#they didn't “doxx” anyone but whatever right
dez-wade · 2 months
God is seeing you people dismiss several crimes committed against multiple people that came out with their statements because you don't like one of the several victims.
He's also seeing that you spent more energy to condemn and discuss one of the victims' "crime" (it's not a crime, it's public information and it was an accident) than condemning the dozens of crimes committed in a span of 1 year against multiple innocent people, that still hasn't gotten any form of justice.
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kittykov · 6 months
Hello, I'm addressing the situation here as I did on Twitter but going a little more in depth since I have more space :)
My intent was not to hurt anyone while making this au, I should've done more research on the procedure itself and honestly I shouldn't have made the au at all! I regret doing it and now I am learning from my actions which I am ok with I think that I deserve the backlash for what I did, although I wish people wouldn't DOXX me I guess it cannot be helped.
As for the reference I used for the one art, at the time I was a little intoxicated (not saying this excuses what I did) , I didn't exactly see anything wrong with doing that since the picture was already on the internet for everyone to see but! I know now not to do that it is very disrespectful to the people who actually suffered through the procedure and I shouldve thought before acting. I didn't have any intent on mocking or making fun of the people who were hurt :(
"Romanticing Lobotomies" : THIS was NOT what I was trying to do. There is nothing okay about what I made Betty do to Simon. There is nothing "HOT" about it. It is supposed to be disgusting, the way she treated him is supposed to turn your stomach. Like someone said previously they mentioned "Killing Stalking" which was a horror book that I was VERY obsessed with a while ago and it made me want to make something of my own. Due to my hyperfixation of Fionna and Cake I decided to make it an au... In that book there are dark themes having to do with codependent relationships and there is murder and SO much more. I wanted to make something that was just as bad as that since there is NOTHING (at least I cant find anything) like Killing Stalking. Just because there are toxic relationships in the horror genre does not mean you're romanticing whatever is going on, was the creator of KS romanticing abuse and murder?? No. I KNOW the au could have been depicted better, there couldve been better words to use on the art but once again I cannot take back the things I did once they're already done.
Please think about other people first before doing things (I know this is kind of hypocritical :( but I should've done this too) I know I've hurt all of you with my art but this is hurting me too very badly and two wrongs in a situation like this doesn't make a right. I wish that some of you could be more reasonable and realize that im a human too, but I understand you want me to learn from my actions. Although SOME of you are actually wishing literal death upon me which is NOT good for my brain which leaves me to my last statement.
I am leaving the internet for a while. I am discarding the au completely, I don't want anyone to make any fanart and I don't want it to be mentioned to me again. I apologize to everyone I've hurt and I hope you can all understand.. I'm not very good at apologies but I tried super hard on this one, I just don't want anyone to see me as an awful person although that's something I can't control :(
Goodbye! Thank you to everyone who supported me and was kind to me! I love you guys, Ill be back sometime.
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iqmmir · 8 months
@good-beans listen i cant respond to asks properly because um. There is shoujo ai instead of a brain in there . Just have some of my fuuta thoughts okie <3 these also do not make sense i think, but hopefully you can understand what im trying to say
He didn't actively seek out the first two people he called out, but he did encounter them irl. The middle schooler though? I have no fucking idea.
Also, he has some sort of connection (is that the word?) to the first two. First guy goes to the same arcade that Fuuta does, second guy is probably a staff from Fuuta's University. Middle schooler? Once again, i have no fucking idea. Who the fuck is she even. What did she even do.
I was wondering if Fuuta knew this girl. Not as in personally, but like, one of those faces in the street, one of those kids going back home from school while you're going out.
Maybe she did do something fucked up. Did he see her bullying someone? Maybe it was something like, she was being rude to a restaurant worker or being snobbish? What can middle-schoolers do that's all that bad? (That's a genuine question, like I really wonder what did she do that made Fuuta doxx her.)
Also, one more thing is just a thing (theory-ish???) I wondered a bit about while giffing this one scene in Bring It On.
For the college staff guy, he clicked the picture of him harassing the girl, right? Showing that he was definitely present in the scene and not hearing this from a different source.
You know what this also means? He let everyone online know 'Yes, I was there and saw it happen and instead of walking in or something, I decided to call him out online.'
Now, I don't know about Japan, but in my country Universities are… fucked up. Cases of Sexual Harrassment and the like aren't exactly rare, and the authorities doing practically nothing about it certainly doesn't help.
