#such as retirement and succession planning. This means striking the right balance between your current life and career situation
rgestatedubai02 · 2 months
Supermarket Success: Strategies for Selling Your Business in Dubai
Introduction to Selling a Supermarket Business in Dubai
supermarket for sale in dubai requires careful planning, strategic execution, and an understanding of the market dynamics. Whether you're looking to retire, pursue other ventures, or simply cash out on your investment, navigating the process successfully can ensure a profitable exit strategy.
Understanding the Market Trends in Dubai's Retail Sector
Dubai's retail sector is dynamic and influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, consumer behavior, and market competition. Supermarket businesses must stay abreast of current trends to remain competitive and attractive to potential buyers.
The retail industry in Dubai is experiencing steady growth, fueled by an increasing population, rising disposable incomes, and a thriving tourism sector. However, changing consumer preferences, the rise of e-commerce, and evolving shopping habits present both opportunities and challenges for supermarket businesses.
Preparing Your Supermarket Business for Sale
Before listing your supermarket business for sale, it's essential to assess its financial health, streamline operations, and ensure all documentation is in order. Potential buyers will scrutinize every aspect of your business, from financial records to inventory management systems.
Streamlining operations, optimizing inventory management, and enhancing customer service can increase the attractiveness of your supermarket business to potential buyers. Investing in improvements that boost profitability and efficiency can yield significant returns during the sale process.
Identifying Potential Buyers
When selling your supermarket business in Dubai, you'll encounter various types of buyers, including local investors, international investors, and even competitors. Understanding the motivations and preferences of each type of buyer can help tailor your sales approach accordingly.
Local investors may be attracted to established supermarket businesses with a loyal customer base and strong brand presence. International investors, on the other hand, may seek opportunities for expansion into the Dubai market or strategic partnerships with local businesses. Competitors may view acquiring your supermarket business as a means to consolidate market share or enter new market segments.
Setting the Right Price
Determining the appropriate selling price for your supermarket business requires careful consideration of various factors, including its financial performance, market conditions, and growth potential. Valuation methods such as the income approach, market approach, and asset-based approach can help ascertain the fair market value of your business.
Factors such as revenue trends, profitability, market share, and competitive advantage will influence the selling price of your supermarket business. It's essential to strike a balance between maximizing your return on investment and setting a price that is attractive to potential buyers.
Marketing Your Supermarket Business
Effective marketing is crucial to attracting potential buyers and generating interest in your supermarket business. Creating a compelling sales pitch that highlights the unique selling points of your business can differentiate it from competitors and capture the attention of prospective investors.
Utilizing a mix of online and offline marketing channels, such as social media, industry publications, and networking events, can broaden your reach and attract a diverse pool of buyers. Emphasizing factors such as location, brand reputation, product offerings, and growth opportunities can showcase the value proposition of your supermarket business.
Negotiating the Sale
Negotiating the sale of your supermarket business requires tact, patience, and a thorough understanding of buyer motivations. Both parties must be willing to compromise and find common ground to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Understanding the needs and priorities of potential buyers can help tailor your negotiation strategy and address any concerns or objections they may have. Being transparent about the strengths and weaknesses of your supermarket business can build trust and facilitate smoother negotiations.
Legal Considerations and Due Diligence
Navigating the legal aspects of selling a supermarket business in Dubai requires careful attention to detail and adherence to regulatory requirements. From drafting sale agreements to conducting due diligence, it's essential to seek professional guidance to ensure a smooth and legally compliant transaction.
Preparing all necessary legal documentation, including financial statements, contracts, permits, and licenses, is critical to demonstrating the legitimacy and viability of your supermarket business. Conducting thorough due diligence can help identify any potential liabilities or risks that may affect the sale process.
Closing the Deal
Finalizing the sale of your supermarket business involves executing the sale agreement, transferring ownership and assets, and completing any remaining formalities. Clear communication, attention to detail, and adherence to deadlines are essential to ensure a seamless closing process.
Both parties must fulfill their respective obligations as outlined in the sale agreement, including the transfer of ownership titles, payment of the purchase price, and resolution of any outstanding issues. Engaging legal and financial professionals can help facilitate the closing process and mitigate any potential complications.
Post-Sale Transition and Support
After completing the sale of your supermarket business, it's important to assist the new owner in the transition process and provide ongoing support and guidance as needed. This may include training staff, transferring supplier relationships, and sharing insights and best practices for running a successful supermarket business in Dubai.
Maintaining open lines of communication with the new owner and offering continued assistance can help ensure a smooth transition and foster goodwill between both parties. Building a positive reputation as a reliable and supportive seller can also enhance your credibility and reputation in the business community.
Selling a supermarket business in Dubai requires strategic planning, market insight, and effective execution. By leveraging the expertise of a reputable real estate agency in Dubai, supermarket owners can streamline the selling process, identify qualified buyers, and maximize their return on investment. With the right strategy and support, selling a supermarket business can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor.
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talabib · 3 years
A Guide To Managing Your Money.
Things used to be a whole lot simpler. Once you found a good job, you stuck with it until you retired. At that point, your employer took care of things, regularly paying out a fixed-sum pension tied to your old salary. Retirees could then put their feet up and relax. 
That's all changed over the last three or four decades. The generous pension plans of yesteryear are long gone, and today’s employees have to look after their own nest eggs. That means playing an active role in how your pension pot is managed, and investing your savings. 
This can be daunting – after all, one false move in the turbulent financial markets can wipe out your savings. So how should you manage your finances? That’s what we’ll be exploring in this post as we take a look at a holistic guide to money management. 
Financial insecurity is the new normal, and our instincts stop us from investing our money wisely. 
Historically speaking, pension plans are a pretty recent invention. In fact, they only really became common in the nineteenth century as certain societies became more financially secure.
Today, however, that era appears to be over. With financial insecurity ever more widespread, pension plans are once again becoming a rarity.
That’s because there’s been a big change in how pension plans are funded. Before the 1980s, employers typically stumped up much of the cash to pay for their employees’ retirements. Now, however, workers are expected to pay this themselves. In the United States, retirement is now most often self-funded through 401(k) investment plans.
Statistics reflect this sea-change in retirement funding. Between 1980 and the present, the number of employees entitled to a full company pension dropped from 62 to just 17 percent. The number of employees self-funding their retirement through 401(k) plans, by contrast, rose from 12 to 71 percent.
Unsurprisingly, this has created a great deal of insecurity. Take a 2017 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. It found that less than one-quarter – just 18 percent – of all Americans expect a comfortable retirement.
But here’s the real kicker: Our efforts to self-fund retirement are undermined by our instincts, which lead us to make poor investment decisions. 
Let’s unpack that. When there’s an economic downturn, we feel less secure. As a result, we begin hoarding money. And how do you do that when the economy stalls and stock prices plummet? Right – you sell the stocks you already own and put off purchasing new stocks.
But this doesn’t make any sense. Think of it this way: You don’t rush to your local supermarket when it hikes its prices; you wait for the sales. This is exactly the logic we should apply to the financial market. The best time to buy stocks is when prices are low – because of, for example, an economic crash. Put differently, if you weren’t buying up cut-price stocks during the 2008 financial crisis, you missed out! That’s a mistake to avoid in the future. 
Investment isn’t the only path to greater financial security, though. We’ll be exploring some of the tools you can use to put your finances in order.
We can’t control every aspect of our financial lives, but we do have a surprising amount of agency.
Insecurity might be on the rise, but that doesn’t mean we’re doomed to monetary misery. Luckily, we all have a powerful tool for solving financial problems – the human brain. Now, the brain isn’t all-powerful, and it can’t resolve every conundrum or make us all financial moguls. But it does give us some leverage.
Let’s start by looking at our brains’ limitations. In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, the psychologist and economist Daniel Kahnemann argues that our default cognitive setting is “fast thinking.” This is an automatic reflex triggered by events in the world around us. When you’re driving a car and see someone dart into the road, for example, it’s fast thinking that makes you instinctively hit the brakes.
This is because our brains are constantly scanning our environment for threats. When we encounter danger, our reactions are lightning-fast and largely unconscious. That means we can’t control our “fast brain” – it simply makes decisions for us. Sometimes those are financial decisions. If you’ve ever spent a huge amount of money you don’t have, chances are your fast brain was in the driving seat.
But fast thinking isn’t the only setting on which the human brain operates. According to Kahnemann, we also have a “slow brain.” This is responsible for rational thought and analyzing complex data. It’s this setting that allows us to, say, calculate the annual returns on high-yielding savings accounts.
So what can our slow brains control? To answer that, we need to look at a study by social scientists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan published in the Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2015. It suggests that around 60 percent of our ability to make sound decisions and be happy is determined by genes and circumstances.
