#there's a few of us& bc usually we& prefer if it's for specific introjects especially w/ we're& polyfragmented & its easier LOL
ladyimaginarium ยท 11 months
๐Ÿ“- if you're an introject, what is ur source/who are you? (Don't tell if uncomfy!)
๐Ÿ“- funny story that happened in exomemories (If u have any)
๐Ÿ’ - funny story that happened in headspace?
๐ŸŒน- funny story that happened in the meatspace?
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๐Ÿ“- if you're an introject, what is ur source/who are you? (Don't tell if uncomfy!)
I& am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen First Of My& Name and the rightful Queen of Westeros.
I& am her& ancestor, Queen Rhaenyra& of the House Targaryen First Of My& Name and the rightful Queen of Westeros before I& died.
My& name is Marco Adriano&, it's a pleasure to meet you.
I'm& the one and only Loretta Christiano Amodio!
๐Ÿ“- funny story that happened in exomemories (If u have any)
There were times when I& was Queen of Meereen that I& would arrange little games for my& cupbearers who were the children of Meereenese nobles who opposed my& rule. Missandei& would join in, too, and for the first time in a long time, she& could actually feel like a child. My& handmaids Irri and Jhiqui would join them, too. I& would set up hide and seek arrangements in the Great Pyramid... and... gods, the laughter. They reminded me& of Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion when they were hatchlings. I'll& never forget it. Ser Barristan& would walk up to my& chambers and summon me& to court at the behest of the people, however, which was always a plight to the children because they wanted me& to stay, but I& told them that they could continue playing as long as they liked. They appreciated that, I& could tell. It was one of my& fondest memories in Meereen.
When I& was a girl at court, there were times when Syrax& would follow me around outside the Red Keep in the morning to keep a watchful eye over me&... and to pester the cooks for food. Lady Laena& and I& walked past a particular window while we& were gossiping about the affairs of court and we& saw Syrax& being fed a hefty piece of sheep. It was far too early to be up in the morning at that time and my& royal father would tell us& both to go return to our& chambers if he found out, and we& were giggling so loudly that some of the chefs turned around and saw us&... but they were kind enough to not report to my& father about it.
Ah... hm, let's see. There's a few I& could talk about, but for simplicity's sake, I'll& go with one. When I& was a younger boy and didn't know anything, about a year or so before the Second Destroyers attacked Ergastulum, Striker, Beretta& and I& when I& was previously known as Spas would occasionally go rollerskating once we& were done our& chores and training. For context, we& lived in a nearby cottage in the woods not too far outside of Paris, France once Maverick& managed to get us& out of the program, and it was just us&, Svetlana& and eventually baby Sig& taking care of each other when Maverick& turned 17 considering she was our& assigned leader. Beretta& would always wear these cute goth girlesque outfits (and I& guess she& hasn't changed much since) and Striker would get angry if anyone so much as even looked at her& in the wrong way. So we were rollerskating through the streets to go to this local cafe. I& honestly don't remember what we'd gotten, but Striker had a game in mind. He had these... fiery hot candies that I& don't remember the name of that he'd& bought from another store ( you'd be surprised to know that outside of his duties, Striker was actually a good kid... give or take, relatively speaking ). He dared me& to eat one of them while he& ate the other. The longest one to withstand the heat won and the loser had to jump into the lake nearby the cottage. It was safe to say that he won that match. Whatever it was, it was very hot to the tongue and Striker had this shit eating grin on his face and Beretta& was over the moon giggling the entire time. Later that day, when we& returned to the cottage, Striker pretty much pushed me& into the water. The water was cool to the touch and while Beretta& was laughing and teasing me&, Striker picked her& up and they both jumped in together. The entire time, Minimi& was smoking one of his marijuana laced joints ( he& had chronic pain due to his& injuries ) sitting on the porch and Maverick& and Svetlana& came outside with baby Sig& in Marie's& arms and asked what on earth was going on. Striker told her& what had happened and Svetlana& let out the heartiest laugh and Marie& was shaking her head with an exasperated smile. In hindsight, I& don't know why I'm& remembering this now, that felt like so long ago, but... it was a memory before things fell apart, I& suppose. A memory that things really were sweet back then and if only they had the perspective change that I& had that day, then perhaps things would be different. Perhaps I& never would have died. Perhaps Connie& wouldn't have died and Joel& wouldn't have had to spend the last years of her& life feeling as if it were her& fault that she& lost her only living kin that remained. It was my& fault.
One time when a meeting between the Four Fathers was being held, just before, I& couldn't stop listening to "Oops! I Did It Again" by Britney Spears (love you Britney!) and Galahad was jamming with me& to it and just as Marco& got out of the car, Gally locked him& out and Marco& was out here yelling and telling us& that we were gonna be late but we were having the time of our lives in the car so poor Marco& was just... standing there looking so exasperated. Listen, you never interfere with a girl and her playlists!
๐Ÿ’ - funny story that happened in headspace?
i& wasn't there when it happened but cookie monster& was in some of the kitchens in elysium& ( which is basically one of our& main areas, it's where the fronting room is, i'll& probably explain it in another post ). anyway, he& was just out here having the time of his& life, but here's the catch. other system members& wanted the cookies, too. alex& was about to get some for herself& but when she& saw that he& practically ate pretty much every cookie there was, she& picked up this water spray bottle on the sink counter and just sprayed him& with it. poor cookie monster& was just like "oh, me& sorry, miss alex&, please dont tell me& mommy! AAAAAAAH" & alex& just wasn't having it & then erica& just. walked in & just. blinked & stared blankly bc shenanigans happen all the time. lmfao safe to say it was pretty chaotic. this is what i& mean when i& say that sometimes being a system is a crossover that literally no one asked for. /lh
๐ŸŒน- funny story that happened in the meatspace?
okay so sig& was fronting at the time and interacting with my& mother. i& have no idea why she& was fronting, probably just bc she& wanted to. ( to clarify, our& mother is fully aware of our& diagnosis ). anyway, sig& was talking about my& mom's ex bf & she& was like "listen big mama if a man ever talked like that to me&, i'd& chop him in half with my& axe, works every time!"with this cheery tone and my& mom just. stared at her& for like 46 minutes and then laughed. sig's& actually really funny in a morbid kinda way. /lh
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