If that's the case in Japan too, then maybe going to the authorities would just result in Fuuta just being told to shut up and not tell anyone about it, and the staff member would probably just be let off with a warning.
Maybe Fuuta realised that, and decided to take the matter online. Or maybe the validation he got from talking about the arcade guy made him want some more attention. Maybe a bit of both.
But, I highly doubt there wouldn't be some people like 'Oh you can only do this online and not face to face coward blah blah blah'. And this is Fuuta alright? Kajiyama Fuuta. He decides 'Fuck you, I can do this shit offline too'
He, most likely, both drunk on the validation and attention he got online for calling out a creep, and in the anger of being told he's a coward, decided to seek out someone. Anyone who the online people would love to tear apart.
Maybe seeing this girl doing something stupid was a complete coincidence and he followed (? Maybe) her to her place and publicised it, with a call out on whatever she did.
Maybe he did see her walking around frequently, and doing something screwed up, and knew where her house was, and decided to show those people online that he can be a hero of justice online and offline.
Maybe he was so caught up in the attention he didn't actually realise if she actually crossed the line between 'its fine, can improve' to 'so fucked up, needs to taken to the guillotine immediately'. Maybe he didn't realise that he was the one crossing the line. (Sorry, I wanted to be a little dramatic)
Finally, I have no idea how to end this. What was I even saying to begin with. Oh yeah. Fuuta. He's just this twitter user who got drunk on attention and he's genuinely remorseful about what he did. I want to hug him.
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the-extra-celestial · 7 months
Tag (some) people to get to know better
tagged by: @fireflythecinnamonjollyrancher
3 ships:
gretson from a league of their own. I am MAD we don't get more of them. i need more. the speculative fanfic is great, but I want more details about them and more soft moments with them.
bluesey from the raven boys. she hates him because he's a condescending asshole! he can't kiss her because then he'll die! a romance for the ages!
spirk from star trek. enamored of the everything about them. yes, captain" is the same thing as "as you wish" and if you disagree you can die mad about it.
First ever ship: legitimately brittana. we used to be glee blogs, remember? once upon a time? do you even REMEMBER what it was like to obsess over the longing glances in landslide? they didn't even KISS until season three!
Last song: say don't go by ms. taylor swift (I don't get super into it on here but I am BIG into her music and the Lore. she's most certainly an unethical billionaire so I don't want to lump myself in with the ride-or-die fans but I am truly deeply madly infatuated with her music and the lore around it)
Last movie: barbie! fuckin LOVED it.
Currently reading: my fun read right now is a reread of the septimus heap series (yes these are designed for children. I'm allowed to read whatever I want for fun reading. shut up) and school read is the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) CODE OF ETHICS which is why my fun read is so light and silly bc the code of ethics is boring on a good day. Also I just finished Jill Duggar Dillard's book about the abuse she suffered from her family and time on the Duggar TV shows and it was so eye opening 11/10 recommend
Currently watching: i cannot watch television to save my life? but I am really into watching ppl make model miniatures on youtube rn
Currently consuming: water, as always, and i just had brunch with my roommate and her boyfriend like an hour ago? so eggs n toast n hashbrowns w cholula
Currently craving: mint anything!!
Tagging: @maywolves @semperintrepida @deadpoetssocietyofcats and anyone else who sees this! consider yourself tagged! we should go back to the tumblr culture of telling ppl about ourselves but not in a doxx yourself way, just a fun fact way.
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cuppa-ale · 8 months
I don't really know what to say or do that isn't already being said and done. I can only say that I deeply wish that I wasn't such a coward for so long, and that I stood up for myself instead of seeking the approval of people who turned out to be bullies and abusers like I feared, and should have listened to that fear instead of feeling guilty and blaming myself for feeling that way.
There's so much I could say but I don't want it to be in bad taste.
All I can say is that if you think “proship/anti” discourse is stupid, that’s because IT IS. It’s fucking stupid and shouldn’t exist. But the reason so many of us DO take it seriously is because fantis/anti-shippers take it very seriously.
Antis take it so seriously, in fact, that they see it fit to stalk, doxx, harass and ruin a person’s life over what ships or art they like/create.
They take it so seriously that they would rather someone be harmed or killed rather than dare to enjoy dark, taboo or uncomfortable fiction.
The absurdity of all this is what makes it so terrifying.
There will never be an excuse for spreading someone's personal art around to slander them in a dangerous climate, and there is nothing wrong with liking kinky and taboo and weird art if it's not targeting anyone. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with liking any and all ships. (yes, even whichever ones you're thinking of right now.)
