#there i've done it i've named my biggest and truest celeb crush after all these years
bokkerijder · 1 month
7: Have tattoos? 8: Want any tattoos? 9: Got any piercings? 10: Want any piercings? 13: Biggest turn ons 14: Biggest turn offs 15: Favorite movie 21: What I love most about myself 25: My idea of a perfect date 26: My biggest pet peeves 29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend 33: What words make me feel the best about myself 34: What I find attractive in women 35: What I find attractive in men 39: My favorite ice cream flavor 43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately 44: A random fact about anything
7: Have tattoos?
I do not
8: Want any tattoos?
I do! however, my disability affects my nervous system so idk how something like that would feel...? so I'm.... extremely torn because like.... if I get a tattoo it would have to be big enough that, if this would be my only tattoo ever, I won't regret the size. but it also has to be small and simple enough that, if my nerves don't react good to the stabbing, I won't have to sit there for 6 hours. but since it might just be the Only Tattoo I'd Ever Get, it also has to be the "perfect design" and that's a lot of pressure man!
9: Got any piercings?
just my earrings
10: Want any piercings?
I tried a septum piercing twice. it healed incredibly well but. The Nerves did not agree and I ended up getting overstimulated so much that I had to take it out. and I also tried a regular nose piercing, but the cartilage didn't want to cooperate. so I've given up on piercings, unfortunately. I did love them
13: Biggest turn ons
oof. um. thinking real hard right now..... I mean there is the physical stuff, like neck touches and things like that. when it comes to other people visually; I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum so that stuff often doesn't genuinely turn me on? however I do love looking at hands, arms, backs, shoulders, necks etc. and when it comes to actions or personality traits... a good sense of humor is definitely a turn on. in more intimate settings: when someone shows they trust me and gives over control. and phone sex
14: Biggest turn offs
okay so I've encountered a few guys who automatically thought I'm a sub because I talked about being in the mood to Receive Stuff and lmao gtfo
15: Favorite movie
I have multiple movies that I love, but recently The Fall has been on my mind a lot
21: What I love most about myself
my ability to experience joy in the smallest things
25: My idea of a perfect date
I'm pretty laid back, so probably just... going to a museum, or the zoo, or idk. take me to a botanical garden. let's have coffee and sit and talk for hours. let's sit on a bench somewhere. we can hang out at your place or mine and just chill. anything can be a date, and the company is what makes it perfect
26: My biggest pet peeves
people being rude or loud in public
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
so I've had a few friendships where I couldn't be honest with them about my needs, or confront them about their behavior without them getting angry, turning themselves into the victim and putting all the blame on me, so sometimes I would say I didn't have enough spoons for them to come over. which, in a sense, wasn't even a complete lie
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
not sure about any particular words? but when someone has taken their time to truly get to know me, and then compliment something I do or my personality
34: What I find attractive in women, 35: What I find attractive in men
so I already said that I love a good sense of humor. I go absolutely weak when someone can make me laugh. masculinity in any gender is something I find really attractive. nerdy women. androgynous or feminine men. body hair (loooove love love love arm and chest hair). when men are soft. I could go on and on but jfhsjfjs there are more questions!
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
there's this Italian ice cream parlor one city over that has this AMAZING homemade cinnamon ice cream, and that's my ultimate favorite
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
.....listen. I. hm. it's always gonna be Dan Avidan. altho.... Vito Coppola. my god. he's an incredibly talented dancer and has the ability to be so sexy that I have to get up and leave the room
44: A random fact about anything
Sleipnir has eight legs because Icelandic horses have a very specific trot that's very fast that makes them look like they have more than four legs!
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