That puts a lot of decisions beyond our control, but it also means that a full 40 percent of the decisions we make over our lives are conscious choices. If you use your slow brain to make those calls, you’ll be well on your way to financial happiness! 
The best approach to risk management is to minimize your exposure to losses. 
The seventeenth-century French philosopher Blaise Pascal had an interesting take on two of the biggest questions of his day – God and faith. According to Pascal, the decision to believe or not believe in God is a wager, and this explains why it’s better to have faith. If God does exist, you reap huge rewards. If you believe but it turns out that he doesn’t exist, you don’t lose anything. Belief, in other words, is simply a lot less risky.
So what does this have to do with money? Quite a lot, actually. Minimizing risk isn’t just a sound strategy when it comes to belief – it’s also a great way of approaching financial decisions.
Sound money management is all about striking the right balance between risk and reward. The more you risk, the more you stand to gain. But risking everything also means you might just lose everything. You can see how this works by looking at start-ups. When you win in this industry, you win big – just think of Google or Facebook. But, as the CEO of Trepoint, Bill Carmody pointed out in a 2015 article, 96 percent of all start-ups launched in the US over the previous decade had gone bust.
Betting everything on red clearly isn’t a sustainable option, but you also can’t grow financially without taking some risks. So how should you approach risk-taking? Simple: minimize your exposure to losses.
Take the insurance industry. When you buy a house, you’re taking on financial risk. Houses are expensive, after all, and they can – and sometimes do – burn down. To avoid losing everything, you take out insurance on your house, thereby diminishing the risk of financial ruin in case the worst happens.
The same principle can be applied to investment. Look at the world’s most successful investors, like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, and you’ll find they all have one thing in common – they’re obsessed with avoiding damage and limiting risks. Their great strength is that they wait until the odds are stacked in their favor before striking. By focusing on risk prevention, they make bets that simply can’t lose.
Start planning your finances by determining your net worth and setting financial goals. 
Now that we’ve explored general approaches to managing your finances, it’s time to look at the specifics. Let’s start with something very few of us ever get around to doing – working out our own net worth.
This is extraordinarily effective. Even better, it’s easy to do. First off, you’ll want to calculate the sum of all your assets – your house, car, retirement fund, savings, the value of individual items in your home, and so on. Put this in one column. Next, tally up your debts in a second column. This will contain everything from your mortgage to credit card debts, college loans, and car loans. The difference between the total of these two columns is your net worth. Calculate this every year to get a sense of how you’re doing over time. 
So why is this such an important exercise? Well, once you’ve gained an accurate overview of your current financial health, you can start thinking about your financial goals.
Knowing what you’re aiming for is the alpha and omega of money management. Obviously, you can’t always predict what your needs will be in the future, but you can make some pretty decent estimates based on your current wants and needs.
Say you already know that you want to be able to put a $50,000 down payment on a $250,000 house in about five years, or you’ve worked out how much annual income you’ll need to live comfortably when you retire. Once you’re clear about these goals, you can create a financial plan to reach them. Check this every year, and you’ll be able to assess whether you’re on track or need to put a little bit more aside each month.
Gratitude is good both for your wallet and your psyche.
Financial health isn’t just about balancing budgets and picking the right investments. In fact, it’s just as important to consider less-tangible things – like practicing gratitude, for example. Sound strange? Actually, it makes a whole lot of sense.
The truly wealthy have more than material riches – they’re also happy. Why? Well, as psychologist and world-leading gratitude expert Robert Emmons notes, thankfulness is a key component of happiness. Put simply, expressing gratitude makes you feel good.
And that’s something you can learn. Emmons recommends two gratitude-boosting techniques. First off, take stock of everything you already have. The problem here is that we often want to compare ourselves to others. Resist that temptation and simply reflect on your own progress, and you’ll feel much more grateful for your lot in life.
Secondly, it’s vital to recognize that where you are today isn’t down solely to your talent and hard work – luck and the help of others also played their part. According to psychologist Kristin Layous, humility is a foundation for gratitude. That means learning to thank others – whether in words or thoughts – is an important catalyst for feelings of happiness and contentment.
Gratitude does more than change your attitude, though – it also changes your spending habits. When you’re constantly looking over your neighbor’s fence and enviously worrying about his new car, you’re likely to end up in a spending competition and splurge on unnecessary luxuries of your own. That isn’t financially sound – and it won’t make you happy, either.
And that’s where gratitude comes in. If you’re grateful for the food on your plate, you don’t need a gourmet meal. Similarly, if you’re thankful for the friends you already have, you don’t need to impress new friends by buying the latest gadgets or following fashion trends. It really is that simple: gratitude is good for your soul and your wallet!
Simple beats complex every time when it comes to financial decisions.
Before we talk more about money, let’s take a moment to rewind back to the 1840s. Our setting is a maternity ward in a hospital in Vienna, Austria, where a doctor named Ignaz Semmelweis is pondering a strange situation. The death rate among women giving birth on his ward is one in ten. The death rate among women during so-called “street births,” by contrast, is just one in 25. What was going on? 
Semmelweis racked his brain for solutions. In the end, with the benefit of hindsight, the answer became glaringly obvious – it’s safer to give birth outside a hospital than to be treated by a doctor who hasn’t washed his hands. And that’s the lesson here: simple answers are usually the correct answers. 
The human brain, however, loves complexity. The more choices we have, the happier we feel. No wonder – choice is synonymous with abundance, which in turn gives us a sense of security. This, incidentally, explains why Starbucks’ huge coffee menu, with all its size and ingredient choices, is so popular. 
Simplicity doesn’t trigger these reactions. It’s pragmatic and boring and leaves our brains craving more stimulation. Given a choice, we’d rather look at a beautiful painting that’s been hung up in a buzzing café serving great food as a band plays than in a museum. Complexity sells.
But making decisions on this basis can be financially ruinous. That’s why it pays – literally – to keep things simple. To do that, all you need to do is remember three straightforward rules.
First, buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high. Second, diversify your portfolio of assets, or – in everyday terms – don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Third, stick to your guns and don’t jump from one investment opportunity to the next. This rule isn’t as self-explanatory as the other two, so let’s unpack it a little. 
In most cases, when you invest, you’ll either be lending your money to a company or buying stocks or shares in a company. If you’re playing the long game, your best bet is to invest in stocks, which offer the highest return on investment stretching over several decades. If you’re making a short-term investment, on the other hand, bonds are a safer choice. Keeping this in mind, all you have to do now is choose a company you trust that has a strong product!
Investing isn’t a precise science, and good investors accept that they don’t know it all.
Finance is often associated with sophisticated equations and algorithms that make complex market movements perfectly knowable and predictable. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the way investment works.
In reality, investing isn’t the precise science it’s often made out to be. Paradoxically, this is actually a good thing – after all, it means that you don’t have to be a math genius with five PhDs to make money on the markets.
Take Charlie Munger, one of the world’s most successful investors. According to Munger, investors don’t know the precise outcomes of investment decisions – the best they can do is pick investments that have a high likelihood of working out.
This might sound like false modesty coming from an investor who earned billions on the stock market, but it’s a sound approach. If you want to make sound investment choices, you have to accept that you’re playing a “game” that is largely governed by chance. Staying humble and realistic is your best bet if you want to avoid losses and make the right calls.
In practice, this means that you need to admit to yourself that you don’t know it all. That can be hard, especially if you’re a high-profile investor with tons of financial information at your fingertips. But despite the Hollywood image of aggressive, arrogant traders duking it out on Wall Street, the best investors understand that humility trumps overconfidence.
Why is that? Well, look at it this way. When you recognize that you can’t predict every outcome in the financial markets, you’re much more likely to have the patience to stick with your investments and pay close attention to portfolio diversification and risk management. That’s a better approach than simply jumping on the latest bandwagon and putting all your money on the most hyped investment option.
There is a predictable average return on stock investments, but the range of possible outcomes is much broader.
Ask your mother or your neighbor what kind of return you can expect on your stocks and they’ll likely name a figure like ten percent. This reflects the common sense understanding of how investment works, and it’s not a million miles from the truth: the return on most investments is pretty predictable.
According to data collected by the Ned Davis Research Group, for example, the average yearly return on investments in stocks is indeed about ten percent. During the first two years of an investment, average returns actually rise slightly above that number due to swings in company performance. These typically have a larger impact over the short term than they do over the long term.
That means we can bank on a ten percent return on our investments, right? Not quite. This figure leaves something important out of the picture – probabilities. And that in turn leads to false expectations. Let’s break that down.
