#still haven't watched past lives so maybe it'll hit the spot for me but i have some reservations about the premise so idk
doux-amer · 9 months
I watched Barbie and Oppenheimer and they were just...okay. :/ I think I already talked about Barbie a bit. Tl;dr: it was aesthetically pleasing, but pacing and writing were horrific, Barbie's arc was all over the place and expected, and it was really dated and tried to do like three different things that didn't end up doing any of those three things well).
With regard to Oppenheimer, I didn't hate it, but I feel like it, more than any of his movies I've seen (and enjoyed or was neutral about), highlighted Christopher Nolan's limitations and inexperience with certain things.
It felt like it was two movies squeezed into one unsuccessfully, and I'd rather it have picked one. I actually think it might've been better as a limited series, but they would have never made one for lots of reasons. The pacing and editing were odd, distracting, and confusing and same goes for some cinematographic choices; the narrative choices were sooooo rudimentary to the point of being a bit childish (omg please...I wanted to take a red pen and start slashing away at the script and writing notes); and I don't know if it was just my theater, but the sound was awful. This isn't unique to Oppenheimer as we've all been aware of for several years now, but I was straining to hear a lot of the dialogue and when there was loud music, it was virtually inaudible.
The star-studded cast prevented me from immersing myself in the movie too because it screamed "BIG STUDIO MOVIE BY BIG DIRECTOR ABOUT BIG PROJECT EVERYONE IS DYING TO BE IN!" It became a game of "who's who" for me at some point. We could've gotten away with casting newbies, guys, especially for the bit roles.
And some of the actors didn't impress me; Florence and Robert were okay which is disappointing because I'm very fond of them. I'm not sure why everyone was raving that this is a RDJ Oscar nom; tbh, I thought he slipped into his usual mannerisms and RDJ-ness in the second half/last third of the movie. Still good of course because he knows how to act, but it felt like he was treading familiar territory for me despite the very different character he's playing. But he's also such a unique actor and person that it's hard to ignore all the things that make him him; it can be hard for me to forget he's RDJ. :/ Still excited that he's taking on projects like this and The Sympathizer!
But I guess...the reason why I didn't hate it was because I at least like the fact that Nolan's trying something new and I'm giving him some grace because of that? And there are still things he does that I like and the talent is there. AND OF COURSE Cillian. He made the movie. I understand wanting to put your blorbo in everything you do (this is like Bong Joonho and Song Kangho for me lakdfjsa), and what a great blorbo to have. He was SO SO SO good and I forgot how much I love watching him act and how much I missed seeing him. Everything he did was *chef's kiss *mwah.
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justapotatonow · 4 years
Sunshine boy ch.3
Summary: Lucas and Y/n have been best friends for a long time, so what will happen when there's trouble in paradise and a new person enters their lives
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You woke up still feeling tired because of the sleepless night Jungwoo caused you. You wondered how it hasn't come up in the conversation that he's a literal millionaire. You got dressed, ate breakfast with Kevin and headed out. Lucas usually picks you up and you drive to school together, but you weren't in the mood today, so you told him to go to school without you.
The first few classes went by unusually fast, and before you knew it, it was time for lunch. You grabbed your wallet and went to grab something to eat from the cafeteria. As you were standing in line someone tapped you on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Jungwoo scolding a handsome brunette.
"Oh hi Jungwoo" you smiled brightly at him.
"Hey" he laughed sheepishly.
"Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you and your friends, I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too" he smiled, and your heart, beat just a little bit faster.
You bought yourself some crisps and a smoothie, "I'll see you later then"
"See you later Y/n"
This time you avoided Lucas' table and rushed to where Kevin was sitting. "Hey, guys, what's up?
"Oh nothing," your friend Minho smirked "just watching you flirt with that dude over there," he said pointing at Jungwoo.
"He's her new boyfriend"
"kEVIN, no he's not my boyfriend"
"But you want him to be" added your friend Mingyu.
You just started eating your crisps as the boys kept teasing you about your "boyfriend".
"So who is this 'boyfriend' you're talking about?" you heard a familiar voice so you looked up from the bag of crisps. "It's no one Lucas. Chill"
"Alright then. You wanna hang out later? The guys and I wanted to check out the new place downtown."
