#there is so many merch selling gale's earring
an-excellent-choice · 28 days
A reminder just in case for some new Galemancers.
You know Gale's earring
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Gale's earring is NOT HIS SYMBOL!
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That earring is a gift to Gale from Mystra. It's to show that he is her chosen kinda like tagging cattle
Please be aware if you want some Gale merch and they use that symbol. That is not Gale's and you are practically wearing his ex's symbol.
If you guys want to use a symbol for Gale, there is a cut content symbol for Gale (all companions have this)
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Apparently this is similar to the symbol of Waterdeep with the crescent moon.
Or just use the Netherese orb mark on Gale's chest.
Just please be aware the earring is Mystra's symbol not Gale's.
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