In reality, the range of possible investment outcomes is unpredictable. Rather than a steady ten percent return, you’re much more likely to see a large number of highs and lows as rates ping up and down. This is something the average rate of return doesn’t capture. Consider the United States stock market. Some years, it grows at an astonishing clip – in recent times, it’s grown by 167 percent! Then there are sharp downturns. In some years, the stock market has contracted by 67 percent.
The range of positive and negative outcomes, in other words, is huge, especially in the first years after an investment. But here’s the good news: the longer you stick with your investment, the more this range diminishes. In the long run, you’re looking at a range of between, say, zero and twenty percent, though small losses can’t always be ruled out.
The lesson here is that it’s important not to get too excited by the early up-and-down swings in your stock’s value. Give it a couple of decades, and there’s a strong chance things will even out.
When it comes to finances, it’s important to keep a level head and remember that luck plays its part in the financial markets. Recognizing this and staying humble is a crucial part of becoming a successful investor, which is all about limiting risks and avoiding bad calls. Once you’ve done that, you can stack the odds in your favor by investing in simple, reliable schemes, and sticking with your investments over the long term.
Action plan: Diversify your investment portfolio.
As we’ve seen, luck plays a big part in financial investment, since it’s impossible to be sure which companies will grow and which will crash. If you expect an average ten percent return on your investment, and only invest in one company, you’re liable to find yourself in trouble if that firm crashes or underperforms. The alternative approach? Simple: hedge your bets and spread your investment over multiple companies. If one set of stocks goes bad, you’ve always got a safety buffer. 
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chadwickreese · 4 years
Chadwick Reese | Taking Care Of Contemporary Adjustment Issues in the Personnel Possession
If you were asked what one of the most essential possession for your service is, you would probably consider the substantial sacrifice in kind of capital that you made, your equipment, modern technology, unrivaled advertising and marketing approach, superb customer care or even your intellectual property. While all these are important in providing the organization an included benefit, the crucial asset a company needs to link with each other the various other possessions is the Human Possession. The remainder will all require a human hand to obtain them relocating, do not you agree?
  We discover that in many cases, the success or failure of an enterprise will mostly be proportional to the high quality of its human resource. Any kind of strategies to move business onward will greatly lean on the caliber of the human resource.
  However, this is an asset whose setting is constantly transforming. Its numerous elements are never ever fixed. Hence, the quality and also spirits of the human resource requirement to be kept track of on a constant basis as the internal and outside atmosphere surrounding the business keeps evolving.
  There are numerous change concerns that affect this very vital resource. Subsequently, this affect its top quality, spirits, productivity as well as inevitably business' efficiency and also success. This article tackles the most crucial modern change concerns influencing Human Resources and also how to handle them. These will certainly include:
  Cross generational challenges.
Technical advances and personnel property.
Required to straighten the human resource technique with the overall service approach.
Need to be an adjustment agent.
Measuring the worth of the personnel asset.
Cross-Generational Obstacles
Never prior to has there been a cross generation of people operating in the exact same organization as it is today. The lots of concepts, point of views as well as methods of doing the most fundamental of points can be complicated, to claim the least. Talk of child boomers, generation X, Y as well as the Millennial, all are to be discovered in today's workplace. While the infant boomers are starting to retire, the rest are now mandated to occupy administration positions that are being left uninhabited.
Chadwick Reese
Intergenerational disputes are likely to occur as the worths, concerns, emphasis, education and learning and childhood of these generations are way apart. The more youthful generation is less worried with commitment - as opposed to the older generation - as well as even more concerned with what the company can do for them.
  A few of the qualities that prevail in the younger generations, and especially the millennials who are the majority, include:
  The reality that they are very enlightened and also run the risk of averse;
They are highly wise;
Conscious (of health, social, financial as well as ecological issues);.
They value openness and open interaction;.
Most are entrepreneurial;.
Their constituent is such that they are diverse in regards to race, people etc;.
They are the microwave generation who 'want it now', impatient and adventurous;.
Millenials intend to stay real to whom they are and their uniqueness and they are global people, not to be restricted to a certain society.
On the various other hand, the older generation is largely contrary. The majority of our moms and dads are jealously dedicated to their employers as well as even their stories after retire are of nostalgic fond memories of their tasks. Which tales is your daddy, mommy or grannies keen on?
So just how is an employer to manage such variety between the generations? Below are some manner ins which companies have actually utilized and also can make use of in managing the multi-generational problems:.
  Urging the expression of the younger generation's imagination, education and learning and also interest by developing development hubs.
Creation of mentorship programmes where the older employees advisor, instructor and also support the more youthful.
Understanding retention initiatives - by enabling the older employees to retire however still continue functioning. Expertise management should likewise be accepted whereby understanding is systematized and easily obtainable.
Management training to shift the Millenials right into management placements.
Welcoming approximately day innovation to enable the Millenials feel comfortable and end up being much more productive, while training their 'Parents' to come to be much more modern technology friendly. Points like the Intranet as well as IT Equipments are worth a try.
Decentralization - This allows the older ones to find out new things and also the ever before daring Millennials to discover new locations.
Ability administration - This enables staff members to remain true to their credibility and also match their location of knowledge.
Unity in diversity - Permitting staff members from various backgrounds to work together instead of segregating them.
Work-life equilibrium - This can be done via such plans as flexi-time; staff member welfare programmes, vacations and also leaves.
Openness and clear interaction- This enhances understanding in between administration, the older as well as the younger generations.
Technical Advances as well as Human Resource.
In today's message contemporary organization, technology goes to the core. An organization will certainly either welcome technological advancements to remain appropriate or die off. The personnel or people are the motorists of this technical change, and so the HR Department is important in all this. It is predicted that Millennials, (the tech-savvy generation), will compose 75% of the labor force by 2020. This validates that there is no running away from innovation.
  From the outmost villages of Africa as well as Asia to the large cities of America and also Europe, mobile phone, the internet, and also cordless services are ending up being typical place and also have actually completely transformed every aspect of life from the residence to the work environment. The letter 'e' is now the in-word. Broach e-commerce, e-learning, e-farming as well as the listing is unlimited.
  It is currently paramount that the Human Resource department totally adapt to innovation to march onward with the rest of the company venture. Social media site is now being utilized in employment by a great deal of employers, and also it has actually been established that practically 90% of the employers look to this same Social media to identify and respond to check candidates.
  Telecommuting is currently becoming extra preferred as employers as well as workers seek to strike a work-life balance as well as to reduce realty costs. Typical facets of HR like welfare and advantages distribution, pay-roll management and also document keeping have already been automated by many through the Personnel Info Equipment (HRIS) while some are being relocated to outsourced vendors.
  Having automated the standard Human Resources features, it would certainly currently be prudent for HR division to focus on the advanced human resource features. This would include automated employee development, change monitoring, understanding monitoring and also calculated collaborations. On-line training will certainly help keep staff members up to speed up with the company rate.
  Affordable employment as well as retention programs as well as systems would certainly assist stay on par with the present dynamic as well as volatile employment environment. Not to be left are tailored payment strategies to match the transforming recruitment circumstance. Automated talent analytics and also work environment analysis will certainly also end up being an usual activity.
  Aligning Human Resource Approach with the Overall Organization Approach.
  Being a strategic partner means straightening the Human Resource function to meet the demands of both staff members and company. It is making sure that the business method and goals are the focus of all departments and also are accomplished.
  This is not just a feature of the HR division however rather, it includes all other managers - given the important function of individuals in a company. Human Resources efficiency is progressively being measured in terms of its tactical impact. The supervisors need to recognize the overall technique and also objectives of the business and also give staff members with the skills and resources required to accomplish these objectives.
  Locations that Human Resources department and also other supervisors require to deal with to guarantee they are at the same level with the overall service method include:.
  Leadership - A strong leadership that is functional as well as easily links the employee to the company needs to be adopted.
Competence - To what level does the organization have the required skills, expertise and capacities?
Training and also adaption to Adjustment - The level to which employees can respond and also adjust to transform as well as unpredictability as rapid as possible.
Interaction and also Openness - Does info circulation conveniently as well as with openness inside out and the other way around?
Structures and Solutions - Are these useful as though will create a high-performing organization?
Settlement - Are the staff members' efforts properly being compensated according to the company's method?
Imagination as well as future alignment - Is innovation as well as innovation that will assist achieve organizational objectives being fully embraced?
Quality shipment - Is the supreme high quality being delivered to the customers to help with strategy understanding?
Required to be a Change Administration Agent.
Modification is unpreventable. It has actually been claimed that "the only thing that does not transform is change". Change aids a business to continue to be appropriate and also obtain an one-upmanship. Adjustment management is specified as the process, devices and also strategies to take care of the people-side of change to achieve the called for service result.
  The Human Resource department is at the centre of handling individuals facet of adjustment. It holds a critical duty in carrying out the organization's transition towards adjustment. This is via although not limited to:.