Especially, especially when that was done with the intent of getting someone denied from work and falsely accused of being "dangerous" over their personal cartoon drawings. Especially when it was done by jealous ex-friends who already had a bone to pick. Especially when the person they targeted was disabled with chronic health issues, and had their healthcare tied to their employment.
Like. idk what to say bc it's not about me, and all of this is bigger than me. I could go on and on about "what could I have said back in the day that would've stopped some of this?" but idek. I didn't even know about all this until after the fact, but holy fuck.
All I want to say to the people who hurt those they call “friends” over fiction is this:
You are the mean nerds that you claimed to hate, while pretending to be “cool and chill jocks.”
You are the bullies that you couldn't be in middle school when you got picked on for having "weird" interests.
You are bullies and bootlickers wearing a rainbow hat, and I’m not afraid of you anymore.
Actually, calling you "bullies" is too generous- at least some bullies grow up and move on. But y'all never do. You never did. You fell for r/adfem rhetoric and anti-kink rhetoric and gladly marched someone to their grave because of your own disgust and discomfort- to protect your own image from the jackals who you pandered to- to assuage your own egos and petty grievances- to project your traumas onto someone who had nothing to do with it- and whatever the fuck else y'all think was justification enough.
All I am now is angry, and sad, and I don’t know what I can do or what I could’ve done that would make anything better.
If i seem reclusive or stand-offish, a lot of it was in part due to the fear and anxiety I took away from seeing this behavior play out for years and convincing myself that it was "normal" and that I should doubt my own judgement, and now I find it hard to trust or form connections w/ most people because I'm afraid of going through the same things. I just feel so fucking stupid.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Love that Misha confirmed Jensen had a deancas song on volume 2 and we ALL know which one that is. Funny it caused such a fustercluck with people harassing other people until they got banned in my server over it but hey. Man. VINDICATION
For those that don't know, there was an exodus in my server over the most... IDK. Hysterical wank about this. Might as well finally tell it. It started with people trying to clown over Watching Over Me, and then a random group of "it kids" following them around to shit on them.
The clowning fun tried to move four channels, and was pursued by classic lines like "this is disrespectful to jensen", "you can't KNOW know", "it's a SONG", etc etc, half-arguments that are themselves against the rules coded into the server.
The people doing it knew better but when I told them to stop being dicks and what rules they were breaking, they were an "it crowd" that literally argued they had the right to break the rules. Which, uh, no, you don't. Also "What did you expect of course we're a clique" was said.
Considering I had considered most of them friends, while anyone else would have been kicked immediately, I gave them 3 days to stop, but they spent those three days tagging me while I was playing pokemon or working to kick up fights about it again. So I put out an announcement.
Their response to this announcement was to run into a different discord and, quite literally, plot a server coup, and invited all my other admins to emotionally extort over the course of days. At first, my admins thought, hey, people deserve to vent, no big deal.
Then I got an emergency message from another admin "SHUT DOWN ADMIN, NOW, DONT ASK JUST DO" so I flicked it off and find out they're losing their SHIT because they had convinced an admin to go rogue and give them powers to go in and delete whatever the FUCK they want.
Channels, the server, whatever. A few were acting unstable enough I have reason to believe the server itself could have been nuked. They also called me a "cartoon villain" for saying "Nobody can give you the power to do this now. Nobody." Like the whole plan of theirs isn't literally cartoon villain.
Then, yet again, I gave them 3 days to like, change their minds, explain themselves, and a few did turn around and realize they had been MAJORLY emotionally manipulated.
Again, normal people would have been banned in an instant over that, but these were ex-friends basically being given another chance, but while in their spiral, insisted I was the one spiraling, while giving them a chance to stop... acting wild? A week now?
Many threw a fit and left. A few lurked, and I should have kicked but again didn't, only to blow up later. They spent weeks footstomping that admins MUST delete any channels they ever contributed to, i m m e d i a t e l y. Neverminding who all else contributed what there.
Like I want you to imagine this happening on a forum. A dudebro gets banned for like trying to hack the forum then throws a hissyfit demanding every thread he ever commented on be deleted. Yeah, that's basically what they sounded like.
Their initial excuse was that somewhere in the vat of a year old server there may be private info that someone would doxx them over, like anyone's gonna dig back through 192123971283 messages to find something they may or may not have said of their own accord.
Then it turned into "you'll steal my meta", like my entire server wasn't started by me teaching people *my* meta that they ended up basing theirs off of. Basically, petty excuse after petty excuse to try to have some righteous cause.
