#the thing i've never done is an introvert/introvert dynamic w regulus
birlwrites · 1 year
would you ever consider writing different pairings? evan and regulus are so cute but ive always imagined him either with barty or james (the extrover/introvert dynamic)
what are your thoughts on other ships?
also will dorcas make an appearance in ttdl? i know a lot of people headcanon her as a slytherin so I was wondering what you thought
i don't really pick out a pairing and go 'i will now devote my life to this and never think about anything else ever' ajfslghskdfhjd - i am really just writing whatever i'm interested in at any given time
so like sure i'd consider writing different pairings but i wouldn't do it just for the sake of writing a particular pairing or 'switching it up' - it would have to be a product of a story concept that makes it fit
that being said i'm rather burned out on jegulus atm
dorcas has made an appearance! she's in ravenclaw
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