  Offering employees with the proper skills and also training to handle any type of foreseeable change;.
Detecting and supplying feasible solutions to employee issues prior to they become significant or even prior to they take place;.
Resourcing for adjustment,.
Award, finding out and communication programs that will aid in attaining the organizational method;.
Dealing with downsizing and restructuring concerns when requirement occurs.
Measuring the value of the Personnel Asset.
As forward looking organizations spend huge amounts in developing their workforce as well as in turn their overall organization efficiency, the obstacle ends up being just how to determine the return on this important asset. Provided its abstract nature, appointing a worth on the annual report comes to be a real challenge. Nonetheless, some institutes like the Human Resources Monitoring Institute (HCMI) has established a variety of tools called Human being Funding Financial Statements to reveal the worth.
  The most effective method to measure human resources is to know why you are doing it rather than just doing it as finest practice. There is nobody straight-forward or scientific means of gauging human funding because of its intangibility and also the fact that it is affected by numerous variables.
  A few basic and reasonably direct ways to gauge human funding payment are nevertheless described listed below:.
  1. Return On Investment = Complete Business Earnings X 100.
  Financial Investment on Human Resources.
  " Overall Organizational Earnings" is what your firm has made in earnings after it covered all of its expenditures, while "Investment on Human Funding" describes the amount of cash your company has placed in to develop its human resources; i.e. employment as well as selection, training and also advancement, settlement, and so on
  2. Skills Inventory - This keeps a database of skills that the entire organization's workforce has and assigns loved one worths to the abilities relying on the significance of each ability to the organization's strategic goals.
  3. Individuality - There are a variety of professional bodies that use Psychometric examinations which line up a worker's character to their most ideal location of knowledge or shipment. The tests gauge an employee's character, their strengths and also weaknesses and recommend where they may best fit.
  Last Ideas.
  The personnel is a dynamic source. People alter and the variables surrounding their capability to provide likewise change regularly. Those handling people (not only the HR department) ought to be constantly aware of the dynamics of the workforce and to established proper actions to embrace to ensure that adjustment does not leave the company behind in the search of its objectives.
  Cross generational challenges ought to be addressed to bring unity in objective. No generation transcends to the other but they all have something to offer. Nearly all commerce is now secured on innovation as well as the Human Resource department can not be left behind.
  The CEOS are currently asking each division "What is your Bottom Line?" what is your contribution to the general organization strategy and is it measurable? As a result Human Resources Department needs to function more challenging to address these concerns. It is inescapable that the department serves as a modification monitoring representative starting within as well as promoting the entire company's modification in their pursuit for organizational success.
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houseofpinky · 5 years
The Best Action Movies of 2019 (So Far), Ranked
As a social product, the activity film is in a condition of motion. Toward one side of the range, you have colossal, globe-eating up open displays like Avengers: Endgame, the current year's greatest blockbuster and a certifiable popular culture marvel; on the opposite end, littler wrongdoing spine chillers and experience stories, when the thumping heart and soul of the class, have been consigned to moderately under-the-radar discharges on gushing stages and on-request benefits. Aside from the uncommon effective establishment like John Wick, it feels like the white collar class of activity film dom has been dug out.
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In any case, the present minute is an entrancing time to be a fanatic of motion pictures where autos explode and individuals kick each other in the throat. Like a year ago's rundown, the objective here is to keep a running rundown of the best activity titles of 2019 on the extra large screen and on gushing stages, which could mean superhuman legends, unknown dialect slugfests, and, almost certainly, in any event one motion picture featuring a previous expert wrestler. As the grizzled, tobacco-spitting squad pioneer in an activity film may state, we're recovering the pack together.
12. Polar
Discharged: January 25
Cast: Mads Mikkelsen, Vanessa Hudgens, Katheryn Winnick, Matt Lucas
Chief: Jonas Åkerlund (Lords of Chaos)
Why it merits viewing: superficially, this adjustment of a realistic novel about a globe-running hired gunman nicknamed Black Kaiser (Mikkelsen) resembles a John Wick clone, total with absurdist world-building and balletic weapon battling. Be that as it may, the genuine tone of motion picture, which pursues the Kaiser nearly his retirement from the homicide business, is hyper-dynamic and all around shabby. Rather than the adapted, make mixed drink facade of Wick, chief Jonas Åkerlund, who has coordinated music recordings for craftsmen like Madonna, Taylor Swift, and Maroon 5, seeks after the gaudy mayhem and shouting blandness of the Crank arrangement. Not the majority of the incitements are powerful - for instance, the opening scene with Johnny Knoxville getting killed mid-sensual caress will probably send queasy watchers back to the Netflix landing page - however Mikkelsen gives a moving, profound execution. Regardless of whether he's educating kids on the best way to gut a foe or avoiding slugs naked during a log-lodge attack, Mikkelsen keeps the film grounded, and, eventually, makes it worth viewing in spite of its imperfections.
11. Cold Pursuit
Discharged: February 8
Cast: Liam Neeson, Laura Dern, Emmy Rossum, Tom Bateman
Executive: Hans Petter Moland (In Order of Disappearance)
Why it merits watching: More of a dimly comedic wrongdoing adventure than a clear activity spine chiller in the form of Taken, this Colorado-set retribution story is revolved around a snowplow driver named Nels Coxman (Neeson) who executes street pharmacists and dumps their bodies in a cold waterway. He's determined to this fierce, cold way after the lamentable demise of his child Kyle, who endures a heroin overdose regardless of Nels' cases that Kyle was never "an addict." The different offenders Nels alienates, in addition to their heel partners and a couple neighborhood cops, occupy more screen time than you'd expect, giving the procedures a romping, shaggy-hound outfit vibe that can be an odd fit with Neeson's irate father schtick. (Neeson additionally made some stunning remarks during the film's press visit, which make some the content's rough endeavors at "restless" supremacist funniness feel especially confused.) Though the film's focal retribution plot can be repetitive, the edges of the story are loaded up with scraggly character on-screen characters like William Forsythe, some really smart bits of exchange, and a bunch of roused visual snapshots of eccentricity. Overlong and half-cooked, Cold Pursuit isn't in a similar alliance as The Commuter or Non-Stop, Neeson's ongoing joint efforts with executive Jaume Collet-Serra, however it has a comical quality that radiates through the heaps of snow.
10. Hauled Across Concrete
Discharged: March 22
Cast: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Tory Kittles, Michael Jai White
Executive: S. Craig Zahler (Brawl in Cell Block 99)
Why it merits viewing: The striking title of this proudly provocative, every so often cumbersome cop epic fills in as either an appreciated tangle or a notice sign contingent upon your resistance for hard-bubbled exchange, stunning brutality, and the screen nearness of disputable star Mel Gibson. Playing Officer Brett Ridgeman, Gibson brings a fatigued stillness and an injured pride to the job of a supremacist cop suspended for getting captured on video utilizing unnecessary power at work. Lashed for money and hoping to make one major score, Ridgeman and his more youthful accomplice Lurasetti (Vaughn) plan to take cash from a group of burglars, including a criminal (Kittles) just discharged from jail and hoping to improve life for his family. The set-up is natural, riffing on comparable heists you've seen in noir films and in wrongdoing books, however Zahler's arranging of the real groupings, similar to a delayed weapon fight close to the end, can be grasping and his composition, especially in the drawn-out stake-out scenes, can be satisfying to the ear. While Dragged Across Concrete does not have the punch of Brawl in Cell Block 99, his past (and a lot more grounded) joint effort with Vaughn, it's plainly crafted by a craftsman hoping to grow his extension and willing to test his group of spectators' understanding.
9. Domino
Discharged: May 31
Cast: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Carice van Houten, Guy Pearce, Nicolas Bro
Executive: Brian De Palma (Mission: Impossible)
Why it merits looking at: Brian De Palma's desire for the bizarre the two drives and eventually crashes this captivating, irritating late-profession psychological oppression spine chiller, which arrived unceremoniously on VOD in the wake of being deferred for enigmatically vexed reasons and talked down in the press by the unbelievable executive himself. Round of Thrones star Coster-Waldau brings gleams of crafty appeal and loads of fatigued abdication to the job of Christian, a Copenhagen cop who gets enveloped with an as a matter of fact confounding global trap of untruths spun by a repulsive impact point of a CIA operator (Pearce). For the most part, Christian needs to retaliate for the demise of his accomplice, who was engaging in extramarital relations with another cop played by van Houten. As incoherent and wrong-head as the film can be, Domino merits searching out for a bunch of ridiculously organized, virtuosically shot anticipation successions, including a stunning homicide that prompts a housetop pursue and a dumbfounding set-piece including a bullfight and an automaton. (Much the same as in works of art like Blow Out and Femme Fatale, De Palma stays fixated on instinctive inquiries of viewpoint.) Even in its potentially traded off express, the film has more visual sparkle than the vast majority of the blockbusters moving off the sequential construction system this mid year.