After that, these folks went around into people's dm's pissing and moaning and one siding the story. I didn't even say shit because my drama isn't everyone's business but they just as manipulatively made me lose a few friends that had no place in the drama/server.
Anyway, they're still out there, like what half a year later now, causing bullshit about this, while you guys just now are getting the tea on it, because damn if it isn't topical, they went on a whole ass authoritarian spinout over... people clowning and being right. Like some dumber, low-stakes version of Jan 6 that was even less organized somehow.
Yes, some of these are popular names in fandom, not truly BNFs but people that are decently known. Honestly many of them are people I lifted out of unknown obscurity to begin with.
So anyway that's the story of the POLOL exodus over a bunch of people trying to clown patrol people that, apparently, were literally right anyway, and how that turned into a failed server coup over being told to stop being dicks.
There's even wilder chapters of this I skipped over, like when I DID delete rooms they were high end contributors to and make a new empty copy like they demanded, only for, when I did it, them to scream I was "mad with power deleting rooms" in my own server...that they asked for.
So rolling back to core, damn if it wasn't funny to hear that out of Misha. Like yes Vol 2 does in fact have a deancas song GEE I WONDER WHICH ONE IT IS, COULDN'T BE THE ONE WITH ALL THE MAJOR KEYWORDS
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I went on kendallroy's blog (not for drama I just wanted to see their opinion on a film I watched out of curiosity) and did anyone realise that the post phoebenatural commented on took really genuinely scary proportion regarding the safety of op? Like I know you specifically didn't do anything, that's not what this message is about.
I feel like we all had our fun poking fun at op's previous antics, which meant they do not have the high ground on making fun of destiel but now apparently someone is making several blogs going around several posts to doxx them and suicide baiting them and overall threatening their life. It all started on that post I'm referring to. (The one phoebe commented on)
If they haven't blocked you, I feel like checking out their blog would help you make more sense of what I'm saying. We can't forget that this is Tumblr, and while we are currently the most bearable website out there we still are filled with genuinely insane people who want to cause harm for funsies and can do so while remaining extremely anonymous. I just don't like the idea of deancas fans being used as a scapegoat to doxx and harass people :( Like we're just having fun on our side you know!
Idk if this makes any sense and I don't want this to be open season in your inbox for discourse and I don't hold anyone from the desticule accountable for what ensued, I just feel like this is an issue worth raising amongst us to make sure we don't become the scapegoat for when shit hits the fan in other people's mentions. But in order to do that it does require us to agree to do something collectively to not have this happen again.
Kendallroy is seemingly concerned for their well-being at the moment and while I simply cannot bring myself to like or care for this person I don't want this to set precedent. We just can't have this become normalised. I don't want our fun to be reason for real concern for others.
Sorry this became long, again to be clear, I know you specifically didn't do anything and I don't believe Phoebenatural is responsible for what happened but I hate the idea that us responding is an invite for others to get horribly nasty to random blogs. Again I don't want a discourse, but can we just try and find a way to not let stuff get outta of our hands when we defend ourselves? I just wanna start somewhere and I figured here is as good place as any.
Yeah I looked at her blog too and it looks like whatever she's going through right now is really scary. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and I hope the situation gets resolved without incident.
It sucks that this seemingly stemmed from a silly post about a supernatural ship. Ideally we'd all be able to have fun on here about inconsequential things like that without it having legitimately dangerous repercussions, but clearly that's not always the case.
I'm not sure how much the post itself had to do with inciting the doxxing. Kendallroy seems to suspect that this person is someone who's been subtly targeting her for months, and if that's the case, this person could have used any post going around with her name on it to do this.
It's terrible and should not have happened, and I really don't mean for this to come off as dismissive or insensitive because I absolutely recognize the gravity of the situation. That being said, the issue you've brought to me is that Supernatural bloggers are being and will continue to be used as a scapegoat for incidents like this, and I'm just not sure there's a significant correlation there. Yes, circulation of the post in question served as a catalyst for this particular situation, and at the same time, supernatural blogs have been being annoying on tumblr posts for years and I don't think anything like this has ever happened. If, somehow, this did become a pattern, it would suck that it would reflect badly on people who like this tv show, sure. But I think everyone's priority would be the safety of whoever was being doxxed.
