#the way he was sitting all regal in his chair just WAITING for dong soo's thank you call. 'its a bonus' PLEASE
spohkh · 6 months
i...... seo do young doing everything he can fucking think of to get dong soo hooked on him so that he changes his mind about wanting to leave do young is making me CRAAAAZZZYYYYYYY..... maybe if i offer him even more revenge...maybe if i give him a car... he wont run away from me he'll let me keep him without a fuss.... do young doesnt even seem to question his fixation on dong soo hes just rolling with it ... "i see it i like it i want it i got it" type mentality
and hes so used to actualizing his desires that i feel even though hes having some fun with dong soo pushing back right now, if the time comes when it seems like he may for real for real have to give dong soo up, its ABSOLUTELY gonna b a "everything i let go of had claw marks on it" moment...cant wait❤️
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