8. Triple Frontier
Discharged: March 13
Cast: Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund
Chief: J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent Year)
Why it merits viewing: Any film that moves you to tune in to Metallica's Ride the Lightning for seven days subsequent to seeing it is accomplishing something right. Notwithstanding opening up with "For Whom the Bell Tolls," this military heist spine chiller, which discovers Affleck driving a group of ex-Special Forces superstars determined to ransack a street pharmacist in the wilderness, hits all the vital activity film beats: There's a "recovering the posse together" scene, an "are you in or are you out?" arrangement, a "put the cash down we gotta go" minute, and, sure, a "good lord" helicopter crash in the mountains to demonstrate how a lot of cash Netflix was happy to dish out. So for what reason does the film feel disappointing? Triple Frontier began life as another strategies fixated Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal venture - one that about each popular male entertainer in Hollywood was supposed to star in sooner or later - yet it was in the long run taken over by Chandor, the helmer of the macho account dramatization Margin Call and the lethargic '70s wrongdoing riff A Most Violent Year, and he gives the material an incidentally unwieldy touch. Gotten between a ultra-tense Bigelow epic and a scrappier WWE Studios rush ride, the motion picture never entirely discovers its balance, especially in the subsequent half. All things considered, those Metallica tunes sound incredible
7. Ace Z: The Ip Man Legacy
Discharged: April 12
Cast: Max Zhang, Dave Bautista, Liu Yan, Xing Yu
Chief: Yuen Woo-ping (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny)
Why it merits viewing: There's a grouping in Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy, the most recent section in the enormously engaging arrangement of combative techniques films, where Michelle Yeoh, playing wrongdoing manager Tso Ngan Kwan, goes head to head against an assailant, and the entire motion picture gets a shock of power. Yeoh's part in the film is little, however scarcely inconsequential: She loans gravitas and kineticism to the procedures. The bigger story, which pursues skilled warrior Cheung Tin Chi (Zhang) as he opens a supermarket and endeavors to avoid inconvenience, is stuffed with comparative blasts of vitality, hand-to-hand battle scenes that make the watcher wheeze, chuckle, and cheer at the physical elegance and arranged accuracy in plain view. Despite the fact that it to a great extent relinquishes the motions towards real history that characterized the first Ip Man passages and doesn't include Donnie Yen, the aloof essence of the arrangement, Master Z has an appreciated comical inclination, a winsome tone, and a mustache-brandishing Dave Bautista wearing suits that battle to contain his monster outline. What more do you need?
5. Avengement
Discharged: May 24
Cast: Scott Adkins, Craig Fairbrass, Thomas Turgoose, Nick Moran
Executive: Jesse V. Johnson (The Debt Collector)
Why it merits looking at: DTV activity star Scott Adkins realizes how to arrive a punch, yet this sequentially broken battle film, which joins a grisly jail dramatization with a Guy Ritchie-esque black market plot, likewise gives the preposterously buff entertainer a chance to hotshot his acting slashes too. With a metal barbecue on his teeth and intense scars all over, Adkins plays the Biblically named Cain, a previous fighter turned convict who begins the motion picture by getting away from his security detail on an excursion to the medical clinic to visit his perishing mother. On the run, Cain winds up at a bar amidst the day, where he engages the gathered goons with his tangled biography, which includes a disloyalty by his more seasoned sibling and numerous exhausting prison fights. Johnson, a stand-in turned-movie producer who has coordinated Adkins highlights like Accident Man and Triple Threat, co-composed the refreshingly sharp content, which has more at the forefront of its thoughts than your normal battle driven retribution film, and he arranges the savage, exposed knuckle skirmishes with fitting life, permitting Adkins to give a standout amongst the best exhibitions of his vocation.
4. Alita: Battle Angel
Discharged: February 14
Cast: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Keean Johnson, Mahershala Ali
Executive: Robert Rodriguez (Sin City)
Why it merits viewing: The primary thing you notice are the huge eyes, alluring like entryways to another measurement. Alita, a cyborg found in a junkyard by a conceivably crazy lab rat overwhelmed by distress over the demise of his little girl, is played by the on-screen character Rosa Salazar (Maze Runner, Bird Box), yet she's brought to uncanny life by means of innovation Alita maker and co-author James Cameron created for his outsider ecological creation Avatar. (Cameron was initially going to coordinate Alita, however he got diverted the universe of the Na'vi.) Compared to Avatar, or other late beautiful demonstrations of gonzo-world-building like Jupiter Ascending or Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets, Alita: Battle Angel moves in fits and begins, at times attempting to blend Cameron's hyper-sincere, massive reasonableness with Rodriguez's progressively showy, unexpected methodology. All things considered, when the motion picture interfaces, as in the ludicrous and dynamic "motorball" succession, which discovers Alita fighting off brutish aggressors in a savage, X-Games variant of tag, it's as elating as this sort of reality-changing, cash copying science fiction blockbuster gets. Maybe fitting for an anecdote about a character's confounded relationship to her very own body, the motion picture sets aside some effort to feel great in its very own CG ski
3. Shadow
Discharged: May 3
Cast: Deng Chao, Sun Li, Zheng Kai, Wang Qianyuan
Executive: Zhang Yimou (Hero)
Why it merits viewing: In a city shrouded in dim mists and assaulted by steady downpour, an umbrella can turn into your last line of resistance against the components. In Shadow, the most recent outwardly staggering activity epic from Hero and House of Flying Daggers wuxia ace Zhang Yimou, parasols are more than supportive sun-blockers: They can be transformed into fatal weapons, shooting boomerang-like cutting edges of steel at approaching aggressors and changing into defensive sleds for going through the smooth boulevards. These gadgets are one of numerous creative jumps made in telling this Shakespearean adventure of castle interest, retribution, and mystery doppelgangers set in China's Three Kingdoms period. Administrator Yu (Deng) serves helpless before the pitiless King Peiliang (Zheng), who guidelines like a trivial and touchy young person, yet the valiant Commander is really a "shadow," a body twofold enrolled to fill in as a potential substitution in a period of emergency. The "genuine" Commander Yu, additionally played by Deng, medical attendants a putrefying fight twisted underground, preparing his twofold and conspiring to oust the lord. This is a combative techniques epic where the thick plotting is as dubious as the regularly balletic battle scenes. The account loses steam in stretches, however the splendidly structured and faultlessly altered activity arrangements are essentially on another level. In the event that the fight scenes in Game of Thrones left you disappointed, Shadow gives an exciting option
2. The Standoff at Sparrow Creek
Discharged: January 18 Cast: James Badge Dale, Brian Geraghty, Patrick Fischler, Happy Anderson Executive: Henry Dunham
Why it merits viewing: The Standoff at Sparrow Creek is a motion picture that comprehends the estimation of restriction. After a mass taking shots at a police memorial service, a volunteer army bunch in Michigan collects at a distribution center to twofold check the status of their enormous store of lethal weapons, including a clump of AR-15s. Turns out one of the firearms is missing - the radio has affirmed that the shooter utilized an AR-15 - and just one of the men in the gathering could have gotten it. Rapidly, the Reservoir Dogs-like situation spirals out into an at the same time garrulous and grasping whodunit with James Badge Dale's abrupt ex-cop Gannon cross examining his kindred intrigue disapproved of partners, generally played by splendid character on-screen characters offered space to flex here, with an end goal to discover the executioner before the shooting can be stuck on the gathering all in all. In any case, can any of these shadowy figures be trusted? This isn't an anthropological investigation of conservative suspicion under Donald Trump or a treatise on white male wrath in the time of InfoWars - the careful points of interest of what all these folks accept and would like to accomplish with their impressive capability are kept unclear - however Dunham, making his component debut here, zeroes in on the characters and frames of mind of the men attracted to these periphery gatherings. He demonstrates to you what really matters to them. At that point, he makes them squirm.