"Sorry I have plans already. Maybe next time." you said smiling sweetly at him. He rolled his eyes and walked back to his table where his girlfriend was already draping herself over him.
"What was that? You could cut the tension with a knife" Minho asked.
"Its nothing honestly, he stood me up yesterday and blah blah its a long story," you said as you looked at your phone "that Kevin can tell you because I have 3 minutes until my next class starts." you said swiftly packing up your belongings and rushing to your next class. "Bye guys love you" you shouted out as a goodbye.
Finally, it was your last class. It was only 20 more minutes until you could see Jungwoo again. Okay, you admit maybe you were crushing on him a little bit. But you didn't really know the guy so who knows maybe he's some weirdo who steals women's shoes. Or maybe he exclusively eats cereal in his bathtub. You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you didn't realise that the class already ended, until someone snapped their fingers in front of your face. You looked up and it was the handsome brunette Jungwoo was shouting at earlier.
"Do you not want to hang out with us that badly that you'd rather stay in an empty classroom?"
"Wha-oH shit I'm late fuck," you hurriedly packed your stuff while mumbling profanities under your breath. When you were ready to go, you realised that the guy was still there.
"Are you Jaehyun by any chance?"
"In the flesh, honey."
"I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you Jaehyun"
"Nice to meet you too Y/n, should we get going? The guys are waiting for us at the front entrance"
"Sure" you said as you both started walking towards the entrance.
"So you're the one who texted me yesterday huh?" He laughed and said that it was indeed him who set this meeting up.
"Yeah, but only because Jungwoo wouldn't stop talking about you. I think
he really likes you, you know?"
"Really? Wow, well I'm not going to lie and say I haven't thought about him since yesterday."
Jaehyun smiled "I think you two should get some alone time, otherwise, how are you gonna find out if he exclusively eats cereal in his bathtub."
Your face turned bright red "How in the world?"
"Well the cartoon you drew was hard to miss" he laughed "you're pretty creative"
"I like to think so" you smiled.
Lucas was just walking to his car when he heard his best friends laughter. He looked around the corner and saw her laughing with some guy. He definitely wasn't one of her friends, none of them had the same hair colour. He admits that he can be quite protective over Y/n but he's just looking out for her. At least that's what he tells himself. He then thinks back to the conversation he had with Y/n earlier. Was that her boyfriend? But she would tell him something like that right? Did she not want to hang out with him because of that guy? The thought made him angry and he stormed off to his car, eager to get back o his house, slamming the door as he got into the car and sped off.
Jaehyun and I arrived at the front entrance where Jungwoo was waiting with two other guys one of them looked quite short compared to Jungwoo and the other guy who was also very tall but looked more mature than the rest of them.
As soon as they saw us walking towards them the two guys walked towards us and embraced both of us in hugs, Jungwoo stayed behind and as you got closer, you saw that his face has turned a bright shade of red. "Johnny! Ten! You're gonna crush her."
"Jungwoo it's fine," you said laughing at the unexpected affection.
He looked down embarrassed by his friends' actions "Shall we get going? We can take my car" proposed Johnny. All 5 of you jumped when you heard a car door being slammed and the sound of a car speeding off "idiot" Ten mumbled and everyone silently agreed with him.
The guys started walking towards spot where you saw an expensive-looking black Mercedes. You thought about Kevin's words "they're one of the richest guys on campus" and wondered why they even invited you.
"It's gonna be a little tight back there, sorry I'm not used to driving 5 people around." Johnnys words brought you back to reality.
"I'm sure it'll be fine," you said.
Well, it wasn't. You were squished between Jungwoo and Jaehyun, Jaehyuns arm was draped across the headrest and you were having breathing problems because of how close you were to Jungwoo. Thankfully the ride wasn't long and when you finally arrived at the restaurant you got out of the car faster than ever.
You sat next to Jungwoo, across Jaehyun. The afternoon was soon filled with the guys telling you embarrassing stories like that one-time Jungwoo dressed as Rose from titanic on Halloween. They even showed you pictures and videos of him dancing in the costume. Johnny was also rambling about his dad inventing coffee by spilling coffee beans on a rock. Which made you laugh so hard, you almost fell out of your chair.
