#the ep 9 stuff i'm less sure about. all i can rly think is that instead of slightly angsty not-being-ready vibes it's more like
fourthgem · 1 year
i’m becoming more and more obsessed with their city performance the more i watch it bc it’s like post-msp tinngun revisiting some of their past moments and setting things right. well, not all of them were wrongs that needed to be righted exactly, but that’s the best way i can think to describe it... like, what if gun actually paid attention to what tinn was trying to tell him in crossword club? what if he offered to let tinn eat out of his hand instead of tinn just doing so on his own? what if, instead of breaking apart out of fear of being seen, their aquarium pinky touch turned into a full-on hand hold? it’s literally so beautiful and i love them so much i want to cry 😭 and the fact that it’s set to city, which is 1000% their song... yes 💚
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