#sorry but facing disrespect by biting your situationship's dick is just a level of iconic
chaos0pikachu · 2 months
Look I know everybody and their mother's cousin's uncle's baby daddy wants me to hate Jin but I just can't.
not when my man has given me one of the best most out of the storybook moments in all of BL when he bit his situationships dick fullstop out in the open on Verona's balcony right in front of Chip & Dale's treehouse like that man said no you will NOT treat me like the yellow laffy taffy in the pack not today sir today I am the strawberry pack of gushers and you will act accordingly and if you don't I'ma bite your dick like a snickers bar and then he BIT THAT MAN'S DICK and the island ancestors came down and told me to my face I gotta respect that level of audacity and gumption I've got no choice that is Mariah Carey levels of iconic
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