As for letting stuff get out of our hands, you're veering into an ethical conversation that I haven't spent significant time unpacking. How responsible are we for what others do with the things we put on the internet? Yes, I think people should think about what they put on the internet. No, I don't always do that. If I add something to a post and it starts going around and somebody uses it to commit an act of harm, is that partially on me? Is it my responsibility to take measures to prevent it from happening again? Again, this is NOT to dismiss anything about what's happening to kendallroy, but I'm trying to address the specific issue you raised, and I'm not convinced that the post being about supernatural was a significant factor in the outcome of this whole scenario.
Also. This isn't particularly important but I am once again reiterating that the extent of my involvement with this post was reblogging it. This isn't to deflect responsibility or anything; it just seems, judging by the asks I've been getting for the past few days, that some people think I was involved in the core of whatever's going on here. I'm happy to give my two cents when asked for it, but I cannot stress enough that I'm not any kind of authority on what happened and why.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
I only have another like 5 seconds to post right now but so I've not been able to securely set up a PayPal or venmo etc yet, we're still trying to figure that out (again it's really hard bc it could prevent us from getting housing help we need DESPERATELY like TODAY and then like ugh so many possible traps it's just hard we gotta do it the right way and can't think of someone we'd trust enough to do it for us so I really don't know yet) but so many of you have offered help and as much as I want to say that it's okay don't worry about it, I honestly really, really need help very badly
and so for the time being, one thing we can do, is if you/people want to get me digital gift cards like from amazon or other places that we can get basic needs like water, tp, food from etc, that helps a ton and I have found that you can DM me a gift card number/info / a screen shot of it and I can use it- that's worked in the past at least for Amazon and target... so if that's possible, please go for it.
Also, gas and hotel are up at the top as what we need most right away, and so idk if gas gift cards are possible; or also hotel chains maybe, or (and again I freaking HATE to doxx myself so much this way but) one of my favorite local hotel chains who've like I have a whole story with them and it's just a really special PNW thing, it's called McMenamins (hopefully my fellow pnw swifties know? @pnwswiftie @1989s @- crap you've all changed your urls I'll have to come back and add you but) and they have a website and I believe they sell gift cards there or if you wanted you could call and ask how to reserve a hotel room for somebody, idk. Sorry I'm really, really inarticulate right now so I'm hoping maybe those who wanna help this gives you some ideas. But yeah even DMing me amazon gift cards helps a ton. Idfififksltstlslts I gotta figure out paying this month's health insurance premium too bc we had to spend the little money we had on a uhaul and gas fotkfkfststostksotskst I'm honestly so screwed okay um
I gotta go but I love you alll so much seriously now that my story can be told you'll know just how much this online community has helped get me through these years of abuse and living under duress like you all have no idea how many moments there have been where I didn't think I'd make it but the smallest things, an encouraging quote a friendly ask funny fandom clownery following the rep tour virtually w you all... these things gave me hope gave me strength gave me reasons to keep surviving and fighting to get out of here, because I want so badly to get to a position where I can truly thank you each and pay forward all your kindness and everything and just. And yes @taylorswift @taylornation it's all because of you that I came here in the first place and your music has sustained me and your fandom has encouraged me and your fights and words and advice gave me the courage to speak out about my abuse and everything so I just. Again if I dont get the chance to I just needed to tell you all thank you, I love you, and I honestly am going to do everything I possibly can, with whatever life I have left after all this, to help as many others as I can in every way possible. Thank you♡
P.S. if for some reason I lose access to the Internet or this account, Catherine (was @imhereonthekitchenfloor ugh I don't know anyone's urls, C @sparksflymp3 knows her) has my phone # (obvs I don't want that given out but like u could tell her things to tell me or something idk) and Ash @tayloristhecontent has contact info too, both of you I've been out of touch with lately which I'm so sorry for and hopefully you understand why, it's been a nonstop crazy nightmare over here, but I love you and hope you're doing good and really hope to hug you and so many others here some day soon ♡ SO much love and thanks to @warmthebedonwednesday ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
EDIT/Adding tags as I find them: @lovedyouthreesummers @shininglikefireworkssss @everybodyfallsapart @blacklistedswiftie @tellmewhy @ileftanote @genxtraordinaire @saraswift96 @bisexualstilllearning @beautiful-ghosts @proudtobeaswiftie @a-reluctant-witch @hopeinflowers @loveisbraveandwild13 @bleachellataylor @seattleswiftie @ivebeenthearcher @justwatchmebloom @the-swiftie-scientist @swiftful-thinking13 (idk maybe u know California resources??? Or can signal boost???) kfjfsksf @markruffalo @britneyspears @troyesivan @hayleykiyoko @tree-paine
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