#sorry if it's weird that Vlad has a wifey
dreamsofanenigma · 5 years
P r o l o g u e - A Welcoming to Straud Mansion.
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Victoria cast a skeptical eye towards Holly as she cautiously walked up the aging steps leading to the grandeur mansion. The looming structure was vast, more gloomy than a Goth, and harbored an errie, traditional vibe that suited the desolate look of the neighborhood. To her, the small blonde appeared pure as a winter's snow, shrouded in fog and nervous energy, she could sense the young girl had a deep need to prove herself.
Well, so be it. Perfect timing.
"Mrs. Davis?"
"Miss, will do." The girl gave a short, tentative smile. She felt a bit weird being mistaken for someone's wife.
"Ah, a shame. An attractive specimen as yourself should have a suitor for each day of the week at her beckoning call."
Holly thought this was a little extreme, and strange, but as she caught a glimpse of the parlor through a long velvet drape, she knew these people were far from those modern Vampires you see on TV and fiction novels. Victoria smirked at the other woman's apprehensive expression, waving away any awkwardness between them, knowing Holly would learn the equable ways of Immortals soon enough.
"No matter. Please, come in. We will discuss arrangements and payment inside. However, you must meet my husband first, Vlad is quite interested in your arrival."
Week 1, Wednesday, 5pm.
Holly's eyes widened at the interior of the mansion, the red and yellow hue instantly created a warm atmosphere, contrasting their infamously wicked nature. It was elegant, yet provided the house with a sense of forbidding. Gargoyles and statues of Sim's long past lined the foyer. The parlor is as stately as its owners, a Victorian decor lined the kitchen with an adjacent dining room fit for a king. For all she knew, a king could have lived here over a thousand years ago.
"There you are. Become familiar with the house? Good." Victoria said before Holly can get a word in. There was an air of importance about her and Holly could see why the Strauds have become such a prominent couple.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Davis." Came a warm, unwavering voice. Holly jumped and turned to see a handsome man with staggering silver hair standing behind her. His smile turns mischievous as he notices her tensed posture. "My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you."
"Oh! You didn't frighten me. I was just startled." It didn't help that a sudden crack of thunder had resounded at the sight of his pale face. "Your home is amazing!"
Vlad chuckled, it's been a while since anyone had shown eagerness, let alone compliment his home.
"It's raining cats out there. You weren't drenched to badly, I hope?"
"I'm fine, thank you." Holly nodded, finally managing to avert her gaze long enough to shake his hand. His keen eyes are so mesmerizing that she found it hard to look away.
"Well, if we are done with formalities - the office is this way." Victoria motioned for them to follow her upstairs, Holly thought she heard a touch of annoyance in the older woman's tone but figured she was wrong.
"Now, dear. Patience is key with Mortals."
"It has nothing to do with Mortals, dear, and everything with time." She pointed a perfectly manicured nail to a nearby window. Something told Holly there was more to this than just getting caught in the sun. Weren't Vampires safe inside?
Vlad cleared his throat at seeing Holly daydreaming, when in fact she was rapidly becoming more than a little worried.
"Did we lose you already? I do hope you won't leave." Vlad smiled, allowing Holly to see the sharp points of his molars at an alarming level. Perhaps this it is a bad idea to take a job offer from a family of Vampires!
"Look, I -"
"Do not fret, sweet child. It tarnishes your beauty." Victoria brought her face to Holly's level, her fingers ice cold against the blonde's chin. "You are skittish, as I'm sure anyone would be, but this is a once in a lifetime position. You don't want to squander it, now do you?"
She swallowed thickly, Victoria had a way with words that made it seem as if Holly was entirely in the wrong.
"No, I appreciate the position. It's just -"
"Then what is the issue?" Victoria shrugged off her opposition, while Vlad's suspicious glance goes unnoticed. "Starting with your room, which is on the top floor; first room to the right. Chores and minor repairs will be done no later than dusk. Visitors are allowed on weekends, we only ask that you please try to keep noise at a respectable volume. Should you perform your duties in a competent and reputable manner, we will consider a raise. The garden is off-limits. Otherwise, you have free run of the place."
"I'll put on the kettle." Vlad had a distinct feeling Victoria was leaving something out and needed to clear his mind.
"The AD said nothing about a curfew." Holly was confused. She sounded like a full time maid, rather than a tenant working part-time.
"Well, you know the idiom; catch more files with honey." Victoria said smoothly, and handed her a small list of instructions with a schedule. "Over the phone you mentioned becoming a model. It takes hard work to achieve greatness."
"Yes, and I heard you were a talented singer." Holly was taken aback at the sudden change in topic, but if there's one thing she's good it's multi-tasking.
"I am... a talented singer. My career hit a slight snag, but the important thing at the moment is you start tomorrow. Any further questions will be handled by Vladislaus." Holly turned to leave when Victoria stopped her at the door. "May I ask if you are eating healthy? Doing Yoga, perhaps?"
"Darling, stop pestering the poor woman." Vlad appeared out of a swirling mist and set two teacups on the desk, Victoria rolled her eyes. Holly was definitely going to have to get used to that. "I'm certain she's tired from the trip."
In truth, she is starting to feel the effects of jet leg, but those unpacked boxes weren't going to let her hit the sack just yet.
"No, it's fine, totally fine. I believe in being Eco-friendly, eating right and exercising can be difficult but manageable." Holly said this with renewed confidence, though, wondered if they even needed to eat. The Straud residence was exactly within her budget and a chance to receive a great boost in her status on social media should people know who her employers are, it would be stupid of her to ruin this when she had no place to call a home.
"It's settled then, see you both in the morn - er, tomorrow night."
"Of course."
Holly still felt a little uneasy as she made her way to her new room, however, as soon as she saw the space all the fun ways she could re-decorate and make it livable convinced her that earlier had clearly been a case of overreaction. Grabbing the guitar, she flopped on the old comforter that had seen better days and strummed a tune that's been stuck in her head since yesterday, fingers lazily plucking at the strings as the rain seemed to wash away her troubles outside, leaving the unpacking for another day...
Vlad took his usual seat behind the desk, the question was practically burning on his pursed lips.
"Don't give me that look. You knew just as well as I that we could not survive long in this modern world."
"Perhaps we..."
"No, please. I'd rather you don't say anything at all, just spare me today." Victoria's stern gaze softened into a look only meant for him. It was one he knew well.
"I will grant you that, Victoria. But you know the law. You know... what is at risk. This isn't what we agreed upon."
Victoria knew the law essentially pertaining Mortals as 'untouchable' was in affect for a very good reason, but there is always more than one way to exploit rules and regulations.
"Sometimes the end justifies the means."
Vlad watched his wife's shadow disappear through the door, hands folded in a teepee and worry lines etched his face. In all of his two hundred years, he wondered if the one person left to redeem him would turn out to be his biggest downfall.
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