Yours and Jungwoos hands brushed a couple of times and it made you both blush every time.
When the sky got dark the guys suggested going on a walk to which you agreed to because you ate way too much and needed to burn some calories.
Johnny, Jaehyun and Ten walked ahead of Jungwoo and you to give you guys some time to talk alone.
"I had a great time tonight Jungwoo"
"Me too, uh listen," he said stopping and turning to face you "wanna, like- I mean, If you're not busy ... we could get lunch? You know uh alone this-this time" it was so cute how nervous he was.
"I'd love that," you said smiling sweetly at him.
"Wait really? Woah okay uh is Saturday okay?"
"It's perfect"
"Great. Cool, I'll pick you up at six?"
"Okay, I'll text you the address later"
He was smiling so brightly you thought you're gonna be blind. You started walking forwards slowly and Jungwoo was still not moving so you gently took his hand in yours and led him to the car with red cheeks.
Johnny dropped you off later and you thanked him for the wonderful day.
As soon as you stepped into your apartment Kevin, Minho and Mingyu wanted to know everything about your 'date'. So you told them how it went and you told them about your one on one date with Jungwoo on Saturday. "Aww our little Y/n-ie is growing up so fast," said Minho wiping away fake tears.
"Alright, guys I'm gonna shower and go to bed," you said grabbing water out of the fridge. "Can I join you" shouted Minho.
"Come on then, pretty boy," you said smirking. Minho was always the flirty friend but it would never go past some innocent remarks. Okay maybe once at a party but only once. It's one of the reasons why Lucas didn't like your "other" friend group, and you were careful not to mix them.
You didn't realise how tired you were until you laid in bed. You fell asleep almost immediately after your head hit the pillow.
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Out there (pt.2)
Crowley x Nephilim!reader
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Summary: you decide to hold your intruder hostage hoping to show your father you could handle yourself but you come across a better idea.
Warning: none
I just wanna say...
The amount of love I get is in reasonable wtf?
You stood frozen in the Position you landed in after hitting the intruder.
"Oh fuck!"
   You dropped the book you used to hit him and knelt down beside him.
See you had a surplus of book plenty just lying around. That's how you experienced the world. So it only made sense that a nice sturdy book would have done the job. "Oh please don't be dead I can't handle a dead body right now!"
  You poked his face and whispered softly. "Hello?"
You pulled off his already half of glasses from his face. And his eyes fluttered open a little bit. "Wh-"
   He couldn't even muster a word as he began to wake up. Because as an instinct upon hearing his voice you  threw him a solid punch in the face, knocking him out again. "Damn it!.."
   You quickly got up and pulled him off the ground from behind scanning the room for a place to hide him.  You pulled him to the broom closed and stuffed him inside.
  "Stay!...stay…" you held your hand in front of him and with the other grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut.
 You presses your back against it and locket it just in case.
"I have a person in my closet…"
 You smiled softly to yourself. "I...I have a person in my closet! Haha take that dad! Can't handle myself!? Well check Out the person in my closet! Who i- oh yes ME single handedly took care of."
   You chuckled to yourself pretending to dust off your hands as you walked away from the closer door. You smiled to yourself proudly hoping that Gabriel would feel the same amount of pride you did.
  You made your way across the room to pick up your book but tripped over something. You lifted up your leg and found a bag handle wrapped around it.          
  You pulled the bag from your let and looked inside. You pulled out the single content and looked at it in awe.
  It was a small dagger. Silver from the handle to the tip. The handle was decorated with feathers and a few yellow jewels.
  You jumped when the mans phone began to ring from beside You.
  "Y/n? I have a surprise!" You quickly grabbed the phone and dagger shoved them into the bag upon hearing gabriel's voice from outside, you took the bag and  tossed it under the couch.
  "So do i!"
You ran into the sitting room just as he opened the front door. "I brought you all new books and ingredients for your favorite dinner. SURPRISE!"
  "Wow thank you! But dad." You took  the basket of gifts from him and set it down.
"I was thinking about that you said about me not being able to handle myself."
