#thank you for this cute roba :D
mattviperme · 7 years
Criticizing some theories related to the FRobin ship  Part-1
D: Hello, Odacchi! I have a question; will you hear me out? ...Oh, you will? Thanks! Here goes. In the song the Straw Hats sing called "Family", they have a line that goes "We're not acquaintances, we're not friends, we're family". If the Straw Hats really were an actual family, who would be the dad, and who would be the mom? P.N. Nashi
O: "Family" has been aired on TV, and it seems to be the most popular out of all the character songs. I really love it, too. My answer would currently be something like this.
Dad: Franky (Thug)
Mom: Robin
First Son: Zoro
Second Son: Sanji (Punk)
Daughter: Nami
Third Son: Usopp
Fourth Son: Luffy
Youngest: Chopper
The FRobin ship actually came to existence after Oda sensei had given answer to the above mentioned question.This answer was given at the end of 48th volume of One piece.I am going to start my analysis with this theory.
Firstly,the question was asked by assuming a condition that “If the Straw Hats really were an actual family” and while giving the answer Oda sensei used two terms “currently” and “something” which can change the meaning of everything he commented on this context.
Roronoa Zoro                                                           Sanji
Birthday: November 11                        Birthday: March 2 Age: 21                                                  Age: 21
Height: 181 cm                                     Height: 180 cm       First Appearance: Vol. 1                    First Appearance: Vol.5
  Secondly,while taking a look at this makeshift family, i found a big loophole which makes the whole thing contradictory.Just take a look at Zoro and Sanji’s information provided by Oda sensei .Both Zoro and Sanji are of same age but Sanji’s birthday is 2nd March and Zoro’s birthday is 11th November (From Volume 15).That is, Sanji is 8 months older than Zoro,then how Zoro was the first son? 
Ussop and Luffy are of also of same age but the order is correct in their case.So it can be said that the family concept fails only when we consider Zoro. So from this fact it can be concluded that either Oda sensei have never considered Zoro to be Robin’s son or trying to give a future Zorobin hint.In both the cases the ‘Parents theory’ which the Frobin shippers use fails miserably.Let us consider the first possibility that Oda sensei never considered Zoro to be Robin’s son,then what role Zoro really plays in the straw hat family? Oda sensei had given many evidences of Zoro acting as the father of the crew.The major role a father play in a family is to protect the family even at the cost of his own life.We had seen Zoro doing that in Thriller Bark arc against Kuma. The second important role which a father play in a family is helping in character development of his children.We have also seen it when Zoro had given advice to Chopper in Davy back fight arc. A father is respected by all the members of the family.We have seen how much the straw hats respect Zoro at the end of Water7 arc when Zoro refused to let Ussop return to the crew without an apologize.Above all Zoro gave bath to Chopper at the end of Arabastra arc,an act of a good father.If these evidences are not enough to prove that Oda sensei have made a joke about Franky being the father of the crew in volume 48 then a big hint is provided by Oda sensei himself in the second chapter of the 49th volume. 
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When Robin rejected Franky and accepted Zoro,the message become quite clear who Robin actually wants to be with at the end of One Piece and who is actually the father of the crew in her eyes.In this canon event,Oda sensei directly compared the two ships and gave preference to the Zorobin ship over Frobin ship. 
We all know 9 year age difference is neither suitable for defining Zoro and Robin’s relationship as mother and son nor I guess Oda sensei tried to promote child pregnancy in One piece.We have found glimpses of Robin behaving like a mother with Luffy and Chopper but with Zoro, Sanji(most of the time flirts with Robin),Nami(addressed Robin as Robin-sis) and Ussop she never act like a mother.Then why the concept of mother arises here? If we consider the role of a wife in a man’s life then we are going to find out that a wife plays the role of both a mother and a lover at the same time.Here ‘first son’ gives the idea of Robin’s first preference towards Zoro. Until the Thriller Bark arc,both Zorobin ship and SanRo ship have the equal chances of becoming a cannon couple.The ‘first son’ and ‘second son’ was actually the hint given by Oda sensei that after the Thriller Bark arc,the SanRo ship will sink and Zorobin ship will rise.If we just check the One piece episodes after the Thriller Bark arc,the SanRo evidences became almost null while Zorobin became a thing. 
