#there's a lot more that goes on with lykos and i really can't talk about nicholas without giving a lot away
mattodore · 2 years
pls tell me more about your ocs!! are they in the same story? if yes, what’s their relation to each other? i rlly wanna know more ab them
oh boy... well there are um... *counts fingers* twelve of them, so i don't think i can talk about them all without this reply reading like a light novella. but to answer your first question simply, they're not all in the same story! i have two separate sets of ocs!
four of them are from a supernatural story involving werewolves, the horrors, life debts, found family, acceptance, and fate (which i tag as #lykos on here).
eight of them are from a normal drama story involving almost every rated tv-ma warning, deeply flawed characters, (one-sided) enemies to lovers, fraught family life, heavy expectations, self-destruction, isolation, opulence, and eventual therapy for all lmao (tagged as #echthroi).
the rest of this is about the narratives of the two stories and the personalities and relationships between all of my ocs, so it gets up there in length and needs to be put under a read more. this is 100% major spoilers if i ever make proper sim stories for them (which is more than possible for lykos, so i'll try keeping it surface level while talking about it).
[cw mentions of violence which you'd expect from werewolves]
lykos is a group story, but it starts with dionte—a freshly turned werewolf. dionte is bitten against his will after being attacked in the woods—the details of which are murky, as dionte can't remember that night due to the trauma which his brain actively shields him from. his body initially rejects the bite and he only achieves a half-shift before he dies. he's brought to a hospital and revived twice, but the effects leave him with physical deformities (of which i can't replicate in the sims unless i start making my own cc…); alongside full body scarring, half of his body carries physical signs of the botched werewolf shift that killed him. he then flees the hospital out of fear. the bite, however, lays dormant in his body for days. when it resurfaces, he injures himself trying to control the wolf in him and stop from turning, but ends up mauling his step-brother anyway. he then flees home immediately after while the blood's still fresh, confusion, fear, and guilt eating him alive.
stories of a deformed man with claws and fur at the hospital spread around until they finally reach alessandria's ears. alessandria (uses both they/them and she/her interchangeably without preference), an alpha and a born werewolf, then goes out and tracks dionte down, bringing him back to where she lives, and inducts him into their pack. alessandria is very outgoing and gentle and dionte melts under her care and slowly comes back to his senses. alessandria has an innate desire for a pack after their family was hunted and killed, leaving her bereft of the closeness they'd had all their life. originally a beta, alessandria slowly, over the course of a year of solitude, developed her control over the alpha traits she inherited after both of her parents' sudden deaths. it was rocky, but she got to where she is now with great strength and an unwavering belief in the practices of her family and what her father once modelled for her as the head of the pack. alessandria has since become a controlled force to be reckoned with strength-wise and despite their lack of a large pack they still control a vast territory.
delphi, alessandria's mate (mates only exist for born wolves in my little story), is the only other member of alessandria's pack before dionte arrives. delphi is caustic and blunt, but with dionte she softens, seeing in him a reflection of herself and her past trauma. delphi was willingly turned by alessandria (and is the only receiver of alessandria's bite) after she searched for proof of werewolves for reasons related to a craving for strength and protection. alessandria, who knew the minute she met delphi (who, as both a human and then turned werewolf, doesn't feel the mating draw the way alessandria does) that she was their mate, was weak to her and turned her to both give her what she wanted and to keep her close. subconsciously, there was also a desire that alessandria had to have a family and pack again. later, alessandria learns more about delphi's reasons for wanting to become a wolf, and doesn't regret giving delphi the bite.
nicholas is a human who makes his way to dionte. dionte, according to nicholas, was bitten by a wolf that nicholas's family is responsible for (as in: in some way, somewhere in his family's history, there was an accident that led to the wolf ending up the way they did—nicholas is intentionally ambiguous about this). nicholas insists he has a life debt to dionte because of this, that it's his responsibility as a member of his family to devote himself to dionte. alessandria is wary, but her instincts don't dissuade her from letting him into their territory. delphi distrusts nicholas, like she does most men, but nicholas is very gentle with dionte, and, at alessandria's words, tries to keep herself out of dionte's business. dionte lets nicholas in.
