#the clothes are inspired by F/A War!Alshain's design while incorporating Altair's general barefoot nature
altairtalisman · 2 years
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First ever drawing on Clip Studio Paint and an overhaul of my persona because I'm tired of drawing both Alshain and Altair, so I decided to combine them to form a new design! I'm calling this default version Blue Supergiant (BSG) for obvious reasons-
Modified Alshain's Star Sword (original design by @just-jammin found here) to a Chinese Broadsword (also called a dāo)
Calling it Xīngdāo given that it's a direct translation, plus it even comes with a scabbard that I drew by checking whether the dimensions allow Xīngdāo to be pulled out and kept...
Design inspirations will be in the tags to allow people to ignore my thought process when designing my new persona
And below the cut is... I guess I'll call it Collapsed Form (CF)? I mean, those who know me long enough know that I tend to include astronomy as a design theme...
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Left Drawing: CF with all glowing effects
Right Drawing: CF without glowing effects and dark layer
So... differences between BSG and CF are:
- Hair turns from blue to white while eyes completely turn white, both the hair and eyes glow
- Weapon changes from a dāo to a disassembled yǎn yuè dāo, the latter is named Spica to reference my actual horoscope sign (Virgo) even though Aquila and Virgo constellations are basically in a three o'clock position...
Spica is held together by three neutron stars, all of which their magnetism is controlled by CF and thus Spica's reach varies. The blade glows blue because... look I just think it's fucking cool okay? It's my persona and I can make a weapon named after a blue supergiant glow-
- Cloak is slightly tattered compared to BSG's
- Blue floaty fire thing (I call it a star bomb because I don't know what else to call it) to white floaty glowing thing (I... guess I'm calling it an ultra-compressed star bomb?)
- Ability focus leans more on magnetism and gravity rather than heat (though CF is still extremely hot), hence the word 'intensity' in CF's quote
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