Thirdly,here Oda sensei mentioned Franky as a thug but we all know Franky do not have any fixed personality.His personality changes with the type of beverage put into his stomach.If anyone don’t understand what i am saying then check Franky’s story during timeskip. So I guess it is quite meaningless to say “Franky and Robin are of opposite personalities and opposites attract each other”. 
I still can point out some more facts from this family concept and analyze it but I think i should give it a rest for now.
Couples wearing matching T-shirts
I guess everyone understands which theory i am going to analyze now.Truly speaking, i found it very ridiculous to ship someone only because they wear matching T-shirts.Anyway that is my opinion.At the end of Dressrosa arc,we found Franky and Robin wearing matching t-shirts.I guess couples wearing matching T-shirts is a tradition of Japan,but according to Oda sensei none of these characters belongs to Japan: Robin (Russia) and Franky (USA).So Japanese tradition is not applicable to them.On the contrary,at the end of Water 7 arc,we found Zoro and Robin wearing matching T-shirts and  according to Oda sensei, Zoro is a character from Japan so the Japanese tradition of couples wearing matching T-shirts is applicable in this case.Moreover,not only couples siblings can also wear matching clothes.So,couples wearing matching clothes is just a vague theory.
D: Question. Robin always says frightening things in front of everyone. But in her own thoughts, she oftentimes thinks of fun stuff like "Cats" or "Dress-roba" (T.N. - Dress-roba is a pun on Dressrosa, meaning "Dress-Old Woman"). Why doesn't Robin talk about these thoughts with her crew to make them laugh? I love how Robin is like this. P.N. Y.O
O: I see, that's true. From what I think, from the Punk Hazard Arc when she told Franky (in Chopper's body) not to ever make such a strange face in Chopper's body again, Robin probably likes cute things. But even though she likes cute things, she's a bit dark/creepy herself, so if she tries to put these cute thoughts to words there is a chance it may come out as scary/ominous. That's the kind of woman that Robin is.
The above part was taken from one of One piece SBS volume.
 D: Dokusha (Reader) 
 O: Oda
In one of my previous Zorobin post regarding Ryunosuke,i claimed that Robin like cute things and not weird things. Oda sensei while giving answer to a question also said the same thing.We know Robin likes Chopper because of his cuteness but in Punk Hazard Arc,when Franky was in Chopper’s body she told Franky not to ever make such a strange face in Chopper's body.From that scene of Punk Hazard Robin made it clear that she don’t consider Franky cute but a weirdo.
 In one of the manga covers i remember Robin trying  to imitate Chopper with Zoro. So i think she considers Zoro as cute.
To be continued............  
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franeridart · 7 years
kaminari denki is best boi!! I love the way you draw him! he deserves all the love!!!! thank you for giving him love
Thank you!!!!!!! aND ISN’T HE!!!!!!!! I adore him and he’s so much fun to draw and all I want is for him to be showered in love did I mention I love him I’m in love with him
Anon said: OK. Okay, now you've done it. I'm starting bnh today. I'm blaming u when I fall into a new Fandom hell orz
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 let me know how that goes anon I hope you’ll love it as much as I do ahhhh
Anon said:Beautiful anon here (that sounds so wrong but you know what I mean). I'm so happy I got a doodle it's so cuteeeeeee and another one today with Denki getting some Kiri Baku love. I'm officially deceased. Please show these drawings at my funeral, thank you.
Anon said: I love how you design akaashi and kenma for your tattoo AU (◕‿◕✿) if it's not too much trouble can I see a little bit more of those two please and thank you!!!