[cw mentions of drug use, "corporal punishment" or child abuse, and general mature themes]
echthroi is a loose story that revolves around theodore. theodore, or theo as he prefers to be called, comes from a rich family. more close to his childhood au pair than his parents (or as close as theo allows himself to be with anyone), theo has internalized this idea that he's hard to love. neglected as a child, no stranger to corporal punishment, and shouldering the weight of academic and societal expectations, theo resorts to unhealthy vices that're both legal and illegal as a means to shut-off his mind and rebel in the only way he can: self-destruction. theo is a loner, gloomy, noncommittal, easily jealous, competitive, kind of waspish and mean at times, and touchy; like an injured animal with its hackles raised, who hisses and lashes out to scare anyone away. he's also desperate for affection, funny, fashionable (which is offset by preferring comfort over fashion when—and only when—he's alone), studious, intelligent, and magnetic. despite being a self-described loner, theo actively seeks out companionship as a numbing agent and frequents clubs for this reason. he has a group he parties with regularly but, though they'd all view him as a friend, he doesn't reciprocate the notion that they're close in any way. the story follows theo after meeting matthias, who theo instantly dislikes for reasons that are somewhat inane, like most of theo's whims under the influence of his self-destructive outlets. i say this because theo dislikes him, but matthias never outwardly disrespects him in any way… the first impression just wasn't great. then again, matthias in general isn't ummmm a good person so. theo's kinda right.
matthias is the estranged son of a retired famous actress and the sole inheritor of an old money oil fortune from his late father's side (as in: his mother was never named in his father's will, a source of familial contention and one of the causes of his estrangement from her). all but abandoned by his last living family member at fifteen, matthias is independent, unrestricted, and carefree to a point of eyebrow raising. matthias is on the surface charming but in more than casual conversation sheds the veneer of charm and displays a lot of erratic traits. a snob, dramatic, amoral, hedonistic, and numb with unimaginable wealth inherited at the age of twenty-one, matthias has a lot of qualities that make him untrustworthy, manipulative, and a liar. he's dionysus. what he also is, like theo, is someone who never got the love he should've from his parents and thus searches for it in glimpses from other people, often sexual partners. matthias is observant, sees in theo the same traits in himself, and is attracted instantly. he hangs off theo's every word and is amused and delighted whenever they interact.
i've shared/talked about both sehyuk and imani, who are matthias's closest friends. imani is an up-and-coming model who's known matthias since they were children. i'd say she's his best friend and one of the only people who really does give a fuck about matthias. imani is fashionable, driven, and honest. she says what she means, thinks what she thinks, and doesn't care what others say about her. she's the eldest daughter of the family and that's left a mark on her personality, for sure. she finds it hard to open up to others, feels as though emotions are a weakness, and always puts on a tough face around her parents and her baby brother. she's kind of snobby as she's been friends with matthias for ages. he's rubbed off on her in that way. however, her and matthias are more different than they are alike. oh, and she's a nepotism baby. though she's undeniably gorgeous, her family provides her with the initial opportunities that lead to her rise to stardom until she takes off and develops on her own. she also uses matthias as her fake boyfriend when visiting home, as her parents push her toward marriage with a man and she's aghast (putting it mildly) by the idea.
sehyuk only met matthias after matthias inherited wealth. he deals in illicit substances, runs the streets, and is immoral. his connection to matthias is one of convenience, but they do have a strange bond. sehyuk has killed people. he's not a good person. again, matthias is amoral, and, though he doesn't ask sehyuk about any of what he gets up to outside of the substance distribution matthias occasionally partakes in, matthias is observant. he knows these things on the periphery. sehyuk is mainly important to the story because he's the connection between theo and matthias as theo's dealer's boss.
the four i haven’t posted about/made in the sims yet are jackson (a mostly deaf nonbinary art restorer who fully embraces being a little odd by societal standards—vegan, owns pet rats, argumentative, punk, leftist, etc.), jordan (a young guy who dropped out of university despite the full art scholarship ride he had after feeling constrained by classist views on what art can be), dutchie (a recently out gay farmer boy from the south who is struggling to break free from religious guilt), and everett (a genderfluid person who’s deeply invested in self-love, art, community, and fashion). all four of them are theo’s friends—though theo wouldn’t call them that—and are with him most nights he goes out to party. their connections to theo aren't that solid, but that's because theo doesn't allow them to be. everett is the closest to theo out of them all and tries the hardest to get through to theo. but, all of them are going through their own things, so it's understandable that they can't overextend themselves trying to reach out when theo's not all there to receive them.
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