#tell me if theirs more tags . that ya'll want me to use for that
sunnydayaoe · 1 year
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[I'm kinda sick for it]
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nasstyssanktuss · 1 month
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your favorite mutuals (or even ones you haven't talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don't tell them which message is theirs, let them guess! after you're done, send this to 1 mutual you want to get a message from!
•You. Yes,you. You make the FATTEST and funniest memes I've ever seen. Our "tasteful" humor and memes made us click immediatly.
•You. Yes,another you. 🫵🏻 Giggling with you is something I'll never get tired of. We haven't talked more than 1 month and another click happened. (Another proof that ya'll are awesome)
•You. Yes the third you! This is a really tough one because I don't want to make it too obvious 🥲 You're CUTE andyou bless my feed with your reblogs and posts,I always get SO happy when you tag me in something. You make me feel special :')
Guess which message is for YOU!
@sleep-knot @cadaverous-metal44 @mwah-so-kissed
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