#that's largely the angle i'm working on for Gaz
yeyinde · 2 months
The baby trapping fics have changed my brain chemisty, they were so good 💜😭 I'd love to know if you had any headcannons for Gaz and how he'd compare to the other 3 🙏
thank you!!!! 😭
i'm working on the outline for his in between finishing up Soap's, so i def have a few! i really adore the idea of Gaz plotting something like this out from beginning to end. very methodical in his execution. cutting no corners, no stone unturned kinda thing. Price planned to an extent, but it was largely just vibes. Ghost had no plan to speak of. Soap grabs without thinking. but Gaz has everything mapped out to the finer details.
he's probably the one who has the biggest moral compass compared to the rest, but is also willing to purposefully hold up magnets to make it spin in the direction he wants. it's not necessarily nefarious. i think he just has a penchant to bend things. to test their limits. find their stress points. and this is that, but also, incredibly self indulgent. and he's aware of that. he knows what this is, and why he wants it/does it, but still goes for it.
he's craftier about it compared to the others, too. like, if the rest are just dogs, then he's definitely more of a wolf. probs not nearly as bad as Soap, but he's definitely a strong contender for second place in terms of dubious morality.
but i also think he's not as grizzled/damaged as the others, namely Price and Ghost, and so he's more willing to sit back and let things unfold when need be. pulling back to let things settle, breathe. granted, they're absolutely unfolding the way he wants them too, but if he feels a tug on the leash, he'll give you some slack. just enough, of course, to make you think you've gotten away. have space, distance, freedom. but whenever he wants, he can just pull you back to him. you'll never truly be free, but honestly—Gaz has a way of making you think everything is your choice, anyway. 
and alsoooooo. i really want to explore his temperament a bit. he seems so level headed, and mature for his age, but at the same time, so quick to anger. like it's always just kinda there under the surface. a low grade fever, in a way. and i love unraveling characters who are like that. finding their boiling point.
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