1. John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum
Discharged: May 17
Cast: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Laurence Fishburne, Mark Dacascos
Chief: Chad Stahelski (John Wick: Chapter 2)
Why it merits looking at: Whether he's pummeling an adversary in the face with a book in a library or evading stray projectiles while running down a Manhattan road on horseback, John Wick tries to avoid panicking. The dependably on-the-run professional killer, returning for the third passage in this shockingly flexible arrangement, indicates shortcoming, torment, and even powerlessness, however no weapon can cut the covering of stillness Reeves brings to the job, and his exhibition is the thing that makes these motion pictures so holding. The story is generally senseless - Wick has been pronounced "excommunicado" by the request of professional killers he used to have a place with and must search out old partners over the globe - however Reeves and his teammates, including arrangement chief Stahelski and the first rate trick group, never dismiss the center components that make Wick tick. Indeed, even as the folklore develops progressively confused, the cast extends to present amusingly named characters like The Adjudicator (Billions break-out Asia Kate Dillon) or The Director (Angelica Huston), and the battles become much increasingly detailed, Reeves glides through the movie. Regardless of whether a portion of the first's black market coarseness has been sparkled away, supplanted with scrape free comic-book extravagance and bourbon business feeling, the arrangement remains focused on straightforward joys. Nearby Tom Cruise's all the more apparently focused on Ethan Hunt, Wick remains the best activity saint Hollywood brings to the table.
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vskindia19-blog · 5 years
What is financial planning?
Financial Planning is an on-going process that enables you to meet your life objectives and goals through a systematic approach of your personal finances.
Financial Planning gives a direction and meaning to your life as it helps you strike a right balance between your present and future lifestyle.
What is the importance of financial planning?
Most people feel that they do not need any financial planning as they are able to meet their day-to-day needs. However, there may come a time when such people may need money but will not be able to achieve it due to lack of financial planning.
For instance, today, many millennials are planning for an early retirement in order to enjoy life to the fullest. This is possible only because of proper financial planning.
There are some people who work till their retirement age and relax only after that. However, to maintain a lifestyle just like when they were working, they will have to plan their finances when they are working. Also, as people get older, they will have to take care of their medical expenses which are usually high.
This only implies that an individual may need money at some of his life and without proper financial planning; he will not be able to achieve it.
What are the benefits of financial planning?
Helps monitor cash flow and reduce unnecessary expenditure
Helps maintain a balance between income and expenses
Reduces tax liability
Maximizes returns from investments
Offers better financial security
Helps create wealth and better wealth management to achieve life’s objectives
Reviews insurance needs that ensures you dependents are financially secure as well
Helps in making your will
Process involved in financial planning
Financial planning includes a series of steps. They are;
Step 1: Identify your current financial situation
It is important to assess your family’s finances. You will have to understand your family’s source of income, assets, debts, liabilities, etc. All this will help you understand your current financial situation.
Step 2: Identify your goals
Before planning out your finances, you must identify your objectives. For instance, retirement planning, daughter’s marriage, children’s education .higher studies abroad, etc. This will help you understand the time you need to achieve your goals and how much money you would need for each of your goal.
Step 3: Identify Financial Gaps
After identifying your financial goals, you will need to identify any shortfall. You will have to know how much income is generated from regular sources and how much you need to fulfill your goals. This is important as the right investments will help you cover the shortfall.
Step 4: Prepare your personal Financial Plan
Have a plan in place. You can consider investing in mutual funds, PPF, stocks, bonds, fixed deposits, etc.
Step 5: Implement the Financial Plan
Gather all your important documents and open necessary accounts (bank, demat, trading, etc) and get started. Try and stick to your plan.
Step 6: Review your Plan
Financial planning is an ongoing activity. For a successful plan, you need to be committed and also review your plan periodically (birth, death ,inheritance, etc). You should be prepared to make any changes to your current financial situation, goals and investment time frame based on a review of the performance of your investments.
To sum up, financial planning is not a one-time activity. It needs careful planning and commitment if you really want it to be successful. If you are new to financial planning or looking for better planning, you may seek help of a professional financial planner.
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Thank you for your submission, the mods have accepted your application into the ring. Please have your blog ready by 18/02!
Name: Lisbet “Lise” Sørensen
Country: Nyo Denmark
Alias (Optional): Heralda
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Species (Mutant/Human): Mutant
Group (X-Men/Brotherhood/Civilians/Government): Civilian (formerly X-men)
Appearance (1-2 Paras):
Lise is fairly tall and stands at about 5'9" or ~175 cm. She has lively blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair that is fairly long and wavy. Her skin is fair and tends to freckle in the sun. Lise has an athletic build for the most part but is not overly muscular. Lise has two tattoos, one on her left shoulder blade that is a bouquet of roses and violets that she got in honor of her parents and one on her right hand that is a flower and some leaves.
Lise’s sense of style is very practical and down to earth. She will occasionally dress fancy for formal events but a lot of the time she does not see the point in dressing up. In her mind wearing a skirt or a dress would just get in the way and impede her movements. Her hair is often pulled back into a pony tail to get it out of the way while she is working or exercising. Lise isn’t a slob by any means but lifestyle and hobbies tend to be on the more athletic side and it shows in her clothing choices.
Face Claim (OCs must answer): Mathilda Bernmark
Personality ( 1-2 Paras with 3 Strengths and 3 Weaknesses ):
Lise is a friendly and bubbly person who will do almost anything for her friends. She is the kind of person to strike up a conversation in the middle of the grocery store with a complete stranger. Lise can be fairly excitable about certain topics, especially things she knows well, and when she gets going it can be hard to reign her in. She does have a sense of self preservation though and she knows how to read a situation. It’s just that sometimes she chooses to barge on ahead anyway.
Lise was quite the firecracker when she was a bit younger but has mellowed out quite a bit since then. She is less likely to just go do something potentially dangerous and life threatening these days, especially after she nearly died while fighting for the X-Men. It has not stopped her from exploring her abilities but she is much more cautious about putting herself in hazardous situations until she is back to 100%.
Lise is fiercely protective of her family and friends, but instead of acting like a “mom” friend, she takes on a more “big sister” role. She will offer advice if she is asked but for the most part is content to let people make their own choices. Although she will get rather nosy and pushy if a friend is sad and she doesn’t know why. She is very comfortable in her own skin and is confident in herself and her abilities. Lise knows she is feminine and pretty but does not put too much of an effort into her appearance except for when she feels she needs to dress up or look presentable.
There can be times when she is thoughtful and serious and she has a bad tendency to put up a mask when she is hurting to pretend that she is not letting it get to her, but for the most part she is open with her feelings and usually isn’t afraid to let people know what she thinks. The hostility that mutants face in the United States gets under her skin at times but since she is currently laying low and living a civilian life, she is holding her tongue for the sake of safety.
Strengths: Confident in herself and abilities, Outgoing, Good at leading people and coming up with plans, Friendly, Has a sense of humor, Physically fit, Has a sense of self preservation
Weaknesses: Can be nosy, Stubborn, Occasionally ignores social cues, Loud at times, Impulsive, Scatterbrained at times, Bossy
Backstory (2-3 Paras):
Lisbet was born in Odense, Denmark on May 5th, 1991 to Frederik and Johanna Sørensen. She was a happy child and her parents loved her dearly. Her abilities come from her maternal side of the family so while both her grandparents on that side are mutants, her mother was not. The two young parents desperately did not want to be pulled into the world of mutants, since they had no abilities to protect themselves, and they were afraid of being used as collateral against Johanna’s parents. Especially after Lise was born.
Unfortunately their fears were proven to be well founded. One day, when Lise was just about to turn 6, a supervillain caused an accident that proved to be fatal to both Frederik and Johanna. Lise was safe since she was at her Aunt Christine’s at the time, playing with her cousin and thankfully her parents were successful at keeping her existence a secret from the mutant community. Her grandparents, shocked that Johanna and her husband were targeted because of them, drew away from Lise in guilt and she ended up being taken in by her aunt Christine who was Johanna’s sister. Lise still remembers her parents and will recall that the day her parents died as being one of the worst days of her life, but it also proved to be the thing that pushed her onto the path to becoming a hero and using her abilities to protect her remaining family.
When her power over parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum became apparent, that served to draw her maternal grandparents back into her life again and they provided helpful tips on control and how to create and maintain a secret identity. She resented them for a bit but eventually laid the blame for her parent’s deaths at the feet of the person who killed them. It still bothers her that he was never caught.
She was a bit of a wild child when she was younger with acting out and doing some daring stunts, but she has grown up a bit since then. Her aunt often joked that it made sense that Lise was an only child because she is as much work as two! It took a close call with Lise almost getting seriously hurt to give her the wake up she needed and to learn to curb some of her wild and impulsive tendencies.
Lise pushed herself to do well in school and when it became time to choose a career, she was tempted by radio broadcasting but ended up choosing a career in technology and communications. She even went so far as to get a Bachelor of Science degree in Information and Computer Technology.
As far as her personal life goes, she has dated a few people but has not had any kind of serious relationship for a few years now. She realized that she was a lesbian and has accepted that aspect of herself but her last relationship ended while she was in university and she then became focused on finishing her degree and then establishing herself in her chosen career field.
