his mouth open.
"Don't!" Thena barked at him again, taking a few steps even further and backing him away from her. She lowered her voice, but let her anger double, "you let him walk away from this I go with him. And you will never see me again so long as you work in this industry."
"Thena," Gil attempted yet again to pull her back. They were the talent, yes, with a certain amount of leeway--rules bending for them this way and that. But their director wasn't exactly a small name in the industry either, and he could only imagine the impact on her career this kind of dispute could have.
"Never again." She meant it. And she had worked enough--technically speaking, she could probably retire if she wanted. Move her and Sprite out of their massive hollywood house and into a nice little place just the two of them.
The director stared at her, trying to discern how much of it was just big talk and how much of it she meant. He saw no wavering, though. He crossed his arms with a huff. "Fine."
"Thena, it's okay," Gil finally came up behind her, trailing his hand ever so lightly down her arm. She had saved their jobs, but if she endeavoured to further humiliate the guy Gil could see them getting both getting blacklisted as difficult to work with. "Look, we'll talk about it more, okay? But let's just...call it. Just for now."
The director, who certainly was not going to back down with the entire crew now watching the interaction, huffed. Although he at least had the sense to keep quiet.
Thena took one more look at the director she now officially had a record low opinion of before letting Gil pull her away. "Fine."
Gil was gentle about it, but wasted no time in getting Thena out of the director's face before she could say something that would get everyone in the room thrown off the lot. He didn't risk even looking back until he had pulled her into their dark little corner with their chairs set up next to each other.
"The nerve of him," she growled to herself as they finally came to a stop. She was still glaring back at the set, where the director was saying to take down the stunt rigging as if nothing at all had happened.
"I know, I know," Gil placated as he attempted to pull her to sit in her chair. She threw herself into it, scraping the folding legs of it on the concrete floor below them.
"Directors," she rolled her eyes at the very title, "half of them aren't even worth the title. And every time I work with him, he's always acting like directing action is some revolutionary thing. And you've done half of his work for him in this! And-"
"Thena," Gil cut her off, waiting until she was looking at him to smile, taking her hand in his. "Thanks for coming to my rescue."
Thena tightened her hand against his, her smile genuine but her brows still knitted together. "Of course, Gil, I...I couldn't do any of this without you."
"Hey, yes you could," he said gently, nudging her in an attempt to pull her out of her contentious mood.
She sighed, letting at least some of her tension leak out of her. "Perhaps--but I wouldn't want to, is the point."
Gil looked down at their hands, sitting on the armrests of their chairs, pushed together completely. He leaned his head down, "I probably wouldn't have let him fire me. But I wasn't about to argue with him over it right here and now."
Thena puffed through her nose, her head also hovering close to his, "well, I was quite happy to. And I wouldn't have let him fire you even if I hadn't been here when it was happening."
Gil grinned (almost flirtatiously). "Ooh, I have the Goddess of War protecting me."
"Well," she pursed her lips (almost flirting back). "Even big, strong action heroes need protecting sometimes."
Gil chuckled, tapping the tip of his nose against the tip of hers, "I'm a lucky guy, I guess."
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 4 Poll 1
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
https://youtu.be/TdKCUmOa5Jw?si=Y3owraM96zp4kdrs and https://youtu.be/nxVjWJJmt9Q?si=76dQ6LBg00eldlUY
anti ship lesbians/sappics
Transgender lesbian anarchists.
Round-up for the round here :)
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Runoff Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 4.5
Two polls came to a tie this round, or within five votes of one! To be fair to all competing ships, I've decided to throw them all in this runoff. The top two ships will continue in the tournament, to face off against the clear winners of the other polls this round: the trio from HNOC and Polymechs and Lyf. Make your choice carefully.
Propaganda under cut
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
https://youtu.be/TdKCUmOa5Jw?si=Y3owraM96zp4kdrs and https://youtu.be/nxVjWJJmt9Q?si=76dQ6LBg00eldlUY
anti ship lesbians/sappics
Transgender lesbian anarchists.
gay people
#they played tsuru+spouse and hatter+hare (tags via @majorshatterandhare)
Gay homosexual gay Tim and Brian gay
(Posh tim voice) "Hello!"
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 2 Poll 1
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
Tim/Narrative Flow:
When Jonny said "can I introduce you to the concept of narrative flow" he was setting them up on a blind date 
I quote tgis too often
He was a boy, she was an abstract concept, can I make it any more obvious?
Round-up for the round here
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 5 Poll 2
that one post where its like theyre the us government but if it actually did whst it said it did. three different people of equal power keeping each other in check. also they aLMOST SAVED THE STATION WITH THE POWEROF LOVE [Pollrunner's note: post here]
I just love them a lot and blood and whiskey is so good and ”maybe just this once there could be a happy ending” makes me cry every time 
blood and whistey
the track where they decide
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
Other Poll This Round Here :)
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 1 Poll 1
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
Mechs Fic Author/Angst: tis true!
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 3 Poll 1
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
So perfect and immaculate that they’re **canon** and I love them so much <3333
them <3
lesbian machines. thats it.
They're girlfriends!!!!
Funniest line in OUAT(IS)
what if your girlfriend was the ship of theseus and you were a princess who got revolutioned and love just wasn't enough in the end. what then.
them <3
https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ (via @wormsontoast)
Round round-up here :)
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