"Not this again y/n…"
"No, just listen!"
  You stopped And he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I was...I was just gonna ask if You could maybe get me some of those art supplies from Paris? Like when I was a kid?"
  "Really?" You nodded. "I just thought it might be better than leaving?.."
 "That might take a while...I have so much to do up stairs...it'll take a week tops till you can have it."
 He pulled you into a hug and kissed you. "But if that's what you want, I'll get it."
   "Thank you." and with that he went back up to heaven.
Once he was gone you quickly ran around the room placing your chair in the center of the room.
  You then went to the closet and opened it up. The man came tumbling out of the closet into his face.
"Ah sorry…" You lifted him up and tossed him into the chair. Which almost tipped back do to the force of you throwing him into it.
   You grabbed an old jump rope and hide from the garden shed and tied him down to the chair.  
You grabbed a lamp from across the room and shone It on him, waiting for him to wake up.
  You had your book in hand and stood back as his eyes fluttered open again. He winced in the light and looked down at his hands.
"Oh...oh no! No! No! Hallo? Where am I?"
He tried to pull his hands free but failed.
"Struggling...Struggling is pointless!"
    He looked up attempting to look out past the light into the darkness. Only then did you notice his eyes. "Demon?..." You whispered to yourself stepping closer to him.
"Is this...a jump rope?"
 You stepped into the ring of light looking at him closer. "Who are you?"
   You stared at each other for a moment. Something about you put Crowley off.
You seemed normal but there was something odd about you. The longer he looked at you the more he felt comfortable and opened his mouth to answer your name.
     "Cr-" but he stopped realising that you did after all have him tied down to a chair with jump ropes and an old garden hose he noticed. "Anthony." he lied.
   You narrowed your eyes at him telling that wasn't the truth. "Alright then ANTHONY if that is your real name...what do you want with me?"
You circled him. "Hmm? Kill me? Bring me to hell with you so you can use me?"
 "What? No I don't want anything to do with you! Except perhaps get away from you princess!"
   You stopped And raised an eyebrow. "Wait You aren't here to kidnap me?"
  "No! I just so happened to stumble upon you while running from a group of angry demons who I stole a-" he sat up straighter looking around.  "Wha...where is the bag I had? And my phone!?"
    "I've hid them where you will never find them!" You crossed your arms. He looked around and tilted his head. "It's under that sofa isn't it?" You frowned and slapped him across the face with the book.
  He woke up moments later. "Stop doing that!"
  "Now it's hidden where you will never find it. Unless…"
    He narrowed his eyes as you grabbed the lamp and spun around it. "Unless?.."
     "I've lived in this house my entire life...I need to see the world. You can have your bag back IF you take me out like a guide so to say."
    "No." the demon responded flatly.
"Something brought you here Anthony! Fate? Destiny?"
    He shrugged. "My car."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh come on! Haven't you ever felt trapped somewhere you wanted to escape? Doing something you hate?"
    He sighed. "Well, yes but it's still a no you're trapped here for a reason why risk it."
     You slammed both hands down on his wrists and leaned in. "I'm telling you now demon! You can year this house apart but you will never find that bag! Take me into the city for just a day, return me here, and have your little bag back!"
You stared into each other's eyes.
"You've got yourself a deal princess."
     "Y/n." you corrected him.
"Sure.now let me go?"
  You carefully undid his bindings and watched him get up and cross the room to the door. He stopped only momentarily to pick up his pair of sunglasses and placed them on his face And exited the house.
   Which you took note of. You watched after him momentarily confused.
 "Coming princess?" you jumped grabbed your book and ran out the door after him. You gasped when you spotted the new gate in the stone wall.
"Wow did you do this?"
    "Yea…" as soon as you stepped out he snapped and it disappeared.
"Wow!..." You turned around and faced the trees. Which for you was something new. Sure everything was but you had spent so long climbing the wall and seeing this forest from afar and not to mention simply the top of it.
   Crowley raised an eyebrow as you stepped close to one and touched it. You dropped the book and jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch hanging from it. You let out a gleeful giggle and jumped down before running through the forest.
   Crowley sighed and picked up the book and followed you into the forest.
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