#them with the same care and compassion as she does Luz and Vee and people will be like 'she's just being nice tho it doesn't mean anything'
I often think about "Well Camila was motherly to Amity, Gus, and Willow too does that make her their mom too?" Like. Yes??? Do y'all not get how found family works?
Like she was fully willing to raise all of them and I doubt that'll change like do you think that she wouldn't want to meet up with their parents and collaborate with them? She was raising their kids for months, it's kind of similar to a foster parent situation like they all have their biological parents and they are going to return and live with them but I fully believe they all think of Camila as a mother/call her mom?
Not in the way where any of them are Luz's siblings of course (Hunter and her are different imo just cause Luz was sisterly towards Hunter long before Camila was involved anyway) and in Amity's case it's very obviously a situation of "of course you can call me mom, you're dating my daughter/family" like is completely normal for their situation.
But like, with Gus and Willow "Luz's mom" becomes just "mom" and that's natural to them considering neither of them even have mothers so it's not like she's replacing anyone with that title.
Would she legally adopt them? No she has no reason to do that but that doesn't make her less of a mother to them. Eda doesn't legally adopt Luz but she's still Luz's 2nd mom? Luz is still King's sibling?
It's just weird the way that Camila's role in these children's lives is minimized so much that's the whole hexsquad's mom now no take-backsies whether or not they still officially live with her or not is irrelevant.
[Dadrius deniers/haters DNI y'all are annoying, Darius has so much fatherly swag it's unreal.]
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