#sooo.... like/reblog this if y'all want a starter?
songveined-blog · 7 years
(i want more threads,,)
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dynamiteabs · 5 years
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          So I've been thinking for awhile now, and for my sanity, my blogs will be going private & selective this week as soon as I finish my revised rules page which is in the works right meow. For a good chunk of y'all nothing will change though. I accidentally wrote a lot so tldr at the bottom.
          I hate the word selective, it sounds snobby. But I guess by now people understand it just means something like I can't think of any plots for these two, sorry, or I don't think these two characters/our writing will mesh/meshes well. Like there's only so many hours in the day, and as much as I love a challenge, you can't go forcing something if it's just not right. We're here to have fun.
          Around this time last year I got burnt out on my main muses I'd been playing for years and took a break until November when I couldn't resist and Junkrat had to come out to play. During that break, I tried to figure out what caused the burn out, and I'm pretty sure most of it was me trying to make everyone else happy, which ironically, didn’t make me happy in the long run.
          It was a ton of small stuff that added up over time, mostly. I don’t want to go into it all but to give an example -- I’d been RPing with someone’s oc a long time on one of my main canon characters. And yeah, her oc was kinda self inserty, and that was fine because I know how tough it is, especially for female ocs to get decent rp. I don’t remember how it happened but she said she wanted to rp with my oc, so I agreed but told her that I wanted to make icons first. So like a week and 300 icons later, I told her I was ready and we discussed it. I made the starter, and based on playing with her oc and knowing my oc’s personality, I thought they’d get along great. I’d also assumed she’d read some of my oc’s threads and knew how he was. Apparently not, because when she read the starter she laughed in a bad way and said her oc would punch him and storm off or something like that (he wasn’t being rude or mean or anything that would warrant a slap. Though he might have made a pun, but my canon muse made puns all the time and her oc loved them sooo). So I was like fine go for it, it’d be hilarious. But she meant she didn’t want to rp at all.
          That really sucked and I tried not to take it personally, but when you think someone’s your friend, and you’ve worked years on a character only to get slapped down by someone who just pulled something out their ass to ship with your canon character, I couldn’t let it go so I confronted her about it. Ultimately she said something along the lines of, “I don’t owe you anything.” I said fine, I’ll remember that. And since that went both ways, I stopped rping with her since I didn’t owe her bending my character to like hers when he normally wouldn’t. I mean, it’s true, we don’t owe each other anything. I’m just a dumbass who believes in wanting to make their friends happy even if it inconveniences myself I guess.
          Well not anymore! New Year’s resolution -- do what makes me and my muses happy and not worry about trying to please others. It’s going to be tough but by making my blogs private and selective, it’s a decent first step and will also help with keeping me sane with running multiple blogs. So yeah, I’m sorry in advance.
tldr; Going Private & Selective this week. Even if I unfollow you, you are awesome and an amazing writer and it is nothing personal! 💖 Some reasons I might unfollow you:
We’ve never interacted (ic and ooc).
We don’t have any threads going but I’ve attempted to send you asks for memes you reblog and you never answer them or send me any.
You don’t trim your posts. omg please trim your posts, friends! I even reblogged a tutorial of how to do it without any html knowledge. I don’t mind short untrimmed ones but when I have to scroll for like five to ten seconds at my desktop’s highass resolution... 👀
We have interacted, but our writing and/or characters just aren’t meshing. Again, nothing personal. Baby you’re a firewoooork~!
If you discriminate against OCs and/or ignore female muses (and no, giving female muses one liners every now and then doesn’t count as you rping with them).
          I will be soft-blocking those I unfollow for their convenience, so no worries. If, on the small chance you were following just to read my threads, feel free to re-follow and let my Junkrat entertain you. 💖
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