#they may even end up becoming favs just bc of that bias. like i'll be sitting there like 'i recognize that from X's instagram videos!'
mastersoftheair · 7 months
I’m already thirsty for Buck Egan 😆 he has that swagger 🫡 I don’t want to wait another 2 months! Who are you anticipating to be your favourite?
i wouldn't say i'm "thirsty" for any of the guys lol, but i'm Very eager to see how they portray rosie rosenthal (and rosie's riveters). his life story is incredible! i'm also interested in harry crosby's role, both bc of his memoir ("a wing and a prayer", which is a great read btw) and the fact that he's being portrayed by anthony boyle (i've already seen him in hbo's "the plot against america", which is a Fantastic miniseries, albeit stressful as hell! i really enjoyed his acting in that show, so it was exciting seeing he was also attached to MotA)
the other men i'm looking forward to have Really been influenced by individual actors! as a MotA blog, combing the internet for crumbs of content just to keep the damn thing running, i Cannot Express Enough how much i appreciate the actors who posted stuff that i could work with, wrt semi-regular behind the scenes pics/videos! so, people like luke coughlan, josh bolt, raff law, and luke baker have made me so much more interested in james johnson, pappy lewis, kenneth lemmons, and vern best than i likely would've been otherwise!
so i've got potential favs due to historical and personal reasons lol
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