Lise first became a hero in her last years of secondary school before she graduated and then moved on to university. She choose the alias Heralda Blåtand after an old Danish king which bluetooth devices are also named after as a kind of joke since her powers sort of act like a bluetooth in a way. Over the years though it’s been shortened to Heralda. She saw becoming a hero as being a real way to make a difference and protect her family since her grandparents are now retired for the most part. She now balances a growing career and maintaining a secret identity but she still remains a social butterfly. Once she finished her degree she was adrift for a little while until Charles Xavier came calling with an invitation to join the X-Men. She leapt at the chance and moved to the United States.
The first few months went well and her abilities grew although she still was careful to keep her civilian identity as well since she was unsure of the state of the different groups in America. That move turned out to be very wise. One day, during a clash between the X-Men and the Brotherhood, Lise pushed her abilities too far and severely tired herself out and she got knocked down and nearly died when she was caught in one of the Brotherhood’s attacks. She survived but only just. Lise ended up with a new set of scars and a shaken worldview that if she kept on doing active hero work, her life would be cut short and she would pass on early just like her parents. Lise regretfully withdrew from the X-Men and went back to her civilian life. Eventually Lise got a job at a company where she can go to help set up equipment and troubleshoot problems and has a small apartment of her own in the city.
Mutant Questions
Ability: EM Spectrum Manipulation (specifically the lower end of the spectrum IE: Radio waves, Microwaves, and Infrared waves)
She can manipulate radio waves and frequencies as well as things that use radio waves such as AM/FM Radio/waves, Wifi, Cell signals, Radar, television, and things of that nature. She can tune into existing waves, make it so they can be heard seen outside of their normal broadcast range, intercept and interpret messages in radio waves as well as send out her own messages. She can also jam frequencies and disrupt broadcasts if she wishes. Lise basically can act as a kind of communication hub, connecting many people in a group to a private radio frequency for communication that can’t be picked up through outside devices.
With Microwaves, her powers behave very similarly to her Radio wave manipulations since for the most part they are used for similar things in the real world. Theoretically she could use microwaves to heat food if need be. As for infrared, her abilities here are not as developed although if pushed she can use them to heat things around her or even burn someone. In real emergencies, she can pull EM electricity currently moving in the world around her and use it in a fight. Her powers give her protection from overexposure to the different types of radiation she can directly manipulate.
One last skill that she has is Electromagnetic vision. She can see the different types of waves in the spectrum around her and focus on a specific type or just have normal vision. So for example she could focus in on radio waves to see where a signal is coming from or focus on infrared to see better in the dark.
Drawbacks/Limits of the ability:
Lise can only influence the lower end of the Electromagnetic spectrum and if she tries to manipulate something higher in the spectrum like ultraviolet or gamma rays she will get very ill and exhausted. The higher in the spectrum, the longer she is out for the count. Lise is also limited by what the waves can actually do. She can give them a boost if need be but if the waves cannot normally reach a location, there is only so much she can do.
Lise can manipulate radio waves very easily and it takes almost no energy, with microwaves it takes a bit more energy but she still can control them without much trouble. Infrared is a bit more tricky and difficult for her to control. It takes quite a bit more energy and things can get away from her and she has actually gotten burns from using it in the past. With the electricity, she has only used it once or twice and both times she could not really control it, it took nearly all her energy and she was physically shocked. The last attempt nearly killed her and it was the last straw to make her leave the X-Men after she recovered.
She also gets migraines if she pushes her abilities too far or listens in on radio chatter or cell phones for too long. Lise also cannot generate her own waves and needs to use existing ones around her. So if she is in a well populated area, there are more waves flying around to use but if she is deep underground or in the wilderness her abilities are drastically limited.
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yes-dal456 · 7 years
It's A Big Day For Trump’s Budget Pick, For Social Security And For America's Millionaires
A full Senate vote is expected sometime Thursday afternoon on Donald Trump’s pick for White House Budget Director, Rep. Mick Mulvaney. That means that Mulvaney’s nomination could come up for a vote just as a group of lawmakers and experts are speaking on the Hill in support of Social Security – and on the same day that millionaires stop paying their Social Security taxes.
The timing is interesting, since Mulvaney has been trying to cut Social Security for years.
An Extreme Right-Winger for Trump’s Budget Head
Mulvaney, a steely-eyed tea partier from South Carolina, was first elected to Congress in 2010. He co-founded the extremist “Freedom Caucus” that forced Republican House Speaker John Boehner from power and has pressured current Speaker Paul Ryan to adopt even more conservative positions. (Both Boehner and Ryan were well to the right of mainstream opinion on economic issues, according to polls ― but that wasn’t enough for Mulvaney.)
The “Cut, Cap, and Balance” Act Mulvaney supported in 2011 was, at its heart, an attempt to limit government’s role in American life. Its provisions would have forced reductions in everything from antipoverty programs to public safety and the national defense.
Medicare is also in Mulvaney’s sights. He once said, “We have to end Medicare as we know it.”
Mulvaney supports means-testing Medicare benefits, a costly move that would save very little money unless the cutoff for eligibility was lowered to include a significant number of middle-class recipients.
Mulvaney for Millionaires
Thursday, February 16 is the day millionaires stop paying the Social Security payroll tax for the year. The payroll tax cap is $127,200 this year (it’s adjusted annually). No Social Security taxes are paid for income that exceeds this amount. (For bigger earners, like Trump himself, the tax holiday comes much earlier.)
If all goes as planned, Mick Mulvaney will become Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the very day that someone with a $1 million yearly salary stops paying into the Social Security trust fund.
But Mulvaney hasn’t been trying to get millionaires to pay their fair share for Social Security. Instead, he’s been busy trying to cut benefits for everyone else, saying, “You have to raise the retirement age, lower a pay-out, change the reimbursement system.”
Mulvaney supports raising the Social Security retirement age to 70 (it’s already scheduled to rise to 67), a position he reiterated in his recent Senate testimony.
Millionaires, on the other hand, should be happy with Mulvaney’s ideology. He insists that additional tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy will generate economic growth and greater tax revenues – an idea that most economists agree has been conclusively disproved by the experience of recent decades.
Between the end of their payroll taxes for the year, and Mulvaney’s possible confirmation, Thursday could turn out to be an especially pleasant day for millionaires.
Financial Illiteracy
As OMB Director, it would be Mulvaney’s responsibility to explain the financial implications of budget choices to the president. That makes Mulvaney’s habit of describing Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” especially disturbing, because it reveals a basic lack of financial literacy.
The term “Ponzi scheme” has a clear definition, one that bears no relationship to social insurance programs like Social Security. Mulvaney’s insistence on using the term “also reveals a deep hostility to Social Security, which should worry every American.
Mulvaney also said “we will never, ever balance the budget until we change entitlements.” (“Entitlements” is a preferred Republican term for Medicare and Social Security, presumably because it subtly conveys a sense of unearned privilege. More on that subject here.)
This statement also betrays a certain lack of fiscal knowledge, since Social Security is forbidden by law from contributed to federal deficits.
Tough on Seniors, Even Tougher on Senior Women
Social Security benefits are low by international standards, which means that the benefit cuts Mulvaney backs would be a blow for many of the seniors, disabled, and children who receive its benefits.
Social Security currently pays an average of $17,106 to men, and $13,150 to women, over the age of 65. Benefit cuts, especially when combined with cuts to Medicare, would hit seniors hard. They would be especially hard on women, since they already receive less in benefits than men.
But then, women’s health doesn’t seem to be a concern for Mulvaney either. In 2015, he led a revolt against the Republican leadership in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood, even though none of its federal funding is used to pay for abortions. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that Mulvaney’s anti-Planned Parenthood effort would have cost the government $130 million over ten years had it been successful.
For this self-proclaimed deficit hawk, it looks like ideology trumps thrift.
Hypocrisy on the Home Front
Social Security already operates much more cost-effectively than private sector retirement programs, spending less than 1 percent of its total budget on administrative costs. But Mick Mulvaney, like many other Congressional Republicans, has voted to keep cutting its administrative budget year after year.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at the Social Security page on Mulvaney’s website, where he paints himself as eager to ease the administrative burden of filing disability claims. “I am always happy to help constituents who need assistance with a disability claim,” the website says. “However, there are limits to what I can do.”
Those limits became more pronounced when Mulvaney and his fellow Republicans voted for additional cuts to the Social Security Administration budget. They continued to vote for cuts even after the waiting list for disability hearings soared to 1.1 million people and wait times rose to more than 500 days.
Mulvaney still isn’t satisfied. He introduced a bill in 2011 which would have reduced government staffing by two-thirds through attrition – a fact you won’t find on his website’s Social Security page.
Fighting Against the Elderly
Donald Trump said repeatedly that he would not cut Medicare and Social Security while he was running for president. But Mulvaney has already made it clear that he plans to use his new position to push for cuts.