Anon said: Dude!! Your akaken designs are rlly sweet I love em. Akaashi's tattoo especially is rlly cute gosh but!! Is there any purpose behind the rings they both had around their necks??
👀 👀 👀 .....yep, they’re a matched pair - I didn’t make it 100% official because not everyone reading the AU might ship AkaKen, but to make a pretty long story very much short the rings symbolize their relationship being the closest thing to married they can get in Japan 👍
Anon said: Sono le 2 di notte cosa ci fai ancora in piedi? Anche se è vacanza non è una scusa per non dormire! (lmao scherzo anch'io sono sveglia ma cerca di riposarti okay?) (Tra l'altro adoro il tuo ultimo fumetto, kenma è perfetto!!)
lmao fun fact il mio ritmo sonno-veglia è un completo disastro e la maggior parte della roba che posto viene completata alle due di notte hahahaha #I’mAMess
Anon said: Uraraka is me
Uraraka is all of us poor broke souls lbr, she’s Relatable™
Anon said: can i just say that i love your art so much!! I've only just got into bnha recently, i watched the anime a while back but your art convinced me to start reading the manga too so thank you so much for being the main reason i have no life rn :) :) :)
You’re welcome 👍👍👍👍 now we can be in hell (or heaven, depending on how you look at it) together hahaha
Anon said: Please pay with color more!! I love it so much!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! I’m super happy you liked it!!!!!!!
Anon said: BNHA season 2 comes out at april, and can you draw some katsud,eku? bc theyre my life hnGfF
Aw anon, I don’t ship them romantically! Well, I mean, I don’t mind them, but producing stuff for them is a bit... but if you’re okay with them being buds then SURE I’ve decided a while ago that in my comics their relationship is gonna be a couple steps ahead already hahaha
Anon said: hmm do you have any special feelings about toshinori/aizawa?? bc it is. so rare,, (also all of your art keeps me going. I love getting notifications that you've uploaded smth ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ )
AHHHHHHH thank you so much!!!!!!!! and... uhhhhhhhhhhhh I’ve never really thought about them like that tbh? The only Aizawa ship I ship is with Yamada, and even that is just because my sis ships it and suggested fics and I end up shipping stuff really easily lbr haha I dunno! I’ll have to think about it a bit
Anon said:Did you considered Akashi x konoha?
I have! Because it has been mentioned to me already a couple times, and because Konoha miiiiight be one of those haikyuu characters I kind of just ship with everyone, oops - as you might have noticed I’m kind of really deep in Aka.Ken and Kono.Komi so Kono.Aka isn’t exactly something I spend time thinking about, but it sounds really damn nice o
Anon said: I'm rewatching bnha and I have a completely different perception of it this time thanks to your art
Anon said: When you become unreasonably obsessed with that one ongoing comic strip... AndwhyarentthereanymorethothatsastupidthoughtcuzartistsneedtimebutitssogoodandINEEDMOREEEyouregoodatthis Btw ur art is cool. Ur cool. :D
Anon said: Hi i just wanted to tell you that i really really enjoy reading your comics! Have a great day! :D
Anon said: I just wanted to say how much I love your art and art style! Even though it's simplistic, that's what gives it the charm 🦉
Anon said: ngl, I visit your blog everyday to see if there is an update on that bokukuroteru comic (I mean... I would still visit regularly for all the awesome art but that comic is E V E R Y T H I N G)
Anon said:hi! i just started looking at this today and let me just say, your art is amazing this yaoi is amazing and omfg ily(platonicly and role modely)
if there’s any ask I haven’t replied to yet it’s either something I mean to draw for OR it got lost between those I mean to draw for orz either way I read all of them as soon as I get them and they make me!!!!!! super happy!!!!!!! so thank you, even if I haven’t explicitly answered it here know that I appreciate it and it made my day brighter when you sent it! Thank you so so so so much!!!!!
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