“It’s going to take difficult decisions today in order to avoid nearly impossible ones tomorrow,” Mulvaney told the Senate Budget Committee.
(It’s striking how often people with generous government pension plans talk about the “difficult decisions” they want to make, when all the difficulty will fall on people less fortunate than themselves.)
“I have to imagine that the president knew what he was getting when he asked me to fill this role,” Mulvaney has said. He’s probably right.
House Republicans, not satisfied with gutting Americans’ retirement security at the federal level, are now working to ensure that states can’t address our nation’s retirement crisis either. Apparently their rhetoric about states’ rights and their professed concern for Social Security recipients take a back seat to their anti-government hostility and the financial interests of their Wall Street funders.
Will Mulvaney make it?
As of this writing, Mulvaney’s nomination is not a sure thing. If he doesn’t make it, chances are it will be because his anti-government zeal includes one area that his party usually considers off-limits: the military budget.
“You’ve spent your entire congressional career pitting the debt against the military,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told Mulvaney during his testimony. “I am deeply concerned about your lack of support for our military.”
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MI) has indicated he may oppose Mulvaney for the same reason. If he does, and if another Republican joins them, Mulvaney’s nomination will fail.
“We have a president who ran on a set of principles that he would not cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, “yet he is nominating someone whose views are very, very different.”
Added Sanders: “I have a real problem with that.”
That’s the right reason to oppose Mulvaney’s nomination. Sanders will be speaking at Thursday’s event, along with Sen. Ron Wyden and Reps. Jan Schakowsky, Peter de Fazio, and Raúl Grijalva.
Meanwhile, the question remains: On the day that millionaires get a pass from paying Social Security taxes, will they also get a special gift from the Republican Senate: a confirmation for Mick Mulvaney?
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imreviewblog · 7 years
It's A Big Day For Trump’s Budget Pick, For Social Security And For America's Millionaires
A full Senate vote is expected sometime Thursday afternoon on Donald Trump’s pick for White House Budget Director, Rep. Mick Mulvaney. That means that Mulvaney’s nomination could come up for a vote just as a group of lawmakers and experts are speaking on the Hill in support of Social Security – and on the same day that millionaires stop paying their Social Security taxes.
The timing is interesting, since Mulvaney has been trying to cut Social Security for years.
An Extreme Right-Winger for Trump’s Budget Head
Mulvaney, a steely-eyed tea partier from South Carolina, was first elected to Congress in 2010. He co-founded the extremist “Freedom Caucus” that forced Republican House Speaker John Boehner from power and has pressured current Speaker Paul Ryan to adopt even more conservative positions. (Both Boehner and Ryan were well to the right of mainstream opinion on economic issues, according to polls ― but that wasn’t enough for Mulvaney.)
The “Cut, Cap, and Balance” Act Mulvaney supported in 2011 was, at its heart, an attempt to limit government’s role in American life. Its provisions would have forced reductions in everything from antipoverty programs to public safety and the national defense.
Medicare is also in Mulvaney’s sights. He once said, “We have to end Medicare as we know it.”
Mulvaney supports means-testing Medicare benefits, a costly move that would save very little money unless the cutoff for eligibility was lowered to include a significant number of middle-class recipients.
Mulvaney for Millionaires
Thursday, February 16 is the day millionaires stop paying the Social Security payroll tax for the year. The payroll tax cap is $127,200 this year (it’s adjusted annually). No Social Security taxes are paid for income that exceeds this amount. (For bigger earners, like Trump himself, the tax holiday comes much earlier.)
If all goes as planned, Mick Mulvaney will become Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the very day that someone with a $1 million yearly salary stops paying into the Social Security trust fund.
But Mulvaney hasn’t been trying to get millionaires to pay their fair share for Social Security. Instead, he’s been busy trying to cut benefits for everyone else, saying, “You have to raise the retirement age, lower a pay-out, change the reimbursement system.”
Mulvaney supports raising the Social Security retirement age to 70 (it’s already scheduled to rise to 67), a position he reiterated in his recent Senate testimony.
Millionaires, on the other hand, should be happy with Mulvaney’s ideology. He insists that additional tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy will generate economic growth and greater tax revenues – an idea that most economists agree has been conclusively disproved by the experience of recent decades.
Between the end of their payroll taxes for the year, and Mulvaney’s possible confirmation, Thursday could turn out to be an especially pleasant day for millionaires.
Financial Illiteracy
As OMB Director, it would be Mulvaney’s responsibility to explain the financial implications of budget choices to the president. That makes Mulvaney’s habit of describing Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” especially disturbing, because it reveals a basic lack of financial literacy.
The term “Ponzi scheme” has a clear definition, one that bears no relationship to social insurance programs like Social Security. Mulvaney’s insistence on using the term “also reveals a deep hostility to Social Security, which should worry every American.
Mulvaney also said “we will never, ever balance the budget until we change entitlements.” (“Entitlements” is a preferred Republican term for Medicare and Social Security, presumably because it subtly conveys a sense of unearned privilege. More on that subject here.)
This statement also betrays a certain lack of fiscal knowledge, since Social Security is forbidden by law from contributed to federal deficits.
Tough on Seniors, Even Tougher on Senior Women
Social Security benefits are low by international standards, which means that the benefit cuts Mulvaney backs would be a blow for many of the seniors, disabled, and children who receive its benefits.
Social Security currently pays an average of $17,106 to men, and $13,150 to women, over the age of 65. Benefit cuts, especially when combined with cuts to Medicare, would hit seniors hard. They would be especially hard on women, since they already receive less in benefits than men.
But then, women’s health doesn’t seem to be a concern for Mulvaney either. In 2015, he led a revolt against the Republican leadership in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood, even though none of its federal funding is used to pay for abortions. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that Mulvaney’s anti-Planned Parenthood effort would have cost the government $130 million over ten years had it been successful.
For this self-proclaimed deficit hawk, it looks like ideology trumps thrift.
Hypocrisy on the Home Front
Social Security already operates much more cost-effectively than private sector retirement programs, spending less than 1 percent of its total budget on administrative costs. But Mick Mulvaney, like many other Congressional Republicans, has voted to keep cutting its administrative budget year after year.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at the Social Security page on Mulvaney’s website, where he paints himself as eager to ease the administrative burden of filing disability claims. “I am always happy to help constituents who need assistance with a disability claim,” the website says. “However, there are limits to what I can do.”
Those limits became more pronounced when Mulvaney and his fellow Republicans voted for additional cuts to the Social Security Administration budget. They continued to vote for cuts even after the waiting list for disability hearings soared to 1.1 million people and wait times rose to more than 500 days.
Mulvaney still isn’t satisfied. He introduced a bill in 2011 which would have reduced government staffing by two-thirds through attrition – a fact you won’t find on his website’s Social Security page.
Fighting Against the Elderly
Donald Trump said repeatedly that he would not cut Medicare and Social Security while he was running for president. But Mulvaney has already made it clear that he plans to use his new position to push for cuts.
“It’s going to take difficult decisions today in order to avoid nearly impossible ones tomorrow,” Mulvaney told the Senate Budget Committee.
(It’s striking how often people with generous government pension plans talk about the “difficult decisions” they want to make, when all the difficulty will fall on people less fortunate than themselves.)
“I have to imagine that the president knew what he was getting when he asked me to fill this role,” Mulvaney has said. He’s probably right.
House Republicans, not satisfied with gutting Americans’ retirement security at the federal level, are now working to ensure that states can’t address our nation’s retirement crisis either. Apparently their rhetoric about states’ rights and their professed concern for Social Security recipients take a back seat to their anti-government hostility and the financial interests of their Wall Street funders.
Will Mulvaney make it?
As of this writing, Mulvaney’s nomination is not a sure thing. If he doesn’t make it, chances are it will be because his anti-government zeal includes one area that his party usually considers off-limits: the military budget.
“You’ve spent your entire congressional career pitting the debt against the military,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told Mulvaney during his testimony. “I am deeply concerned about your lack of support for our military.”
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MI) has indicated he may oppose Mulvaney for the same reason. If he does, and if another Republican joins them, Mulvaney’s nomination will fail.
“We have a president who ran on a set of principles that he would not cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, “yet he is nominating someone whose views are very, very different.”
Added Sanders: “I have a real problem with that.”
That’s the right reason to oppose Mulvaney’s nomination. Sanders will be speaking at Thursday’s event, along with Sen. Ron Wyden and Reps. Jan Schakowsky, Peter de Fazio, and Raúl Grijalva.
Meanwhile, the question remains: On the day that millionaires get a pass from paying Social Security taxes, will they also get a special gift from the Republican Senate: a confirmation for Mick Mulvaney?
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2lbqEWT
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